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Verbs ER deuxième

French/English er verbs

tirer to pull or to shoot
avaler to swallow
mâcher to chew
bouger to move (a person)
aviser to advise
diriger to direct
douter to doubt
balancer to swing faux ami
équilibrer to balance
se disputer to argue
chatouiller to tickle
souffler to blow
lâcher to let go
frotter to rub
oser to dare
pencher to lean
dévisser visser to unscrew screw in or on
renoncer à renoncer to give up renounce
secouer to shake
priver to deprive
coller to glue
ramasser aller chercher to pick up (objects) to pick up (people)
serrer to squeeze
chuchoter to whisper
lancer jeter throw to throw at
écraser to crush
empêcher to prevent
piquer to sting or prick
grimper un arbre monter les escaliers to climb
manquer to miss
mentionner to mention
frissonner to shiver
étaler to spread out
suer to sweat
verser to pour
rater to fail
ramper to crawl
renverser to spill to knock over
ruiner to ruin
réparer to repair
avouer to confess
vider to empty
tirer la chasse d'eau flush the toilet
entraîner to train
gâter (over-indulge) gâcher (ruin) to spoil
arracher to tear out
enseigner to teach
renseigner to inform
Porter to wear, to carry
éprouver to experience
gifler to slap
éviter to avoid
échapper to escape
Sauver to save
Abuser to abuse
Tromper to deceive
Imposer To impose
Dissimuler To conceal
Regretter To regret
mépriser To Despise
Soulager To Relieve
Démanger to itch
Gratter to scratch
Saigner To Bleed
foncer To rush/ charge
épargner to spare
cracher to spit
annoncer to announce
avancer to advance
défoncer to smash in
devancer to get ahead of
divorcer to divorce
grimacer to make faces
influencer to influence
lacer to lace up
menacer to threaten
percer to pierce
mélanger to mix
négliger to neglect
télécharger to download
venger to avenge
appuyer to press
employer to use
renvoyer to send back
céder to yield
célébrer to celebrate
compléter to complete
considérer to consider
Briller To Shine
Lasser to tire
former to form
discuter to discuss
planifier to plan
référer to refer
identifier to identify
publier to publish
traîner to hang out
empirer to get worse
s'assurer to ensure
hisser to hoist
déplacer to move (objects)
Created by: rooksm
Popular French sets




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