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Repase y escriba Cp3

Capitulo 3 vocabulario

recortar to cutt off, out
torpe slow, clumsy
despavorido terrified
escolares school children
espuma foam
se hace oscuro to become dark
agujereadas filled with holes
gemir to whimper, howl
lesa dumb, stupid
potrero field
aparecidos ghosts, apparitions
espeso thick
bolsón backpack
de mala gana without enthusiasm
torcida twisted
resplandor light, glow
desorbitado wide open
a todo lo que daban as fast as possible
tambalear to lose balance
hilos threads
pavor terror
atascado stuck
tibieza warmth
rebotando bouncing
espantada very scared
chapotear to splash
enarbolar to raise up (as in a flag)
palo wood
madrugar to wake up early
leña firewood
fogata bonfire, campfire
chamuscado burnt
escarbar to scratch
agradar(le) to like
alcanzar(le) to have enough
caer(le) bien/mal to create a good/mal impression
convenir(le) to suit one's interests, to be good for
costar(le) trabajo to be hard
dar(le) lástima to feel sorry for
disgustar(le) to dislike
encantar(le) to be delighted with
extrañar(le) to be surprised
fascinar(le) to delight, be fascinated by
hacer(le) falta to need
importar(le) to matter
interesar(le) to interest
molestar(le) to bother
parecer(le) to seem
preocupar(le) to worry
quedar(le) to have left
quedar(le) bien/mal to fight right/badly
resultar(le) +adj to turn out to be (ajd)
sobrar(le) to have in excess
sorprender(le) to be surprised
tocar(le) el turno (una rifa) to be one's turn, to win (a raffle)
poner(lo) +adj to make one (adj)
top (toy) el trompo
big top (circus tent) la carpa
top (of a box, can) la tapa
top (of a mountain) la cima
top (of a regular car) el techo
top (of a convertible) la capota
top (of a page) la parte superior, la parte de arriba
top (of a tree) la copa
top de primera
the best, most important el/la mejor
top drawer el cajón (la gaveta) de arriba
top hat el sombrero de copa
top salary el sueldo más alto
top secret muy confidencial, secreto de estado
full to the top lleno hasta arriba
on top of (location) lleno hasta arriba
on top (with victory or success) victorioso/
to be at the top (highest place) ser el/la primero/a
from top to bottom de arriba a abajo
aun even
aún still, yet
mas but
más more
Created by: kstayer
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