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German verbs A-D

german verbs A-DEnglish A-D
achten-achtet to pay attention, respect
an/erkennen-an/erkannt to recognize, acknowledge
an/fangen-an/fangt to begin
angeln-angelt to fish, angle
an/kommen-an/kommt to arrive
ändern-ändert to change, alter
an/griefen-an/griefet to attack
an/haben-an/hat to have on, wear
an/nehmen-an/nehmt to accept, assume
an/rufen to call up
antworten-antwortet to answer
an/ziehen-an/zieht to get dressed
arbeiten-arbeitet to work
ärgern-ärgert to annoy, irritate
atmen-atmet to breathe
auf/fallen-fällt/auf to stand out, attract attention
aus/kommen-aus/kommt to come out, have enough of, make do, get along with
aus/stellen-aus/stellt to exhibit
aus/ziehen-aus/zieht to undress
backen-bäckt to bake
baden-badet to bathe, swim
bauen-bauet to build
beben-bebet to quake, tremble
bedeuten-bedeutet to mean
bedienen-bedienet to serve oneself
befehlen-befehlt to command
befinden-befindet to be, find oneself
befreien-befreiet to set free
begegnen-begegnet to meet
beginnen-beginnt to begin
begleiten-begleitet to accompany
behalten-behaltet to keep
beissen-beisst to bite
bekommen-bekommt to get, receive
beleben-belebt to enliven,cheer
beleidigen-beleidiget to insult
bellen-bellet to bark
belohnen-belohnet to reward
bergen-birgt to recover. salvage
berichten-berichtet to report
bersten-birst to burst
besitzen-besitzt to own
bestellen-bestellt to order
besuchen-besucht to visit
beten-betet to pray
betrügen-betrügt to deceive,cheat
bewegen-bewegt to move
bezahlen-bezahlt to pay
biegen-biegt to bend
bieten-bietet to offer,bid
binden-bindet to tie
bitten-bittet to request, ask for
blasen-bläst to blow
bleiben-bleibt to stay
blicken-blicket to look, glance
blitzen-bliztet to flash
blühen- blühet to bloom
bluten-blutet to bleed
braten-bratet to fry,roast
brauchen-braucht to need
brauen-brauet to brew
brausen-brauset to shower,roar
brechen-brechet to break
brennen-brennet to burn
bringen-bringt to bring
brüllen- brüllet to roar, shout
bürsten- bürstet to brush
dürfen-darf to be allowed
dämmen-dämmet to dam, check, curb
dämmern- dämmert to dawn, fall
dampfen-dampfet to steam
dämpfen- dämpfet to muffle, damp
danken-danket to thank
dar/stellen-dar/stellt to show, portray
dämmen- dämmet to dam, check, curb
dauern-dauert to last, endure
decken-decket to cover, set
dehnen-dehnet to stretch
demonstrieren-demonstrieret to demonstrate
denken-denket to think
deuten-deutet to point, indicate
dichten-dichtet to caulk; write poetry
dienen-dienet to serve
dringen-dringet to urge, pierce
drucken-drucket to print
drücken-drücket to push, press; oppress
ducken-ducket to stoop, duck, humble
dürfen-darf to be permitted, allow
dürsten- dürstet to thirst, be thirsty
Created by: luv2mj07
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