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CLST102: Test 4

Intro to Greek Civilization Week 10-12 Test

Greek Alphabet developed from the phoenecian alphabet; in 800-750 bce
Athens changes Alphabet they use the alphabet used in melatos; in 403 bce
Nestor's Cup from pithekoussai; 725 bce; early example of the alphabet; joking reference to the iliad
Books in Classical Period it transitioned from oral tradition to written texts during the classical period
Alexandria the rulers, ptolemies, worked to make it a cultural center of greece
Scholars in Museums specialized in textual criticism, they were trying to make standard editions of works
Papyri most as found in digs in egypt because deserts work well to preserve them
Lyric Poetry only done in papyri; sappho and alkaios were aristocrats of the island of lesbos who introduced lyric poetry
Sappho the most famous female poet in ancient greece
Epics expansion on homer's works by other authors after him; spectacular characters w supernatural powers and monsters still present
Monsters used as tools to conceptualize the various aspects of human condition and explore these concepts
Ekhidna mother of the monsters
Philosophia philosophy; meaning "love of knowledge"; another way to reflect on the human experience besides fiction
Thales of Miletos ca. 580 bce; primary principle is water; nature as a complete, self-ordering system with no divine intervention; "all things are full of gods"; water is in everything and everything is divine
Anaximander of Miletos primary principle is "apeiron" or boundless; earth is floating in space unsupported, celestial bodies rotate in circles around the earth
Anaximenes of Miletos primary principle is air, and all elements are air at different stages of density
Xenophanes of Kolophon we cant know anything about the gods with certainty; had an issue with homer and hesiod attributing immoral behaviour of men to the gods
Herakleitos of Ephesos no single element is the principle, instead there are interchange of opposites that balance each other
Logos work
"You Cannot Step into the Same River Twice" herakleitos of ephesos; the river flows and stays the same, it must flow to remain a stable thing
Parmenides of Eleia logic is the only tool to know the world and observation is unreliable; "what is" is real, but "what is not" cannot exist
Zeno associate of parmenides; known for his paradoxes on impossibility of motion
Paradox contrary to popular belief
Empedokles of Akragras everything is produced by the mixing and separation of four elements, moved y strife and love
Demokritos of Abdera atomist theory = matter is made of invisible particles
Atamoi sing. atomos; meaning indivisable
Void space
Pythagoras of Samos early accounts have him as a religious leader; led a community who had to follow strict rules around morality and dietary restrictions
Early Philosophy open to personal inquiry, used to question common opinions and norms
Origins of Early Philosopher's all from port cities not mainland greece, mostly colonies in italy and turkey
Phrontisterion "think tank"; socrates' private school
Rhetoric professional public speaking; a good skill in athenian society
Teisias and Korax from Syracuse wrote textbook on art of speaking
Peitho persuasion
Gorgios of Leontinoi famous sophist; wrote "praise of helen"
Sophokles Technical Manual wrote on tragedy
Iktonos Technical Manual wrote on the building of the parthenon
Hippodamos of Miletos Technical Manual wrote on town planning and civil engineering; invented dividing the city into blocks; wrote on best constitutions
Polysleitos "Canon" wrote a technical manual on the symmetry of the human body; for sculptors to use
Protagoras of Abdera one of the most famous sophists; "man is the measure of all things"
Nomos custom, law, culture; people follow their nomos
Phusis nature
Moral Relativism your morals changing based on your nomoi
Historia history; meaning research, inquiry
Logographoi prose writers; compilers of genealogic/ethnographical/geographical material; most famous is hekataois
Herodotus called the "father of history"; looked at the persian wars; tried to verify the accounts and included lots of different accounts, also his own opinion
Thucydides wrote on the peloponnesian war; didnt rely on personal opinion; questioned evidence
New Standards in History focus on verifiable facts; pay attention to chronology; less focus on myths/gods arent a factor in human actions
Tyche fortune
Dramas only performed at festivals
Great Dionysia festival with tragedy, satyr play, comedy, etc; established in the 6th century by Peisistratos
Eponymous Arkhon received the submission and supervised the dramas
Khoregos sponsor/manager who was required to fund the dramas
Dionusou Technitai actors of dionysos
Rural Dionysia held in demes; smaller scale
Lenaia a festival that had both comedy and tragedy; took place in february
Prizes for Dramas would be judged by a panel of 10, the dramtist got a crown and money; the khoregos got to erect a statue
Deus Ex Machina "god from the machine"; crane system used to lower statues of the gods
The Chorus commented on the events happening to the characters; wouldnt be on the main stage and didnt participate in the main action
Tragoidia tragedy; comes from "song of goats"; mainly mythological themes and not much modern politics; used to examine human experiences and dilemmas
The Oresteia written by aiskhlos; followed agamemnons sacrifice of his daughter, his wife killing him, and the revenge of orestes
The Persians a tragedy on the persian war; one of our only historical plays
Sophokles introduced the third actor; wrote oedipous tyrannos and antigone
Euripides wrote medeia
Stykhos line
Stichomythia each speaker speaks one line at a time; traditional dialogue style
Satyr Play followed the three tragedies to lighten the mood; cyclops by euripides is the only surviving one
Komoidia comedy; means song of the komos (drunk group of people after the symposium)
Menander most important new comedy poet; only complete work is dyskolos
Tekhne work of art; generally refers to anything that required skill
Kouros young man; heavily inspired by egyptian art
Pheidias supervisor of the parthenon project
Iktinos and Kallikrates architects of the parthenon project
Created by: summer0
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