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Diversity 1


La Haine Hate
garde à vue custody
démarre begins
bagarres fights
le bitume asphalt
la bague ring
l'affiche poster
un maghrébin a North African
On les suits we follow
l'apparition appearances
attise breeds
également also
énonce narrates
nous dévoile reveals to us
l'atterisage landing
la confortation showdown
réussire succeeds
un merguez sausage
balayé swept away
chagrine sorrow
a conduit led to
tandis whilst
appuyés relied
décennies decades
avaient encore still have
au-dela beyond
méprisés despised
persécutés persecuted
développent on the rise
témoigner de to talk about
en tant que as
méfiance mistrust
susciter to stimulate
rancune bitterness
pierre stones
m'empêcher prevent
du coup so
repli sur soi withdraw
èclate snap
gérer deal with
franchie to cross
embauche hiring
maîtriser master
atout advantage
étape stage
fameuse famous
affronter confront
palpable palpable
l'embauche hiring
change de tête change your mind
la traite de called them
coutume customs
l'auto-exclusion self-exclusion
barrages dams
la fillette little girl
souvient-elle she remembers
un deuil morning
éteinte passed away
chérissait cherished
rassurante reassured
exsangue hopeless/ exhausted
démantèlement dismantling
imperturbale steady
disparition disappearance
ressentie felt
la cadre plan/ frame
baptisée baptised/ named
à travers across
la perception perceptions
devaient were to
menance threat
plutôt rather
compètence skills
auparavant before
à l'égard des with regard to
enseignement information
vivement strongly
à part separate
pérennité permanent
cibles target
troublant worrying
ancré dans rooted in
constats finding
demeurant to remain
racines roots
affaiblissement weakening
engendrer to bring about
boucs émissaires scape goat
véhicules spread
Created by: Zoe 1
Popular French sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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