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verbos reflexivos- regulares e irregulares

Bath Bañarse
To take a shower Ducharse
To have luch Almorzar
To have dinner Cenar
To have breakfast Desayunar
To play soccer Jugar fútbol (jugar al fútbol)
To play piano Tocar piano (tocar el piano)
To get up Levantarse
To go to bed Acostarse
To lay down Recostarse
To run Correr
To fight Pelear / Luchar
To argue Discutir
To look Mirar
To watch Ver
To look like Parecerse
To look (ex: to look sick) Parecer / verse
To wake up Despertarse
To stand up Pararse
To open Abrir
To exit salir(se)
to leave Irse
To grab agarrar
To save (ex: money) Ahorrar
To save (ex: something in a place) Guardar
To love Amar
To love (but not that much) Querer
To adore Adorar
To turn off Apagar
To turn on Encender / prender
To learn Aprender
To go down Bajar
Sweep Barrer
To drink Beber / Tomar
To take (Ex: an object / a bus) Tomar / coger
To walk Caminar
To jog / to trot Trotar
To sing Cantar
To hum Tararear
To close Cerrar
To cook / to prepare Cocinar / preparar
To get ready / to get yourself ready Preparar (se) / alistar(se)
To start Comenzar / empezar
To finish Terminar
To compare Comparar
To buy Comprar
To eat Comer
to swallow Tragar
To know (a place a person) Conocer
To count / to tell a story Contar
To say Decir
To give Dar
To direct / to lead Dirigir
To sleep Dormir
To fall asleep Dormirse
To get off Bajarse
To know (skills and knowledge) Saber
To stop Parar / detener
To pay Pagar
To owe Deber
To forget Olvidar
To hear Oír
To listen Escuchar
To need Necesitar
To rain Llover
To snow Nevar
To call Llamar
To have Tener
To have Tener que
To clean Limpiar
To wash Lavar
To read Leer
To invite Invitar
To indicate Indicar
To do Hacer
To speak / to talk Hablar
To exist Existir
There is / are Haber
To wait Esperar
To fall in love Enamorarse
To choose Elegir
To decide Decidir
To ask for something Pedir
To think Pensar
To lose / to miss Perder
To win Ganar
To forgive Perdonar
(To) can Poder
To ask (a question) Preguntar
To want Querer
To promise Prometer
To remember Recordar / Acordarse
To recommend Recomendar
To give (a present) Regalar
To laugh Reír
To cry Llorar
To sweat Sudar
To greet Saludar
To feel Sentir
To go up Subir
To happen Pasar / acontecer
To bring Traer
To come Venir
To return / to go back Volver
To use Usar
To visit Visitar
To live Vivir
To leave/ to abandon Abandonar
To hug Abrazar
To shake Sacudir
To mix Mezclar
to throw Echar
To fire Despedir / echar
To hire Contratar
To confess Confesar
To get lost Perderse
To miss someone or something Extrañar
To climb Escalar
To peel Pelar
To swear Jurar
To suggest Sugerir
To swim Nadar
To jump Saltar
To ignore Ignorar
To provide / to lend Prestar
To pay attention Prestar atención
To look for / to search Buscar
To erase / to delete Borrar
To dive Bucear
To ski Esquiar
To conquer Conquistar
To achive / to get Conseguir / Lograr
To hunt Cazar
To return something Devolver
To make a mistake Equivocarse
To strengthen Fortalecer
To remove / to eliminate / to delete Eliminar
To get drunk Emborracharse
To dirty Ensuciar
To record Grabar
To scream Gritar
To flee / to run away Huir / escapar(se)
To judge Juzgar
To offer Ofrecer
to prohibit Prohibir
To complain Quejarse
To get married Casarse
To divorce Divorciarse
To retire Jubilarse / retirarse / pensionarse
Bring forward / to over take Adelantar
To lose weight Adelgazar
To guess Adivinar
To be happy about something / to rejoice Alegrarse
night fall Anochecer
To dive Bucear
To make fun of Burlarse
To hold a conversation Conversar
To return to a place (reflexive) Devolverse
To stop yourself Detenerse
To download Descargar
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