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capital expenditures
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PPE, fixed assets, plant assets
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Int. Acct. I

Chapter 9: Acquisition and Disposition of Property, Plant, and Equipment

capital expenditures investments in property, plant, and equipment
PPE, fixed assets, plant assets include land, building structures (offices, factories, warehouses), and equipment (machinery, computers, vehicles, furniture, tools)
historical cost the basis for valuing property, plant, and equipment
land improvements structural additions with limited lives that are made to land
equipment includes assets used in operations, such as store checkout counters, office furniture, factory machinery, and delivery trucks
self-constructed assets direct labor associated with a construction project
asset retirement obligations the costs are referred to as asset retirement costs (ARC)
accretion expense a periodic expense recognized when updating the present value of a balance sheet liability
qualifying assets: basic principle interest cost incurred during construction of fixed assets is part of the cost of acquiring the assets and preparing them for their intended use
capitalization period the period of time during which a company must capitalize interest.
avoidable interest The amount of interest cost that a company could theoretically avoid if it had not made expenditures for the asset.
actual interest includes the current period actual interest on all debt. Need to prorate the interest calculation if the loan was taken out or paid off during the current year
weighted average accumulated expenditures (WAAE) # months during the capitalization window the expenditure is outstanding/12
lump-side purchases use relative fair market value to allocate the purchase price among the assets
Issuance of stock use the FMV of the stock given up if reliable/available; otherwise, use the FMV of the asset received
nonmonetary assets an exchange for one asset for another
commercial substance a transaction in which the future cash flows change because of the transaction or the the two economic positions change
prudent cost an exception to the historical cost principle includes charging an assets value to high then incurring a loss
additions increase or extension of existing assets. Capitalize and depreciate the cost of the addition because a new asset was created
improvements and replacements substitution of an improved asset for an existing one. Capitalize and depreciate using one of three allowable methods.
rearrangement and reinstallation movement of assets from one location to another. Capitalize the costs unless future benefit is questionable.
repairs expenditures that maintain assets in condition for operation; expense as incurred because the benefit is likely less than one accounting cycle
improvement (betterment) the substitution of a better asset for the one currently used (say, a concrete floor for a wooden floor)
replacement the substitution of a similar asset (a wooden floor for a wooden floor)
ordinary repairs to maintain plant assets in operating condition
major repairs such as an overhaul occurs, several periods will benefit.
involuntary conversion an asset's service is terminated such as fire. flood, theft, or condemnation
contribution some type of asset (such as cash, securities, land, or buildings), services, or use of facilities, but it also could be the forgiveness of a debt
Created by: ryanriggs18
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