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SNS1 Unidad 4 (otra)

other vocab from stories

imborrable unforgettable
Franciscanos Es una de las órdenes religiosas que se estableció en la Nueva España en el siglo XVI.
inequívoco no admite duda
estratégica strategic
urbes city
liderado led
Canarias Canary Islands
bahía bay
fundado founded
poblado populated
colonización colonization, settlement
surgir to appear
provocar to provoke
descender to descend
derrumbe to collapse
continente continent
neblina mist
encomendar to trust with, to entrust;
dinastía dynasty
sarcedote priest
pertenecer to belong to
estallar to burst
muiscas (chibchas) indigenous people and culture of the Altiplano Cundiboyacense, Colombia
carcajada loud laugh
bendecir to bless
asesinar,to murder assassinate
nacimiento birth
desesperar,to despair to lose hope
rango rank
huir to flee
ausencias absences, lacks
orilla shore [lake], riverbank
infidelidad, (un)faithfulness
averiguar to find out
enamorarse to fall in love
cadáver corpse
rígidas rigid
menguante waning moon
vigilar to watch over
rogar to beg; to plead
sospechar to suspect
llegada arrival
agradar please
poderoso powerful
atacar attack
extenderse to extend, stretch
sarampión measles
exploradores explorers
viruela smallpox
oro gold
tribus tribes
cañones cannons
serpiente snake
garrotes clubs
desvanecer to disappear
capturar to capture
secuestrar to kidnap
esperanza hope
Created by: Sra.MartinezPHS
Popular Spanish sets




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