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Y11 Listening Mock

Spanish Listening Mock

frío cold
viento wind
lluvia rain
cerrado closed
abierto open
el voluntariado voluntary work
entrevista interview
periodista journalist
bombero fire fighter
salvar vidas to save lives
ayudar a to help
cuidar de to look after (care for)
aconsejar to advise
cambiar to change
conducir to drive
crear to create
esperar to wait for / hope
ahorrar to save
gastar to spend (money)
pagar to pay
tener que to have to
aprovechar to benefit / enjoy / make the most of
desgraciadamente unfortunately
ponerse to put on
me puse I put on (past preterite tense)
maquillaje makeup
talla size
inaguantable unbearable
probador changing room
caja box / till
tienda shop / tent
de segunda mano second hand
puesto /trabajo / empleo job
por otro lado on the other hand
inconveniente disadvantage
las redes sociales social networking sites
vestido dress
billete ticket
viaje (escolar ) (school) trip
llaves keys
enfadado/a angry
el tiempo the weather
los idiomas / las lenguas languages
un recorrido a journey
a la derecha on / to the right
a la izquierda on / to the left
preocuparse to worry
el medio ambiente the environment
vuelo flight
descuento discount
reciclar to recycle
basura rubbish
una reunión a meeting
caridad charity
alquilar to hire
viajar to travel
entrada entry / entrance ( ticket)
país country
curso course
poner una queja to put a complaint in
primero first
segundo second
tercer third
horario working hours / timetable
salario salary
regalo present
zapatillas de deporte trainers
ir de compras to go shopping
enero January
ropa clothes
zapatos shoes
brillar to shine
llover to rain
permiso (de conducir) driving permit / licence
Estados Unidos USA
chaqueta jacket
Created by: srudda
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