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IB spanish vocab

Common IB Spanish vocab in Paper 1 and Paper 2

retrato portrait/portrayal
enfrentarse to confront/face (problems)
un hecho fact
asunto subject/issue
enlaces links
búsqueda search engine
debido a due to
ventaja advantage
desventaja disadvantage
beneficios benefits
foro forum/meeting
destacar to stand out
lema motto
dicho saying
lanzar to launch
campaña campaign
lograr to achieve/accomplish
meta goal
realizar to produce/accomplish
actualizar to make current/update
casilla (answer) box
comportarse bien/mal to behave oneself (well/badly)
sequidores followers
apoyar to support
redactar to write
desafio challenge
reto challenge
subrayar to underline
concurso a contest
fomentar to promote
ser capaz to be capable
elegir to choose
merecer to deserve
reemplazar to replace
sabiduria wisdom/knowledge
Castellano Spanish
desarrollar to develop
destreza skill
aprovechar to take advantage of
charlar to chat/to converse
comprobar to verify
detener(se) to stop (oneself)
darse cuenta to realize
distinto different/distinct
obra work (of art or literature)
taller workshop/garage
acosar to bully
cantidad quantity
aceder to agree to/to gain access to
habilidad/capacidad ability
encuesta survey
alquilar to rent/hire
suceder to happen/to occur/to follow
huir to flee/run away
a largo plazo long term/in the long run
a corto plazo short term
pertenecer to belong to
brindar to toast/to offer/to present
mitad half/middle
propósito purpose
riesgo risk
acoger to welcome/recieve
sin embargo however/nevertheless
clave key (important)/a code
encargado in charge of
indagar to investigate
la formación training/education
evitar to avoid/prevent
concienciar to raise awareness
asignatura school subject
alumnos students
Created by: ShaleYamada
Popular Spanish sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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