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211 exam 1

Arthritis and osteoporosis as it effects the elderly

osteoblasts remove Ca & phosphate from blood secrete collagen into bone, responds to stress and strain
osteoclasts remove Ca & phosphate from bone responds to hormones
how is bone density measured? grams of apatite per cm2
fracture threshold 1 gm apatite/cm2 - greater than this decreases fx risk - less than this increase fx risk
main factor that determines bone density genetics determines 75% bone density
calcium regulating hormones PTH (parathyroid), calcitonin, estrogen
parathyroid (PTH) function tells osteoclasts that more Ca is needed in blood  takes Ca from bone
calcitonin function works opposite of PTH
estrogen function (in relation to bone) suppresses osteoclasts
when is peak bone mass 25 – 35 y/o  try to maintain it.
demineralizing factors (9) 1. Calcium availability 2. Cigarette smoking – premature osteoporosis  counter acts estrogen 3. Genetics 4. Gender – men have 30% greater density 5. Corticosteroid use 6. Celiac Disease 7 physical activity 8. anthropometrics 9. advanced age
what increases the excretion of Ca caffeine/alcohol
how does low physical activity affect bone demineralization bedrest loss of 1%/week
how can high physical activity affect bone demineralization amenorrhea/hormone changes (young gymnast with skeletal system of 70y/o woman)
how do anthropometrics affect bone demineralization lighter weight people have  demineralization
how does calcium absorption affect bone mineralization increased Ca absorption = increased bone mineralization
how does vitamin D affect bone mineralization increased vitamin D = increased bone mineralization
how does lactose affect bone mineralization aids in absorption of Ca
how does magnesium affect Ca absorption? increases Ca absorption
how does fluoride affect bone mineralization increase bone mineralization
how do protein and caffeine affect Ca balance increase Ca urinary output
how does alcohol affect Ca absorption? Reduces Ca absorption and Vit. D conversion
how does phosphorus affect Ca absorption reduces Ca absorption through competition
how does sodium affect Ca? increases Ca urinary output
how does sugar affect Ca? Extreme intakes reduce stomach acidity & Ca absorption
OA Deterioration of articular cartilage New bone in sub chondral areas/joint margins
characteristics of OA Minimal if any inflammation Found in weight bearing joints (hips, knees and distal interphalangeal joints.) bouchards and Heberden's nodes
problems from OA Decrease ROM Muscle spasms secondarily to pain Osteophytes  bony end feel Weakness secondarily to disuse
precautions/ contraindications for OA No joint mob during acute inflammation no Max resistive exercise Avoid heavy stress to weight bearing joints (lifting, jumping, etc) Avoid deep flexion (sit to stand out of a low chair) Avoid poor alignment of a joint
treatment for OA Foot Orthotics to help with alignment Taping for patellofemoral alignment Ultrasound and TENS
exercise for OA Isometrics, Isotonic strengthening PRE’s for LE during non-inflamed periods Aerobic training with full or PWB – aquatics, bike, or walk
AD for OA cane Force of the hip can be reduced by 60% with proper use of a cane
how can biomechanics be improved for people with OA? Raising the level of a seat or toilet
RA characteristics Remission and exacerbations Connective tissue disease -->Pannus forms and errodes cartilage Tenosynovitis may occur and may rupture tendon Rheumatoid nodules, atrophy and fibrosis of muscles --> weakness Ankylosing/sublux of joint Fatigue
RA symptoms are usually ____ bilateral
RA exacerbation problems Tenderness/warmth over joint with swelling Muscle guarding and pain with motion Joint stiffness Weakness Deformity
precautions/contraindications in RA exacerbation phase Avoid fatigue Many meds for RA cause osteoporosis -->don’t stress bones No maximum resistive exercise No stretching exercises No joint mobilization EVER
why no stretching for RA exacerbation phase (decrease ROM is due to swelling in joint space capsule will over stretch and hypermobility will result).
tx goals for exacerbation phase Decrease pain and muscle guarding Minimize stiffness and maintain ROM Prevent muscle atrophy – gentle isometrics Prevent deformity and protect joint structures
decreasing pain and mm guarding for RA Modalities Gentle massage Immobilization/splint
minimizing stiffness and maintaining ROM for RA PROM or AAROM with in pain free range
preventing deformity and protecting joint structures Supportive and assistive equipment Good bed positioning Avoid activities that stress joints Patient education
problems in the remission period of RA Pain when stress is applied to mechanical restrictions Decrease ROM Muscle weakness Postural changes/joint deformities Decrease functional use of a joint(s)
what may be weakened by the rheumatic process? Joint capsule, ligaments, and tendons - active stretching techniques must be done carefully/gently if at all.
what is contraindicated with RA Vigorous stretching, traction, or mobilization techniques are all contraindicated.
Created by: bdavis53102
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