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Auténtico 2 Cap. 2B
Term | Definition |
la entrada | entrance |
la ganga | bargain, good deal |
el letrero | sign |
la liquidación (las liquidaciones) | sale |
el mercado | market |
la salida | departure, exit |
claro, clara | light |
de sólo un color | solid-colored |
oscuro, oscura | dark, dim |
pastel | pastel |
vivo, viva | bright |
¿De qué está hecho? o ¿De qué está hecha? | What is it made of? |
algodón | cotton |
cuero | leather |
lana | wool |
seda | silk |
tela sintética | synthetic fabric |
alto, alta | tall, high |
bajo, baja | short, low |
la caja | box, cash register |
el cajero, la cajera | cashier |
el cheque | check |
el cheque personal | personal check |
el cheque de viajero | traveler's check |
el cupón de regalo (los cupones de regalo) | gift certificate |
en efectivo | cash |
gastar | to spend (money) |
el precio | price |
tan + adjective | so + adjective |
la tarjeta de crédito | credit card |
apretado, apretada | tight-fitting |
escoger (g-j in yo form) | to choose |
estar de moda | to be in fashion/style |
el estilo | style, fashion |
exagerado, exagerada | outrageous, exaggerated |
flojo, floja | loose-fitting |
la marca | brand (of product) make (of car) |
mediano, mediana | medium |
el número | shoe size |
probarse (o-ue) | to try on |
la talla, el tamaño | clothing size |
anunciar | to announce, to advertise |
encontrar (o-ue) | to find, to meet |
en realidad | really |
me importa, me importan | it matters to me (they matter to me) |
te importa, te importan | it matters to you (they matter to you) |
inmediatamente | immediately |
me parece | it seems to me |
¿Qué te parece? | What do you think? How does it seem to you? |
recientemente | lately, recently |