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Pharmaphlash Immune

Pharmaphlash Immune System Drugs

Sandimmune, Restasis cyclosporine Immunosuppressant, DMARD (Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drug, Prevention of organ transplant rejection
Colchicine colchicine Anti-gout treatment
Celebrex celecoxib (COX-2 Inhibitor) OA (Osteoarthritis), RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis), NSAID (Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug)for Inflammation/Pain
Asacol, Canasa, Rowasa mesalamine IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease), Ulcerative Colitis
Dipentum olsalazine IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease), Ulcerative Colitis
Singulair montelukast (Leukotriene Antagonist) Asthma, SARS (Seasonal Allergice Rhinitis Syndrome)aka, Hay Fever
Accolate zafirlukast Asthma, SARS (Seasonal Allergice Rhinitis Syndrome)aka, Hay Fever
Elidel Cream pimecrolimus Atopic Dermatitis (Anti-inflammatory, Immunomodulator)
Indocin indomethacin NSAID (Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug), Mild to Moderate Pain
Motrin, Advil ibuprofen NSAID (Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug), Mild to Moderate Pain
Aleve, Anaprox, Naprosyn naproxen NSAID (Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug), Mild to Moderate Pain
Toradol ketorolac NSAID (Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug), Mild to Moderate Pain
Bayer Aspirin, Ecotrin aspirin (ASA - Acetyl Salicylic Acid) Anti-pyretic (fever), Analgesic (pain)
Folex, Folex PFS, Rheumatrex, Trexall methotrexate (MTX) Anti-neoplastic (Cancer), Immunosuppressant, DMARD (Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drug)when others do not work
Remicade infliximab DMARD (Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drug), GI (Gastrointestinal)anti-inflammatory/anti-tumor
Enbrel etanercept DMARD (Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drug), GI (Gastrointestinal)anti-inflammatory/anti-tumor
Neupogen, G-CSF (Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor) filgrastim Bone Marrow Stimulator after Chemotherapy, Severe Chronic Leukopenia
Leukine, rHu GM-CSF (Recombinant Human Granulocyte/Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor) sargramostim Bone Marrow Stimulator after Chemotherapy, Severe Chronic Leukopenia
Dovonex calcipotriene Psoriasis
Zithromax, Zmax, Z-Pak azithromycin Anti-infective (Macrolide)
Biaxin, Biaxin XL carithromycin Anti-infective (Macrolide)
E-Mycin, E.E.S., Ilosone, E-Gel erythromycin Anti-infective (Macrolide)
Cleocin, Cleocin-T clindamycin Anti-infective
Garamycin gentamicin Anti-infective (Aminoglycoside)
Amikin amikacin Anti-infective (Aminoglycoside)
Kantrex kanamycin Anti-infective (Aminoglycoside)
Nebcin, TOBI, Tobrex tobramycin Anti-infective (Aminoglycoside)
Vancocin vancomycin Anti-infective (MRSA - Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus)
Cipro, Cipro XR ciprofloxacin Anti-infective (Fluoroquinolone)
Levaquin levofloxacin Anti-infective (Fluoroquinolone)
Amoxil, Trimox amoxicillin Anti-infective (Beta Lactamase Inhibitor - Penicillin)
Augmentin, Augmentin ES, Augmentin XR amoxicillin/clavulanate Anti-infective (Beta Lactamase Inhibitor - Penicillin) with Clavulanate
Unasyn ampicillin/sulbactam Anti-infective (Beta Lactamase Inhibitor - Penicillin) with Sulbactam
Zosyn piperacillin/tazobactam Anti-infective (Beta Lactamase Inhibitor - Penicillin) with Tazobactam
Doryx, Vibramycin doxycycline Anti-infective (Tetracycline)
Achromycin tetracycline Anti-infective (Tetracycline)
Rocephin ceftriaxone (3rd generation) Anti-infective (Cephalosporin)
Keflex cephalexin (1st generation) Anti-infective (Cephalosporin)
Fortaz, Tazicef ceftazidime (3rd generation) Anti-infective (Cephalosporin)
Maxipime cefepime (4th generation) Anti-infective (Cephalosporin)
Primaxin imipenem/cilastatin Anti-infective (Carbapenem)
INH isoniazid Anti-tubercular/Bacteriostatic, Bacteriocidal
Myambutol ethambutol Anti-tubercular/Bacteriostatic, Bacteriocidal
Pyrazinamide pyrazinamide Anti-tubercular/Bacteriostatic, Bacteriocidal
Rifadin rifampin Anti-tubercular/Bacteriostatic, Bacteriocidal
Bactrim, Bacterim DS, SMZ/TMP, Septra, Septra DS sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim (SMZ/TMP) Anti-infective (Sulfonamide)
Diflucan fluconazole Anti-fungal (Oral)
Fungizone, Amphotec amphotericin B Anti-fungal Systemic
Lamisil terbinafine Anti-fungal
Nizoral ketoconazole Anti-fungal
Zovirax acyclovir Anti-viral
Famvir famciclovir Anti-viral
Valtrex valacyclovir Anti-viral
Relenza zanamivir Anti-viral (Influenza)
Tamiflu oseltamivir Anti-viral (Influenza)
Ziagen abacavir Anti-viral (HIV-AIDS)
Epivir, Epivir HBV, 3TC lamivudine Anti-viral (HIV-AIDS)
AZT, Retrovir zidovudine Anti-viral (HIV-AIDS)
Norvir ritonavir Anti-viral (HIV)
Viracept nelfinavir Anti-viral (HIV)
Invirase saquinavir Anti-viral (HIV)
Agenerase amprenavir Anti-viral (HIV)
Sustiva efavirenz Anti-viral (HIV)
Rescriptor delavirdine Anti-viral (HIV)
Viramune nevirapine Anti-viral (HIV)
Kaletra lopinavir/ritonavir Anti-viral (HIV)
Combivir lamivudine/zidovudine Anti-viral (HIV)
Trizivir abacavir/lamivudine/zidovudine Anti-viral (HIV)
Zyloprim, Alloprim allopurinol Prophylactic for Gout (Uric Acid)
Created by: johnlzortman
Popular Pharmacology sets




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