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Span3 Unit3 SB

Spanish 3 Unit 3 Speaking Bubbles

English SayingSpanish Saying
I can say good morning, good afternoon and goodnight buenos dias/tarde/noches
I can tell what the weather is like hace mucho frio
I can tell what today's date is hoy es quince de noviembre
I can say what day it is today, what it was yesterday and what it will be tomorrow hoy es martes. ayer fue lunes, manana va a ser miercoles
I can tell when my birthday is mi cumpleanos es vientesies de octubre
I can ask my parents to lend me some money madre me presta dinero
I can name a non-profit organization and tell what they do Street Wise es una despensa de comida y todos donar comida, organizar la comida, o distribuir la comida.
I can say I fulfill my responsibilities yo cumplo mi responsibilidades
I can name 2 places to volunteer at and what I can do there la volunteria a Street Wise es una despensa de comida. O gerente deportivo a escuela. Yo donar comida a Street Wise y a gerente deportivo yo para tomar la puntuación
I can list 2 ways to help my community audio en mi comunidad por tirar basura y voluntario en el hospital
I can tell a friend to help the volunteers drianna, ayuda a lost volunterios
I can formally tell someone to choose a budget plan senor, elija un plan de presupuesto
I can tell everyone to NOT liter the street todos, no tiren la basura en la calle
I can tell my group "let's get work on the project" trabajemos en el progecto
I can tell my parents not to send money padres, no gasten el dinero
I can list 2 ways to publicize a campaign para publicar una campana uso los volantes y el announcio de clasificado
I can tell what a photographer does tomar fotos
I can list 2 things that are done in news broadcast en noticiero dan tiempo y entrevistas
I can tell who uses closed captioning los sordos usan la subtitulacion
I can tell who writes the advice column for our newspaper escribe la columna de consejo para peridodeco
I can say "ask them for it" (it= interview) pidesela
I can say "don't give it to me now" (it= tape recorder) no me lo des ahora
I can say "brush them" (them= teeth) cepillatelos
I can list 2 things I did, that were fun this past weekend vi una pelicula con mi amigas y fui a un partido de fútbol
I can list 2 things that will be interesting to listen to tomorrow va a ser interesante escuchar el libro y musica
Created by: SofiaF2023
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