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Second World War 3
Term | Definition |
la veille | just before |
disparaissent | disappeared |
les camps de la mort | death camps |
les bombardements | bombings |
propaganda | propaganda |
rennais | rained |
déversées | dumped |
visant | aiming |
le jour-J | D-day |
la bataille qui suit | the battle that follow |
le couvre-feu | curfew |
la défense passive | civil defence |
de tenter | to try |
d'occulter | blackouts |
les volets | shutters |
sirènes d'alerte | air raid sirens |
annonçaient | announcing |
préablement | advanced |
abris soutterains | underground shelter |
vue | point of view |
la convention | agreement |
métropoliataine | mainland |
démarcation | dividing line |
la souveraineté | sovrenity |
s'exerce | exercised |
de fait | in fact |
inféode | subservant |
pillage | looting germans taking what they wanted |
autonome | independent |
Pologne | Poland |
soumission | submission |
s'accentue | accentuated |
à la suite | following |
franchir | to cross |
auprès | with |
lié | linked |
les armes | weapons |
l'arrestation | arrests |
les atrocités | atrocities |
le collaborateur | someone who helped the Germans |
la concession | compromise |
dénoncer | betrayal |
déporter | sent to concentration camp |
l'engagement | commitment |
un ersatz | substitute |
la faim | hunger |
le fasciste | fascist |
les faux papiers | fake papers |
la file d'attente | queue |
la libération | liberation |
matières premières | raw materials |
la Gestapo | the Gestapo (secrete state police of Nazi) |
le parachutage | parachuter |
le parti | political paryy |
la planque | hideaway |
les privations | deprivation |
la rafle | round up |
le ravitaillement | supplying |
le recensement | census |
le STO | French men were sent to work in Germany |
le tract | leaflet |
le troc | barter |
familles d'accueil | host families |
déraillés | derailled |
prudent | careful |
surcroît | in addition |
rémission | break |
godillots | combat boots |
traction | engine |
je me gonflais comme un boeuf | I swelled up with pride |
réquisition | taken |
légère | light |
provisoirment | for now |
vélometer | moped |
bourgeois | middle class |
retire | surrender |
revendre | return |
clefs | gear |
neufs | brand new |
coup | blow |
périodiquement | from time to time |
valait | cost |
omniprésente | unwanted |
en valeur | emphasise |
conservant | conserved |
propagateur | propaganda |
se divertir | entertained |
dès | from |
emprise | held |
réelle | real |
la censor | suppression |
s'enchaîner | follow on |
primoridial | mojor |
la dureté | hardship |
choix moraux | moral choice |
des échanges | exchanges |
prélèvements | specimens |
de base | basic |
se procurer | to get |
introuvables | not found |
l'appel | the call |
nourrir | to feed |
de disposer | to have |
de couvrir | discover |
les envies | cravings |
aisément | easily |
fournit | provide |
d'échanges | echange |
évoluer | change |
voies | lanes |
rapporte | reports |
la renommée | fame |
la croissance | growth |
la garantie | warranty |
pénurie de carbuant | fuel shortage |
critères | standard |
dotés | entrusted |