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Spanish Family Vocab

los antepasados ancestors
el bisabuelo great grandparent
el tatarabuelo great great grandparents
el bisnieto great grandchild
el cuñado brother/sister in law
el esposo husband/wife
el gemelo twin
el hermanastro stepsibling
el hijo único only child
la madrastra stepmother
el padrastro stepfather
el marido husband
el mujer wife
el medio hermano half sibling
el novio bf/gf
la nuera daughter in law
el yerno son in law
el sobrino nephew/niece
el suegro father/mother in law
el tio abuelo great uncle/aunt
el padrino godfather
la madrina godmother
agradecer to be grateful
alabar to praise
adorar to adore
casarse to get married
castigar to punish
consentir to spoil
convivir to live together
criar to raise
dar a luz to give birth
dedicarse to work as
disciplinar to discipline
discutir to argue
divorciarse to get divorced
educar to teach manners
enamorarse de to fall in love with
estar a cargo de to be in charge of
fallecer to pass away
heredar to inherit
inculcar to instill
independizarse to become independent
llevar una vida feliz to have a good life
mimar to spoil
nacer to be born
parecerse to look similar
portarse bien/mal to behave well/badly
regañar to scold
la infancia childhood
la juventud youth
la madurez maturity
la muerte death
el nacimiento birth
la niñez young childhood
la vejez old age
actual current
bien/mal educado good/bad mannered
buena gente good person
cariñoso caring
cómodo comfortable
comprensivo understanding
decepcionado dissappointed
estricto strict
exigente demanding
honrado honest
junto together
macriado poorly raised
mandón bossy
obstinado obstinate
pesado annoying
rebelde rebellious
desobediente disobedient
unido close-knit
el apodo nickname
el cariño affection
el castigo punishment
la crianza upbringing
la disciplina discipline
el divorcio divorce
la emancipación when children leave home for good
el embrazo pregnancy
el hogar home
la matrimonio marriage
el noviazgo engagement
la pareja couple
la sangre blood
la tasa de rate/measure
el vuido widower
debido a because of
a partir de as of
el promedio average
el ama de casa stay at home parent
nuclear immediate family
extendida extended family
compuesta family (w/o blood)
tradicional traditional family
doble ingreso 2 income family
Created by: rkrana
Popular Spanish sets




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