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cap 4 vocab

medioambiente environment
cambio climático climate change
energías renovables renewable energy
entorno saludable healthy environment
explotación minera mining
instalar paneles solares to install solar panels
maltratar/cuidar/proteger el medioambiente to abuse/take care of/protect the environment
petróleo oil
pozo petrolero/petrolífero oil well
recursos naturales natural resources
consumo consumption
banca ética ethical bank
cadenas de moda fashion chains
caducidad expiration date
consumidor consumer
consumir de forma responsable to consume responsibly
comercio justo fair trade
comprar a granel to buy in bulk
consumismo consumerism
consumista consumerist
durar to last
gastar tiempo/dinero/recursos spend time/spend money/use resources
generar residuos/basura to create waste/trash
grupo de consumo co-op
industria alimentaria/armamentística food/arms industry
mercado de producción local local product market
obsolescencia programada planned obsolescence
publicidad advertising
usar y tirar to use and throw away
vertedero garbage dump
bolsa de plástico/tela plastic/cloth bag
fabricar to make/manufacture
funcionar bien/mal to work well/badly
huerta vegetable garden
materias primas raw materials
objetos viejos/estropeados/rotos/nuevos old/damaged/broken/new products
procedencia local local origin
producto sostenible/fresco sustainable/fresh product
acciones actions
ahorrar dinero to save money
apoyar productos sociales/medioambientales to support social/environmental products
arreglar/reparar objetos usados/estropeados to fix/repair used/damaged items
cerrar la llava to turn off the tap
comprar productos ecológicos/locales to buy organic/local products
estar concienciado/concientizado to be aware
el modo de vida lifestyle
plantar árboles to plant trees
poner la calefacción (a x grados) to turn on the head to x degrees
prestar/pedir prestado to lend/borrow
reducir el impacto medioambiental to reduce your/the environmental impact
reparar los objetos to repair objects
reutilizar envases to reuse containers
estar enteresado en to be interested in
estar preocupado por to be worried about
ser consciente de to be aware/conscious of
luchar contra to fight against
contribuir a to contribute to
concienciar/concientizar a to raise awareness of/about
disponer de to have (something) available
consumir-consumo (de) to consume-consumption
reducir-reducción (de) to reduce-reduction (of)
rechazar-rechazo (a/de) to reject-rejection (of)
reciclar-reciclaje (de) to recycle-recycling (of)
reutilizar-reutilización (de) to reuse-reuse (of)
reparar-reparación (de) to repair-repair (of)
dejar (permitir) to allow
dejar de (=interrumpir una acción) to stop/to quit
aplazar to postpone
prestar to lend
no llevar to leave (behind)
Created by: alyssamatthews
Popular Spanish sets




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