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2016 Q.2
2016 Q.2 Leaving Certificate Reading
Term | Definition |
célèbre | famous |
Mia sortit du lit | Mia got out of bed |
vide | empty |
dans les rues | in the streets |
les gens | people |
ne la reconnaîtraient pas | would not recognize her |
l'immeuble | the block of flats |
s'arrêta | stopped |
elle entendit | she heard |
tu as raison | you are right |
il n'y a aucun doute | there is absolutely no doubt |
le pas | the step |
sur un fauteuil | on an armchair |
une heure plus tard | an hour later |
elle s'assit | she sat down |
sur les marches | on the steps |
personne ne la reconnut | nobody recognised her |
même pas | not even |
un car | a coach/bus |
tous les courriels | all the emails |
la page d'accueil | the home page |
la veille | the previous day |
elle posa sa tasse | she put down her cup |
les doigts | the fingers |
sur le clavier | on the keyboard |
incapable de taper le moindre mot | incapable of typing the slightest word |
des horaires difficiles | awkward work hours/timetable |
son métier | her profession |
appuya sur la touche envoi | pushed the send button |
le lendemain matin | the following morning |
Mia traîna dans l'appartement | Mia was hanging around the apartment |
alluma l'ordinateur | turned on the computer |
qui la suppliait | which was pleading with her |
étonnée | amazed |
clignoter | to flash |
la fit sourire | made her smile |
j'ignore | I have no idea |
rivés sur l'écran f | ixed/staring at the screen |
imprima | printed |
la plia en quatre | folded it into 4 |
un inconnu | an unknown person |