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Fitness Exam 2 5

Fitness Exam 2

Flexibility The ability to move joints freely through their full range of motion
Five structural limitations to movement 1. The shape of bones 2. Stiff muscles 3. Connective tissues (ligaments & cartilage) 4. Tendons 5. Tight skin
Benefits of Flexibility • Increased joint mobility • More efficient body movement • Better posture • Prevents lower back pain (LBP) –Hypokinetic disease
Posture The position of your joints that you hold while standing or sitting
Good posture: body in alignment Holding positions that place the least amount of strain on supporting muscles and ligaments of a joint
Bad posture: body out of alignment Holding positions that stretch muscles on one side of joint, while shortening them on other side (over time leads to pain/joint damage)
Routine strength and flexibility exercises help correct imbalances and prevent future problems
Benefits of good posture:(1) –Minimizes joint wear and prevents arthritis –Reduces stress on the ligaments in the spine –Prevents spinal nerve stress/associated pains –Prevents muscle fatigue(2)
Benefits of good posture:(2) –Prevents strains or overuse problems –Prevents backache and muscular pain –Contributes to good appearance (2)
Assessing Flexibility No single test can measure total body flexibility
Sit-and-reach test –Measures ability to flex the trunk –Focuses on lower back muscles & hamstrings
Shoulder flexibility test –Measures range of motion at the shoulder
FITT for Flexibility • Prescription will vary depending on initial flexibility level • Exercises should be static or PNF stretches
• Starter phase – Frequency: 2 sessions per week – Intensity: 5-minute session/hold for 10 seconds/mild discomfort – Time/duration: 3 weeks
• Slow progression phase – Frequency: 3–4 sessions per week – Intensity: 10–30-minute sessions/hold for 15–30 seconds/mild discomfort – Time/duration: 6–12 weeks
• Maintenance phase – Frequency: 4–5 sessions per week – Intensity: 30-minute sessions/hold stretches up to 30 seconds – Time/duration: start after about week 16 depending on progress
• Dynamic stretching – Goal is to prepare body to exercise – Conducted prior to exercise and highly recommended – Fluid, controlled motion of joint through full ROM – Increases blood flow to muscles/joints – Increases neuromuscular activity between CNS and PNS
• Ballistic stretching – Rapid, forceful, bouncing movements – More likely to cause injury and thus not recommended
• Static stretching – Goal is to increase flexibility and recover from exercise – Most effective method to increase flexibility at end of exercise, not prior to exercise – Slow lengthening of muscles, held for fixed periods
• Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) – Series of motions combining stretching with alternately contracting and relaxing muscles • Relies on contract-relax (CR) and contract- relax/antagonist contract (CRAC) stretching
Created by: MathMatt
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