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french midterm

french midterm review

amical(e) friendly
l'amitié friendship
le pote friend, pal
le rapport relationship, connection
digne de confiance trustworthy
drôle funny, comical
fier/fière proud
orgueilleux/orgueilleuse pretentious, arrogant
ouvert/ouverte d'esprit open-minded
les activités entre ami(e)s group activities
avoir confiance en to trust in
avoir un intérêt en commun to have a common interest
compter sur quelqu'un to count on someone
parler derrière le dos de quelqu'un to gossip
rigoler to laugh and have fun
s'aimer (bien) to like each other (well)
s'amuser to have fun (together)
se disputer to argue with each other
s'écouter to listen to each other
s'entendre (bien/mal) to get along (well/badly) with one another
s'inviter to invite each other
se réconcilier to reconcile with one another
se retrouver to meet up with each other
avoir hâte (de/d') to be excited (to), to look forward (to)
avoir la trouille to be afraid
l'enseignant(e) teacher
interdit(e) forbidden
permettre de'/d' to permit, to allow
refuser (de/d') to refuse
retrouver toute la bande de copains to meet up with friends
la veille the day/evening before
la colony de vacances summer camp
l'émission TV show
se faire mal to hurt oneself
la fois the time
gagner to win
il y a (deux semaines) (two weeks) ago
patiner to skate
la peluche stuffed animal
perdre to lose
la soirée pyjama sleepover
la sortie outing
se souvenir de/d' to remember
le terrain de jeux playground
tomber to fall down
l'argent de poche spending money
autonome autonomous
la bonne estime de soi self-confidence
la confiance en soi self-confidence
confidant(e) confident
prendre en main to take charge
se senator écouté(e)(s) to feel listened to
se valoriser to value oneself
la caissier/la caissière cashier
l'esprit (m.) d'équipe team spirit
le jardinier/la jardinère gardener
le maître-nageur/la maître-nageuse lifeguard
l'ouverture (f.) d'esprit open-mindedness
l'amende (m.) monetary fine
l'auto-école driving school
le code de la route driving manual, rules of the road
conducteur/conductrice driver
conduire to drive
passer son permis (de conduire) to take one's driver's test
router (vite/lentement) to drive (quickly/slowly)
ailleurs elsewhere
se détendre to relax
se divertir to entertain
les divertissements (m. pl.) entertainment
grâce à thanks to
le moteur de recherche search engine
l'outil tool
se server de/d' to use
en un seul clic in one click
stocker des fichiers to store files
le compte account
cyberdépendant(e) cyber-dependent
le cyberharcèlement cyber harassment
hyperconnecté(e) hyperconnected
la menace threat
le plagiat plagiarism
privé(e) private
prudent(e) careful
les droits rights
les responsabilités responsibilities
le commentaries négatif negative comment
se comporter to behave oneself
être respecteaux/respectueuse to be respectful
se protéger to protect (oneself)
sécuriser le profil to secure one's profile
signaler to report
supprimer to delete
la vie privée private/personal life
j'ai le droit de/d' i have the right to
communique plus facilement to communicate more easily
créer to create
être en train d'apprendre to be in the process of learning
poursuivre to pursue
le réseau network
Created by: kyla_snyder_
Popular French sets




Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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