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Review - Sp1

pronouns, 1st verbs, description, etc.(Quiz Quiz Trade set)

It's June 11 (tell in Spanish) Hoy es el once de junio
It's January 14 (tell in Spanish) Hoy es el catorce de enero
It's October 26 (tell in Spanish) Hoy es el veinte y seis (veinteséis) de octubre
Tell your age in Spanish Yo tengo _____ años.
Tell your birthday in Spanish Mi cumpleaños es el (number) de (month)
Say "Nice to meet you" in Spanish Mucho gusto, Encantado(a), Es un placer, El gusto es mio
Tell what day of the week it is in Spanish Hoy es...
Say that you like a food or drink in Spanish Me gusta...
Say that you like an activity in Spanish Me gusta...
Tell where you are from in Spanish Yo soy de...
Describe your personality in Spanish Yo soy...
Describe your hair or eyes in Spanish Yo tengo...
Tell what time it is in Spanish Son las... (Es la una...)
Carlos is hard-working (tell in Spanish) Carlos es trabajador.
Ana is athletic/active (tell in Spanish) Ana es deportista/atlética/activa
Juan likes to play a sport (tell in Spanish) A Juan le gusta jugar...
My family and I like to swim (tell in Spanish) Nos gusta nadar.
Say if you like or do not like to read in Spanish Me gusta leer./No me gusta leer.
Mis amigos y yo - which pronoun? nosotros = we
Miguel - which pronoun? él = he
Miguel y Ana - which pronoun? ellos = they
Tú y yo - which pronoun? nosotros = we
Juan y tú - which pronoun? Ustedes (Uds.) = you all
Tell where your best friend is from in Spanish ______ es de...
Tell what your favorite food or drink is in Spanish Me gusta mucho.../Mi comida favorita es.../Mi bebida favorita es..
Name a native food from Spain and describe what is is ex.- paella is a yellow rice/seafood dish from Spain
Name a native food from Mexico and describe what it is ex.- chilaquiles are like leftover chicken nachos with enchilada sauce
What's the difference between a tortilla in Mexico and Spain? Tortilla in Mexico is a round flatbread. Tortilla in Spain is a thick potato and onion omelet.
What's the difference between churros in Mexico and Spain? Mexican churros are coated in sugar and cinnamon. Spanish churros are served with hot chocolate dipping sauce.
What do we call a sandwich in Mexico and Spain? (different words) Mexico = la torta, Spain = el bocadillo or la bocata
Popular Spanish sets



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