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AP Spanish

Spanish 2 Review

el banco bank
el centro downtown
el consultorio doctor's office
la estación de servicio gas station
la farmacia pharmacy
el supermercado supermarket
el buzón mailbox
la carta letter
echar una carta to mail a letter
el correo post office
enviar to send
el sello stamp
la tarjeta card
el equipo deportivo sports equipment
el palo de golf golf club
la raqueta de tenis tennis racket
el cepillo de dientes toothbrush
el champú shampoo
la pasta dental toothpaste
el jabón soap
se me olvidó I forgot
cerrar to close
cobrar un cheque to cash a check
cuidar a to take care of
el dentista dentist
devolver un libro to return a book
la gasolina gasoline
ir a pie to go on foot
el médico doctor
llenar el tanque to fill the tank
sacar un libro to take out a book
se abre it opens
se cierra it closes
caramba good gracious
casi almost
Cómo no Of course
en seguida right away
hasta until
la pelota ball
los patines skates
voy I go
vas you go
va he goes
vamos we go
vais you guys go
van they go
soy I am
eres you are
es he is
somos we are
sois you guys are
son they are
tengo I have
tienes you have
tiene he has
tenemos we have
tenéis you guys have
tienen they have
acostarse to go to bed
afeitarse to shave
arreglarse el pelo to fix one's hair
bañarse to take a bath
cepillarse los dientes to brush one's teeth
cortarse el pelo to cut one's hair
despertarse to wake up
ducharse to take a shower
levantarse to get up
lavarse la cara to wash one's face
pedir prestado to borrow
pintarse las uñas to paint one's nails
ponerse to put on
prepararse to get ready
secarse to dry off
vestirse to get dressed
el agua de colonia cologne
el cepillo brush
el cinturón belt
el desodorante deodorant
la ducha shower
el gel gel
las joyas jewelry
los labios lips
el maquillaje makeup
el peine comb
el pelo hair
el salón de belleza beauty salon
el secador blow dryer
la toalla towel
las uñas nails
la audición audition
la boda wedding
la cita date
el concurso contest
un evento especial special event
entusiasmado excited
nervioso nervous
tranquilo calm
antes de before
cómodo comfortable
depende it depends
elegante elegant
lentamente slowly
luego then
por ejemplo for example
rápidamente quickly
te ves bien you look good
aprender de memoria to memorize
contestar to answer
dar un discurso to give a speech
discutir to discuss
explicar to explain
hacer una pregunta to ask a question
el informe report
el laboratorio laboratory
la palabra word
pedir ayuda to ask for help
el proyecto project
sacar una buena nota to get a good grade
a tiempo on time
entregar to turn in
llegar tarde to arrive late
prestar atención to pay attention
la regla rule
respetar to respect
se prohíbe it's forbidden
el armario locker
el asiento seat
el carnet de identidad ID card
la cinta adhesiva tape
la grapadora stapler
los materiales materials
las tijeras scissors
alguien someone
algún any
nadie no one
ningún none
conocer to be familiar with
sobre about
abrir to open
aprender to learn
arreglar to straighten
ayudar to help
bailar to dance
bajar to download, to go down
beber to drink
bucear to snorkel
buscar to look for
caminar to walk
cantar to sing
celebrar to celebrate
cocinar to cook
comer to eat
compartir to share
comprar to buy
comprender to understand
comunicar to communicate
correr to run
cortar to cut
crear to create
creer to believe
deber to ought to
decidir to decide
decorar to decorate
descansar to rest
desear to want
dibujar to draw
enseñar to teach
entrar to enter
enviar to send
escribir to write
escuchar to listen
esquiar to ski
estudiar to study
faltar to be missing
grabar to record
hablar to talk
lavar to wash
leer to read
levantar to lift
limpiar to clean
llamar to call
llevar to wear
mirar to look at
montar to ride
nadar to swim
navegar to navegate
necesitar to need
pagar to pay
pasar to pass
pasear to go around
patinar to skate
practicar to practice
preparar to prepare
quedarse to stay
quitar to take off, to remove
recibir to receive
reciclar to recycle
regresar to return, to go back
romper to break
sacar to take, to take out
terminar to end
tocar to touch, to play (an instrument)
tomar to take
trabajar to work
usar to use
vender to sell
viajar to travel
costar to cost
doler to hurt
dormir to sleep
empezar to begin
jugar to play
llover to rain
nevar to snow
pedir to ask for
poder to be able
preferir to prefer
querer to want
sentarse to sit
sentir to feel
servir to serve
venir to come
dar to give
decir to say, to tell
estar to be
hacer to do, to make
ir to go
mantener to maintain
parecer to seem
poner to put, to place
saber to know
salir to go out
ser to be
tener to have
traer to bring
ver to see
contestar to answer
discutir to discuss
explicar to explain
entregar to turn in
llegar to arrive
prestar to lend
respetar to respect
conocer to be familiar with
almorzar to have lunch
entender to understand
repetir to repeat
ensayar to rehearse
asistir to attend
ganar to win
participar to participate
volver to go back
acostarse to go to bed
afeitarse to shave
arreglarse to straighten one's self
bañarse to bathe
cepillarse to brush
despertarse to wake up
ducharse to take a shower
levantarse to get up
pintar to paint
ponerse to put on
prepararse to get ready
secarse to dry off
vestirse to get dressed
gastar to spend
escoger to choose
probarse to try on
anunciar to announce
encontrar to find
cobrar to cash (a check)
echar to mail
enviar to send
cerrar to close
cuidar to take care
devolver to return
llenar to fill
la avenida avenue
el camión truck
la carretera highway
el conductor driver
el cruce de calles intersection
la cuadra block
la esquina corner
la estatua statue
la fuente fountain
el peatón pedestrian
el permiso de manejar driver's license
la plaza plaza
el policía police officer
poner una multa to give a ticket
el puente bridge
el semáforo stoplight
la señal de alto stop sign
el tráfico traffic
ancho wide
basta enough
de acuerdo agreed
dejar to leave, let
déjame en paz leave me alone
despacio slowly
esperar to wait
estar seguro to be sure
estrecho narrow
Me estás poniendo nervioso you're making me nervous
peligroso dangerous
quitar to remove
tener cuidado to be careful
ya already
aproximadamente approximately
cómo se va how do you get to
complicado complicated
cruzar to cross
derecho straight
desde from
doblar to turn
en medio de in the middle of
hasta up to
manejar to drive
el metro subway
parar to stop
pasar to pass
por by, through
quedar to be located
seguir to continue
tener prisa to be in a hurry
las actividades extracurriculares extracurricular activities
el ajedrez chess
el club club
el club atlético athletic club
el equipo team
la fotografía photography
el fotógrafo photographer
los jóvenes young people
el miembro member
ser miembro to be a member
el pasatiempo pastime
la práctica practice
la reunión meeting
la animadora cheerleader
las artes marciales martial arts
hacer gimnasia to do gymnastics
el hockey hockey
jugar a los bolos to bowl
la natación swimming
la banda band
el bailarín dancer
la canción song
el cantante singer
el coro chorus
ensayar to rehearse
el ensayo rehearsal
el músico musician
la orquesta orquestra
la voz voice
asistir to attend
ganar to win
grabar to record
participar to participate
tomar lecciones to take lessons
volver to return
crear una página web to create a web page
hacer una búsqueda to do a search
navegar en la Red to surf the web
visitar salones de chat to visit chat rooms
entre among
el interés interest
la oportunidad opportunity
estar en línea to be online
práctica practice
la entrada entrance
la salida exit
la ganga bargain
el letrero sign
la liquidación sale
el mercado market
claro light
de solo un color solid colored
oscuro dark
pastel pastel
vivo bright
¿De qué está hecho? What is it made of?
Está hecho de.. It's made of..
el algodón cotton
el cuero leather
la lona wool
la seda silk
tela sintética synthetic fabric
alto high
bajo low
la caja cash register
la cajera the cashier (female)
el cheque personal personal check
el cheque de viajero traveler's check
el cupón de regalo gift certificate
en efectivo cash
gastar to spend
el precio price
tan so
tarjeta de crédito credit card
apretado tight
escoger to choose
estar de moda to be in fashion
el estilo style
exagerado outrageous
flojo loose
la marca brand
mediano medium
el número shoe size
probarse to try on
la talla size
anunciar to announce
encontrar to find
en realidad really
me importa it matters to me
inmediatamente immediately
me parece it seems to me
¿Qué te parece? What do you think?
recientemente Recently
pintarse to paint one's (lips, nails)
me pinto I paint my..
te pintas You paint your..
se pinta He paints his.. /She paints her..
nos pintamos We paint our..
os pintáis You guys paint your..
se pintan They paint their..
lavarse to wash one's.. (hands, face, hair)
me lavo I wash my..
te lavas you wash your..
se lava he washes his..
nos lavamos we wash our..
os laváis you guys wash your..
se lavan they wash their..
cepillarse to brush one's.. (hair, teeth)
me cepillo I brush my..
te cepillas you brush your..
se cepilla he brushes his..
nos cepillamos we brush our..
os cepilláis you guys brush your..
se cepillan they brush their
secarse to dry one's self
me seco I dry myself
te secas You dry yourself
se seca He dries himself
nos secamos we dry ourselves
os secáis you guys dry yourselves
se secan they dry themselves
afeitarse To shave one's self
me afeito I shave myself
te afeitas You shave yourself
se afeita He shaves himself
nos afeitamos We shave ourselves
os afeitáis you guys shave yourselves
se afeitan They shave themselves
cortarse to cut one's own.. (hair, nails)
me corto I cut my..
te cortas you cut your..
se corta he cuts his..
nos cortamos we cut our..
os cortáis you guys cut your..
se cortan they cut their..
despertarse (e-ie) to wake up
me despierto I wake up
te despiertas you wake up
se despierta he wakes up
nos despertamos we wake up
os despertáis you guys wake up
se despiertan they wake up
levantarse to get up
me levanto I get up
te levantas you get up
se levanta he gets up
nos levantamos we get up
os levantáis you guys get up
se levantan they get up
ducharse to take a shower
me ducho I take a shower
te duchas you take a shower
se ducha he takes a shower
nos duchamos we take a shower
os ducháis you guys take a shower
se duchan they take a shower
bañarse to take a bath
me baño I take a bath
te bañas you take a bath
se baña he takes a bath
nos bañamos we take a bath
os bañáis You guys take a bath
se bañan they take a bath
acostarse to go to bed
me acuesto I go to bed
te acuestas you go to bed
se acuesta he goes to bed
nos acostamos we go to bed
os acostáis You guys go to bed
se acuestan They go to bed
ponerse to put on
me pongo I put on
te pones you put on
se pone he puts on
nos ponemos we put on
os ponéis you guys put on
se ponen they put on
vestirse to get dressed
me visto I get dressed
te vistes you get dressed
se viste he gets dressed
nos vestimos we get dressed
os vestís you guys get dressed
se visten they get dressed
abrir to open
aprender to learn
arreglar to straighten
ayudar to help
bailar to dance
bajar to download, to go down
beber to drink
bucear to snorkel
buscar to look for
caminar to walk
cantar to sing
celebrar to celebrate
cocinar to cook
comer to eat
compartir to share
comprar to buy
comprender to understand
comunicar to communicate
correr to run
cortar to cut
crear to create
creer to believe
deber to ought to
decidir to decide
decorar to decorate
descansar to rest
desear to want
dibujar to draw
enseñar to teach
entrar to enter
enviar to send
escribir to write
escuchar to listen
esquiar to ski
estudiar to study
faltar to be missing
grabar to record
hablar to talk
lavar to wash
leer to read
levantar to lift
limpiar to clean
llamar to call
llevar to wear
mirar to look at
montar to ride
nadar to swim
navegar to navegate
necesitar to need
pagar to pay
pasar to pass
pasear to go around
patinar to skate
practicar to practice
preparar to prepare
quedarse to stay
quitar to take off, to remove
recibir to receive
reciclar to recycle
regresar to return, to go back
romper to break
sacar to take, to take out
terminar to end
tocar to touch, to play (an instrument)
tomar to take
trabajar to work
usar to use
vender to sell
viajar to travel
costar to cost
doler to hurt
dormir to sleep
empezar to begin
jugar to play
llover to rain
nevar to snow
pedir to ask for
poder to be able
preferir to prefer
querer to want
sentarse to sit
sentir to feel
servir to serve
venir to come
dar to give
decir to say, to tell
estar to be
hacer to do, to make
ir to go
mantener to maintain
parecer to seem
poner to put, to place
saber to know
salir to go out
ser to be
tener to have
traer to bring
ver to see
hablo I talk
hablas you talk
habla he talks
hablamos we talk
habláis you guys talk
hablan they talk
hablé I talked
hablaste you talked
habló he talked
hablamos we talked
hablasteis you guys talked
hablaron they talked
como I eat
comes you eat
come he eats
comemos we eat
coméis you guys eat
comen they eat
comí I ate
comíste you ate
comió he ate
comimos we ate
comisteis you guys ate
comieron they ate
vivo I live
vives you live
vive he lives
vivimos we live
vivís you guys live
viven they live
viví I lived
vivíste you lived
vivió he lived
vivimos we lived
vivisteis you guys lived
vivieron they lived
Created by: jiyapatel57790
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