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2015 Q.1
2015 Q.1 Reading Compehension Leaving Certificate
Term | Definition |
convivial | pleasant / friendly |
au secours | help |
des SDF | homeless people |
un accueil de jour | a day care centre |
des centaines de | hundreds of |
les couloirs | the corridors |
un lieu | a place |
un abri | a shelter |
assis par terre | sitting on the ground |
tendant parfois la main | putting out their hand sometimes |
ils y passent la journée | they spend the day their |
(du) parquet | wooden floor |
mobilier moderne | modern furniture |
la noirceur | the darkness |
étroits | narrow |
faire une lessive | to wash ones clothes |
des vêtements propres | clean clothes |
un canapé | a couch |
jouer au flipper | to play pinball |
un siège | a seat |
c'est dur | it's hard |
les gens | the people |
enregistrent | record / register |
ce qui est primordial | what is most important |
le but | the aim / the goal |
tout de suite | immediately |
devant un ordi(nateur) | in front of a computer |
casse(r) la croûte | to have a bite to eat |
ragoût | stew |
il ne sait plus | he doesn't know |
il se régale | he is really enjoying (his meal) |
sans juger | without judging |
suivi médical | medical follow-up |
encadrée | supported / guided |
avec qui il a perdu le lien | with whom he has lost contact |
reprendre pied | to get back on ones feet |