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Changes to home life

after US enters WW1

what form of entertainment became more popular? movies which showed lots of GB propaganda of Germany making Americans sympathize with Allies
What did the war department enact? (Newton Baker) 1. Selective Service Act 2. DRAFT for men ages 21-30 (later 18-45) 3.
Did women serve in the war? yes, worked as nurses, telephone operators, and secretaries
Were soldiers encourages to drink? NO
What type of test did recruits undergo? iq test, showed racial bias
Did the north or south resist the draft more? south, especially blacks
What did the War Industries Board do? (Bernard Baruch) 1) Exercised enormous control over all aspects of the economy - Hands-on 2) encourages company merges and monopolies 3) wanted to ensure production efficiency
Fuel Admin (Harry Garfield) 1) Controlled coal output 2) regulated fuel prices and consumption 3) instituted Daylight Savings Time. 4) was voluntary
Food Admin (Herbert Hoover) 1) Oversaw production and allocation of foodstuffs, especially meat, wheat, and sugar 2) Through propaganda, asked citizens to voluntarily decrease consumption 3) "Meatless Mondays" "Wheatless Wednesdays"
National War Labor Board 1) Worked to settle labor disputes rapidly so as to prevent strikes. 2) 8 hr work day 3) increase wages
Railroad Admin (William G. McAdoo) 1) Promoted mergers and standardization to improve efficiency in war production, transportation, and communication. 2) stopped trustbusting
Treasury Department Liberty Bonds (William G. McAdoo) - ⅔ of the war paid by liberty loans - ⅓ of war paid by taxes
Comittee on public Info (George Creel) 1) Sponsored much propaganda to present a positive view on the war. 2) Inspired anti-German hysteria across the country 3) Liberty pups, liberty cabbage, etc.
Supreme Court (espionage and sedition acts) 1) espionage act - fines/prison sentences for anti war activities 2) sedition act - penalties for speaking out against government/military 3) Schenck v. United States - freedom of speech can be limited during wartime
Created by: kayla57575
Popular History sets




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