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BIOL - chapter 28


When did protists evolve relative to other eukaryotes? Protists were the first eukaryotes to evolve.
Which likely led to the evolution of eukaryotes from early prokaryotic organisms? The loss of a rigid cell wall, allowing membranes to fold inward An increase in membrane flexibility, allowing for one cell to engulf another
Infoldings of the prokaryotic plasma membrane are thought to have given rise to the eukaryotic endomembrane system that includes which of the following? Endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and nuclear envelope
According to the endosymbiotic theory, non-photosynthetic, energy-producing bacteria were engulfed by larger bacteria and evolved into the organelles called ____ mitochondria
What type of prokaryote might have formed endosymbiotic relationships with other larger bacteria, eventually evolving into a chloroplast? A photosynthetic bacterium
Which of the following were the first eukaryotes? Protists
The loss of the rigid cell wall and an increase in membrane flexibility were key evolutionary events that likely led to the evolution of the first eukaryotes
The nucleus and the ER of eukaryotes are thought to have evolved from infoldings of the plasma membrane
How did mitochondria originate, according to the endosymbiotic theory? Energy-producing bacteria were engulfed by larger bacteria and eventually evolved into mitochondria.
Scientists hypothesize that photosynthetic bacteria were engulfed by other, larger cells and eventually evolved to become the organelles we now call chloroplasts
The genome of a mitochondrion is typically composed of which of the following? A single, circular, closed molecule of DNA, similar to that in bacteria
Structures used by protists for locomotion. Flagella Pseudopods Cilia
Protists can exhibit both ___ and ___ reproduction sexual and asexual
Current evidence suggests that multicellularity in eukaryotes evolved multiple times
Mitochondria and chloroplasts contain their own DNA which is very similar in size and character to the DNA of bacteria or prokaryotes
Which of the following best describes reproduction among protists? Protists typically reproduce asexually, but some undergo sexual reproduction regularly and others reproduce sexually only at times of stress.
Which of the following describes the flagella of protists in the Excavata? Parabasalids and diplomonads have multiple flagella while euglenozoans have unique flagella.
Multicellularity evolved as some single eukaryotic cells started living in ____ ; eventually individual members in them began to assume different duties, i.e. they became specialized. colonies
The genome of a mitochondrion is typically composed of which of the following? A single, circular, closed molecule of DNA, similar to that in bacteria
Many amoebas move with "false feet," known as pseudopods
The undulating membrane of parabasalids is used in which of the following? Locomotion
Select features of protists in the supergroup Excavata. They move using flagella. Many possess a feeding groove.
Which of the following statements is correct regarding how multicellular eukaryotes likely evolved? Eukaryotic cells began living in colonies, and individual members began to assume different duties making the colony act as one individual.
Members of Euglena usually have a(n) _____ vacuole which empties its contents in the reservoir, helping regulate the ____ pressure within the organism contractile and osmotic
What is the function of the undulating membranes in parabasalids? They are used for locomotion.
Among euglenozoa, the kinetoplastids are a second major group that are unique because they have a single mitochondrion in each cell
Which of the following statements accurately describes the flagella of Euglena? One long flagellum and one short flagellum that is located within the reservoir
The presence of fine hairs on their flagella distinguish this branch of supergroup Chromalveolata from other branches. Stramenopiles
Kinetoplastids are a group of Euglenozoa that characteristically have a single mitochondrion
Which of the following is a branch of the supergroup SAR that is distinguished from other protists by the presence of flattened vesicles stacked in a continuous layer beneath their plasma membrane? Alveolates
Based on current evidence, what is the most likely origin of chloroplasts in members of stramenopila? A single-celled photosynthetic red alga
Diatoms are photosynthetic, _____ organisms with unique double shells made of silica. unicellular
features of dinoflagellates. Photosynthetic Two flagella
In the SAR clade that includes the dinoflagellates, apicomplexans, and ciliates, a common trait is the presence of flattened vesicles below the plasma membrane called alveoli
Photosynthetic stramenopile protists in the phylum Chrysophyta with double silicate shells are commonly called diatoms
Red tides are usually caused by excessive numbers of ___ in the water; these protists produce red pigments that give the phenomenon its name. dinoflagellates
Which of the following statements about dinoflagellates are true? They have alveoli. Their chloroplasts are similar to those of diatoms or brown algae. They are protected by plates composed of a cellulose-like material.
You are designing an artificial drug-delivery "cell" that can penetrate animal cells. Which of these protist structures should provide the most likely avenue for research along these lines? The apical complex
The ____ of a ciliate is diploid and functions as the germ line for sexual reproduction. micronucleus
Which group of protists is responsible for "red tides?" Dinoflagellates
The apical complex is a cytoskeletal and secretory complex that enables the apicomplexan to do which of the following? Invade a host
Which structure in a ciliate may contain up to 1000 copies of each chromosome? The macronucleus
In ciliates, sexual reproduction involves the process of ___ , during which two individual cells are attached for up to several hours. conjugation
Red and green algae acquired their chloroplasts through the process of ____ endosymbiosis whereas the brown algae acquired their chloroplasts through ____ endosymbiosis primary and secondary
Protists that possess two flagella, plates made of a cellulose-like material, and may be bioluminescent or produce toxins are dinoflagellates
The archaeplastid group that shares a common ancestor with the land plants is Charophyta
Order the steps of conjugation in ciliates, starting at the top. 1. Two cells 2. The two partners exchange 3. In each partner 4. The macronucleus disintegrates. 5. The new diploid micronucleus 6. One of the two diploid micronuclei
Which of the following algal groups acquired their chloroplasts through primary endosymbiosis and are therefore classified within the group Archaeplastida? Green algae Red algae Glaucophytes
Which of the following protist groups is most closely related to the land plants? Charophyta
Which structure in a ciliate may contain up to 1000 copies of each chromosome? The macronucleus
Red algae are grouped in the phylum Rhodophyta
During conjugation in ciliates, each of the two partners receives a pair of haploid ____ from the other partner micronuclei
Chlorophytes and charophytes are two lineages of which type of protist? Green algae
Members of the phylum Rhodophyta are also known as red algae
Which chlorophytes can exhibit haplodiplontic life cycles? Haplodiplontic cycles are found in some multicellular chlorophytes, like Ulva.
Green algae include which of the following protist groups? Select all that apply. Chlorophytes Charophytes
Amoebas use their pseudopods to engulf food move
Evidence suggests that members of the Opisthokonta, called ____, are similar to the most likely common ancestor of all animals. choanoflagellates
Ulva, a multicellular chlorophyte, has identical ____ and ____ generations that consist of flattened sheets 2 cells thick. gametophyte and sporophyte
Pseudopods are flowing projections of ____ that are used by many protists for locomotion. cytoplasm
Animals, fungi, and choanoflagellates are members of what supergroup? Opisthokonta
The common ancestor to all animals was most likely similar to which of the following organisms? Choanoflagellates
The flagellum of choanoflagellates is surrounded by a funnel-shaped contractile ____ composed of closely placed ____ collar and filaments
The supergroup Opisthokonta includes which of the following? Choanoflagellates Animals Fungi
What structure of the choanoflagellates is closely matched in the sponges? The contractile funnel-shaped collar
Choanoflagellates have a single, emergent ___ surrounded by a funnel-shaped collar. flagellum
Created by: 3ugarciara
Popular Biology sets




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