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Spanish Verbs 600+
Spanish Verbs 600+ (4 Sided)
Spanish | English | Spanish Sentances | English Sentances |
Abandoner | To leave, desert, abandon | El padre abandonó a sus hijos | The father deserted his children. |
Abordar | To board, get on; approach, accost | El yate ha abordado al pesquero | The yacht has approached the fishing boat. |
Abortar | To abort, cause to miscarry; to have a miscarriage | La policía abortó el intento de fuga | The police aborted (interrupted/thwarted) the escape attempt. |
Abortar | To abort, cause to miscarry; to have a miscarriage | Se cayó por la escalera y abortó | She fell down the stairs and miscarried. |
Abrazar | To hug | Se abrazaron con cariño. | They hugged (each other) warmly. |
Abrir | To open | ¿A qué hora abren la taquilla? | What time does the box office open? |
Aburrir | To bore | Este programa aburre a cualquiera. | This program bores anyone. (This program is boring to anyone.) |
Aburrir | To bore | Tus quejas nos aburren. | Your complaints bore us. |
Aburrirse | To be bored | Me aburre como una piedra (o ostra). | I'm bored to tears (lit. bored like a rock/oyster). |
Abuser | To abuse | No quisiera abusar de su amabilidad... | I don't want to impose… |
Acabar | To finish, end | Ya casi acabo. | I've nearly finished. |
Acabar | To finish, end | Acabó en la cárcel. | He ended up in jail. |
Acampar | To camp, encamp, go camping | Decidieron acampar cerca de la Laguna Negra. | They decided to camp near Laguna Negra. |
Aceptar | To accept, approve, agree to | No acepto excusas. | I won't accept excuses. |
Acercar | To bring near[er], move [something] nearer | Acercaron la mesa a la puerta. | They moved the table closer to the door. |
Acercar | To bring near[er], move [something] nearer | ¿Puedes acercarme ese libro? | Can you pass me that book? |
Acercarse | To approach | Se le acercaron dos policías. | Two policeman approached him. |
Acompañar | To accompany | Acompáñalo hasta la puerta. | Acompany him to the door. (command) |
Acompañar | To accompany | La acompañé a su casa. | I accompanied her home. |
Aconsejar | To advise | Aconsejarle a alguien hacer algo/que haga algo. | To advise someone to do something. |
Aconsejar | To advise | Necesito que alguien me aconseje. | I need some advice (from someone). |
Aconsejar | To advise | Has sido mal aconsejado. | You've been ill advised. OR You've been given bad advice. |
Acontecer | To happen, ocurr, come about | Los sucesos acontecidos ayer. | The events which took place yesterday. |
Acordar | To decide, resolve, agree [on] | Los sindicatos acordaron convocar una huelga. | The trade unions agreed to call a strike. |
Acordarse | To remember | De tu padre ni me acuerdo. | I can't even remember your father. |
Acortar | To shorten | Una enfermedad puede acortar tu vida. | A sickness can shorten your life. |
Acortar | To shorten | Por este camino acortaremos. | We'll get there quiker this way. |
Acostar | To put to bed | Lucía acostó a los niños a las ocho de la noche. | Lucia pu the kids to bet at 8 o'clock at night. |
Acostarse | To go to bed, lie down | Lucía se acostó a las diez de la noche. | Lucia put herself to bed at ten o'clock at night. |
Acostarse | To go to bed, lie down | Acostarse con alguien. | To sleep with someone. (sexual conotation) |
Acostumbrar | To be accustomed to, be in the habit of; to get [someone] used to | Acostumbro a levantarme tarde. | I am accustomed to getting up late. (I usually get up late.) |
Acostumbrarse | To get used to, get accustomed to | Me acostumbro a levantarme tarde. | I am used to getting myself up early. |
Actuar | To act, perform, actuate, operate | El agua actuó como disolvente. | The water acted as a solvent. |
Actuar | To act, perform, actuate, operate | Actuará de fiscal en la causa. | He will act as public prosecutor in the trial. |
Adivinar | To guess, fortell, prophesy; to guess correctly | Dime qué te pasa, no puedo adivinarte el pensamiento. | Tell me what's wrong, I can't read your mind. |
Adivinarse | To be visible, discernable | En medio de la niebla se adivinaban las luces del puerto. | The harbour lights were visible through the fog. |
Admirar | To admire | Lo admiro por su honradez. | I admire his honesty. |
Admitir | To admit, allow | Admito que estaba equivocado. | I admit I was wrong. |
Admitir | To admit, allow | Admitimos todas las tarjetas de crédito. | We accept all credit cards. |
Adorer | To worship | Juan adora el deporte. | Juan loves the sport. |
Adorner | To decorate, adorn | Como adornar un arból de navidad. | How to decorate a christmas tree. (instructions title) |
Advertir | To warn | Le advertí que tuviera cuidado. | I warned him to be careful. (leismo) |
Afeitar | To shave | Afeitó la barba. | He shaved his beard. |
Afeitarse | To shave | Se afeitó la barba. | He shaved his beard. |
Afirmar | To make firm, steady, strengthen; to affirm, state, assert | Afirmó con la cabeza. | He nodded. |
Agorar | To predict, prophesy | Agradar,to please, be pleasing | ¿Le agrada este, señora? |
Agradar | To please, be pleasing | Esta idea no me agrada. | This idea doesn't appeal to me. (I don't like this idea.) |
Agradecer | To be thankful for; to thank [for] | ¡y así es como me lo agradece | And so this is how you/he/she thanks me? |
Agradecer | To be thankful for; to thank [for] | Le agradecería que me llamará. | I would be grateful (to you) if you call me (e.g. tomorrow). |
Agradecer | To be thankful for; to thank [for] | Se lo agradeceré siempre. | I'll always be grateful to him/her. |
Aguantar | To put up with, endure, bear, stand | Aguanto bien el calor. | I can (easily) bear the heat. |
Ahorcar | To hang | Lo ahorcá en la pared. | He hung it on the wall. |
Ahorrar | To save | Ahorraré la molestia. | I will save myself the trouble. |
Alcanzar | To reach, catch, catch up to, catch up with | Casi no alcanzo el tren. | I nearly didn't catch the train. (I nearly missed the train.) |
Alegrar | To make happy, cheer [up], gladden | Me alegra saberlo. | I'm happy to hear it. (lit. It pleases me to know it.) |
Alegrarse | To be glad, happy; to become/get happy; to rejoice | Me alegro de verte. | I'm glad to see you. |
Alentar | To cheer on, encourage, support | El profesor alentó a los alumnos a que hicieran preguntas. | The professor encouraged students to ask questions. |
Aliviar | To alleviate, ease, lessen, lighthen, relieve | El doctor alivió su dolor. | The doctor aleviated his pain. |
Almorzar | To lunch | Nunca desayuno, pero almuerzo algo a las once. | I don't have breakfast, but I have something at eleven. |
Alquilar | To rent | Voy a alquilar el coche. | I'm going to rent a car. |
Amanecer | To dawn; to wake up [feeling or being ...] | ¿a qué hora amanece? | At what time does it get light out/dawn? |
Amanecer | To dawn; to wake up [feeling or being ...] | Amaneció con fiebre. | He woke with a fever. |
Amar | To love | ¿Cómo puede doler amar a una persona como usted? | How could it hurt to love someone like you? |
Amar | To love | Ella te ama. | She loves you. |
Amenazar | To threaten, menace | Nos amenazó con llamar a la policía. | He threatened to call the police (on us). |
Andar | To walk | ¿Has venido andando? | Did you walk? |
Anhelar | To be eager for/to, long for/to, yearn for/to | Anhelaba que su hijo fuera feliz. | His greatest wish was for his son to be happy. |
Animar | To encourage, animate, enliven | Te animo a visitar Madrid. | I encourage you to visit Madrid. |
Anunciar | To announce | Comenzaremos analizando cómo anunciar en Google. | We begin by analyzing how to advertise on Google. |
Añadir | To add | Obviamente, no queremos añadir mas inconvenientes a los ya causados. | Obviously we don't want to add any more difficulties to those we already have. |
Apagar | To extinguish, put out, turn off | Apagar la llama de la pasión. | Put out (quench) the flame of passion. |
Apagar | To extinguish, put out, turn off | Asegurarse de que todos los teléfonos celulares hayan sido apagados. | Make sure that all cell phones have been turned off. |
Aparecer | To appear, make an appearance | Hizo aparecer un ramo de flores. | He produced a bouquet of flowers. |
Aplaudir | To applaud | Dicen que no se vio en un penal a 400 presos aplaudir de la manera como aplaudiendo cuando yo terminé de hablar. | They say 400 penitentiary inmates had never been seen applauding as they did after I finished talking. |
Aplicar | To apply | El acuerdo se aplica solo a los afiliados. | The agreement only applies to members. |
Apostar | To bet | Te apuesto una cerveza. | I bet you a beer. |
Apoyar | To support | Apóyalo contra la pared. | Lean it against the wall. |
Apreciar | To appreciate | para apreciar la magnitud de los daños... | In order to appreciate the extent of the damages. |
Aprender | To learn | ¿Qué te habría gustado aprender? | What would you have liked to learn? |
Apretar | To squeeze | Apretó al niño contra su pecho. | He/she clutched the child against his/her chest. |
Apretar | To squeeze | Me apretó el brazo con fuerza. | He squeezed my are tightly. |
Aprobar | To approve | Mi deseo no es solo aprobar el nivel Intermedio, sino también aprobar el nivel Superior. | My wish is not just to acheive the level of intermediate, but rather the highest level. |
Arreglar | To fix, repair, arrange | El dentista me está arreglando la boca. | The dentist is fixing my teeth. |
Arreglar | To fix, repair, arrange | Esto te arreglará el estómago. | This will fill your stomach. |
Arreglar | To fix, repair, arrange | lo quiso arreglar diciendo que ... | He/she tried to put things right by saying that … |
Arreglar | To fix, repair, arrange | tengo todo arreglado para el viaje | I have everything ready for the trip. |
Arrepentirse | To repent | Algún día te arrepentirás. | One day you'll be sorry. |
Arrojar | To shed, to throw, hurl, cast, toss | La comunidad científica dice que este descubrimiento podría arrojar luz sobre como los humanos comenzaron a utilizar herramientas. | The scientific community says that this discovery could shed light on how humans began to use tools. |
Asistir | To attend, assist | En el consulado lo asistirán. | You will receive assistance/care at the consulate. |
Asistir | To attend, assist | Asistió a una sola clase. | He/she only went to one class. |
Asociar | To associate; to pool, put together [efforts, resources] | No logro asociarla con nada. | I can't associate her with anything/can't place her. |
Aspirer | To aspire to; to breathe in, inhale | Aspirar a algo. | To aspire to something. |
Asustar | To scare | Me asustó cuando se puso tan serio. | He/she gave me a scare when he/she became serious. |
Asustarse | To be scared, frightened | Me asusté cuando vi que no estaba allí. | I became frightened when I saw he wasn't there. |
Atacar | To attack | Atacar por la espalda. | Attack from behind/to jump someone/to stab in the back. |
Attender | To attend to | En esa tienda atienden muy mal. | The service is very bad here. |
Attender | To attend to | El doctor no atiende los martes. | The doctor does not see people on tuesdays. |
Atraer | To attract | Mo me atrae la idea. | I don't like the idea/ it doesn't appeal to me. |
Atravesar | To cross, go over | Atravesó el río a nado. | He/she swam across the river. |
Atreverse | To dare | ¡anda, atrévete | Go on, I dare you |
Aumentar | To increase | Aumentará el frío. | It will become colder. |
Aumentar | To increase | Aumentó de peso. | He/she put on weight. |
Avanzar | To move forward, advance, make progress | Análisis de cómo avanzar en el tema de gobernabilidad. | Analysis of how to make further progress with the issue of governance. |
Avanzar | To move forward, advance, make progress | Voy a avanzar todo lo que pueda hasta que me vaya. | I'll make as much progress on this as I can before I leave. |
Averiguar | To ascertain, confirm | Nunca mas podria aveiguar nadie hacia donde se dirigia aquella gente. | Never more would anyone be able to ascertain in which direction those people were headed. |
Averiguar | To ascertain, confirm | Me gustaría averiguar si puedo accederlos antes de que yo viaje a Buenos Aires. | I would like to confirm that I can access them before I travel to Buenos Aires. |
Averiguar | To ascertain, confirm | Hoy fui a mi banco a averiguar sobre lo que pudo haber pasado con el deposito. | Today I went to my bank to find out what had happened with (o "to") the deposit. |
Avisar | To notify, warn | ¿por qué no me avisaste que venías? | Why didn't you let me know you were coming? |
Ayudar | To help | ¿te ayudo? | Can I help you? Do yo u need help? |
Bailar | To dance | Baila al son que le tocan. | She always goes with the flow. |
Bajar | To lower, go down, descend, download | Bajé corriendo la cuesta. | I came running down the hill. |
Bañar | To give a bath [to someone], to bathe [someone] | Tienes que bañar en oro esa pulsera. | You have to goldplate that bracelet. |
Barrer | To sweep | La inundación barrió con todo. | The flood swept everything away. |
Batir | To beat, hammer, pound [on], whisk | Nuestro equipo fue batido dos veces seguidas. | Our team was beaten two times consecutively. |
Bautizar | To baptize, christen | La bautizarron con el nombre de Ana. | She was bazptized Ana. |
Beber | To drink | Si bebes, no conduzcas. | If you drink, don't drive. |
Bendecir | To bless, foretell, forecast | ¡que Dios te bendiga | God bless you |
Besar | To kiss | M e dio un beso en la mejilla. | He gave me a kiss on the cheek. |
Border | To embroider | Lo bordó a mano. | She embroidered it by hand. |
Borrar | To delete, erase, wipe/cross out | La sonrisa no se le borraba de la cara. | He couldn't wipe the smile off his face. |
Brillar | To shine, stand out | El jardín también tenía una pileta cuyo agua brillaba con la lus naranja del atardecer. | The garden also had a swiming–pool whose water shone/shimmered in the orange light of the sunset. |
Brindar | To toast [someone,something] | Le brindó su apoyo. | She gave him her support. |
Broncearse | To tan, sunbathe | Broncearse en la playa | To sunbathe on the beach. |
Bucear | To dive underwater; SCUBA/Snorkel | Me gusta Brasil por sus playas y para poder nadar y bucear. | I like Brazil for its beaches and to be able to swim and scuba dive. |
Burlar | To deceive, trick; to seduce | Burlaron la vigilancia de la policía. | They slipped by the police. |
Burlarse | To mock, ridicule | No permitas que se burlen de ti. | Don't allow them to mock you. |
Buscar | To seek, search for | Te buscan en la portería. | Someone is asking for you at reception. |
Caber | To fit into | No cabemos los cuatro. | All four of us won't fit. |
Caer | To fall | El coche cayó por un precipicio. | The car went off a cliff. |
Calcular | To calculate | Calculé mal la distancia. | I misscalculated the distance. |
Calendar | To heat up | Esta estufa casi no calienta. | This heater is hardly giving off heat. |
Calentarse | To become warmed,heated | Los ánimos se calentaron. | Tempers flared. |
Callar | To silence [something] | No pude hacerlo callar. | We couldn't get him to shut up. |
Callarse | To be quiet, shut up | Cuando entró todos se callaron. | When we walked in everyone went quiet. |
Calmar | To calm, ease | Esto calmó los ánimos. | This eased the tensions. |
Calmarse | To calm down yourself | Esta tos no se me calma con nada. | Nothing can relieve my sore throat. |
Cambiar | To change | Le cambió la pila al reloj. | He/she changed the battery in the clock. |
Caminar | To walk | Camino un par de kilómetros diarios. | I walk two kilometers every day. |
Cancelar | To cancel, write off | Que fue lo último que yo debía para cancelar la cuenta? | What would my last payment be to pay off what I owe in order to cancel the account? |
Cansar | To tire out, wear out | ¿no te cansa oír la misma música? | Don't you get tired of listening to the same music? |
Cansarse | To be tired | Se le cansa la vista. | Here eyes get tired. |
Cantar | To sing | Me gusta cantar. | I like to sing. |
Caracterizar | To characterize, portray | Con la franqueza que lo caracteriza, | With his characterstic frankness, |
Cargar | To load | Nos vamos a caracterizar de indigenas para la clase de teatro. | We are going to portray indians in theather class. |
Casar | To marry | Casó muy bien a sus dos hijos. | She successfully married off her two husbands. |
Casarse | To marry | Se casó con un abogado. | She married a lawyer. |
Castigar | To punish, penalize, castigate | Fueron castigados con la pena máxima. | They received the maximum sentence. |
Causar | To cause, create | Le causó mucha pena | It made him very sad. |
Cazar | To hunt, catch | Ha cazado un millonario/buen empleo. | She landed herself a millionaire/good job. |
Cenar | To eat dinner | Nos invitaron a cenar. | They invited us to dinner. |
Censurer | To censor, criticize | Algunas escenas de la obra fueron censuradas. | Some scenes from the play were cut. |
Cepillar | To brush | Cepillar a contrapelo. | To brush against the grain. |
Cerrar | To close | Cierra la puerta con llave. | Lock the door. |
Cesar | To stop | Cesó en su cargo. | She resigned/left her post. |
Charlar | To chat | Quiero charlar y ver que se da con un chico (coloquial). | I want to talk to and see what happens with a boy (love interest). |
Chismear | To gossip | ||
Chocar | To crash, collide; to startle | El balón chocó contra el poste. | The ball hit the goalpost. |
Civilizer | to make civilized | ||
Clarificar | To clarify, illuminate, grade, rate | ||
Clasificarse | To qualify | Se clasificó en sexto lugar. | He finished in sixth place. |
Cobrar | To charge, charge a price, collect an amount | Nos cobran 30.000 pesos de alquiler. | They charge us 30,000 pesos in rent. |
Cobrar | To charge, charge a price, collect an amount | Vinó a cobrar el alquiler. | He/she came to collect the rent. |
Cocinar | To cook | ¿quién cocina en tu casa? | Who does the cooking in your house? |
Cocinar | To cook | A casi todos chicos les gustan chicas que saben cocinar. | Nearly all boys like girls who know how to cook. |
Coger | To catch, grasp, take hold of | Cojamos un avión y visitemos los Países Bajos. | Let's take a plane and visit the Netherlands. |
Colgar | Hang, suspend | El abrigo estaba colgado de un gancho. | The coat was hanging on a hook. |
Colocar | To place, locate, put | Se colocó a mi lado. | She stood at my side. |
Colonizer | To colonize, settle | Los pingüinos han colonizado esa parte de la isla. | The penguins have settled on that part of the island. |
Combater | To combat, fight, oppose | Combatieron con el enemigo hasta caer rendidos. | They fought against the enemy until they became exhausted. |
Comenzar | To begin | Comenzó a decir barbaridades. | He started talking non–sense. |
Comer | To eat | No tengo ganas de comer. | I'm not hungary. |
Competir | To compete | Los dos modelos compiten en calidad | The two models rival each other in quality. |
Componer | To compose, put together | El tren estaba compuesto por ocho vagones. | The train was made up of eight cars. |
Comprar | To buy | Le compra el periódico a Lucía. | He buys the newspaper for Lucia. |
Comprender | To understand, comprehend | Nadie me comprende. | Nobody understands me. |
Comunicar | To communicate, inform | Espero que nos comunique su decisión tan pronto como sea posible. | I hope you let us know what you decide as soon as possible. |
Comunicarse | To communicate to/with someone | Communicarse por señas. | To communicate via sign language. |
Condenar | To damn, condemn, sentence | Lo condenaron por robo. | He was convicted of robbery. |
Conducer | To drive, conduct, lead to | Esa actitud no conduce a nada. | That attitude won't achieve anything. |
Confesar | To confess | El cura que la confiesa. | The preist who hears her confession. |
Confiar | To trust | No confío en ella. | I don't trust her. |
Confirmer | To confirm | La excepción que confirma la regla. | The exception that proves the rule. |
Compartir | To share, divide up | ¿por qué no compartimos lo que queda de tarta? | Why don't we share what's left of the pie? |
Confiscar | To confiscate | Tengo que confiscar esos caramelos. | I have to confiscate those sweets. |
Conjugar | To conjugate | Hay que saber conjugar todas las opciones. | You have to know how to combine all options. |
Conocer | To be familiar with people, places; to meet | Quiero que conozcas a mi novio. | I would like for you to meet my boyfriend. |
Conquistar | To conquer, overcome | Conquistamos la cima al atardecer. | We reached the summit at dusk. |
Conquistar | To conquer, overcome | Acabó conquistándola. | He won her heart in the end. |
Conseguir | To get, obtain | Si lo intentas, al final lo conseguirás. | If you try, you will succeed in the end. |
Consenter | To consent | ¡no te consiento que me hables así | I won't have you speak to me this way |
Consenter | To consent | Se lo consienten todo. | He is allowed to do whatever he likes. |
Conserver | To preserve, conserve | Conservo buenos recuerdos suyos. | I have good memories of him. |
Consistir | To consist of | El mobiliario consistía en una cama y una silla. | The furniture consisted of a bed and a chair. |
Constituir | To constitute | Esta acción no constituye delito. | This action does not constitute a crime. |
Construer | To build, construct | ||
Consumer | To consume, eat, use up | La envidia la consumía. | She was consumed with envy. |
Contaminar | To contaminate | Contar | To tell, relate |
Contener | To contain | ¿qué contiene esa caja? | What does that box contain? |
Contester | To answer | Me contestó que no. | He replied no. |
Continuar | To continue | Si las cosas continúan así. | If things continue like this. |
Contribuir | To contribute | Contribuyó con 10 euros. | He contributed 10 euros. |
Controlar | To control, inspect | Controlamos la situación. | We are in control of the situation. |
Convencer | To convince | La convencí de que estaba equivocada. | I convinced her she was wrong. |
Convener | To agree or be suited/good for | No conviene que nos vean juntos. | We'd better not be seen together. |
Conversar | To talk, converse | Conversé largo rato con ella. | I had a long talk with her. |
Convertir | To convert | ||
Convidar | To invite | Nos convidaron a unas copas. | They invited us for a few drinks. |
Copier | To copy | Le copié la respuesta a Ana. | I copied the answer from Ana. |
Corregir | To correct | Un defecto físico que se corrige solo. | A defect that corrects itself. |
Corer | To run | Salieron corriendo del banco. | They ran out of the bank. |
Cortar | To cut | Me cortó un trozo de melón. | She cut me a piece of melon. |
Coser | To sew, stitch up | Cóselo a máquina. | Sew it up on the machine. |
Costar | To cost | ¿cuánto me costará arreglarlo? | Ho much will it cost me to fix it? |
Crear | To create | Crea muchos problemas. | It creates a lot of problems. |
Crecer | To grow [up] | Crecieron en un pueblo. | They grew up in a village. |
Creer | To believe | ¿tú crees? | Do you think so? |
Criar | To raise, nurse (babies) | Esta tierra cría gusanos. | This soil breeds worms. |
Criarse | To be brought up | Me crie con mi abuela. | I was brought up by my grandmother. |
Criticar | To criticize | ||
Crucificar | To crucify | ||
Cruzar | To cross | Cruzaron por el puente. | They crossed the bridge. |
Cubrir | To cover | Cubrí al niño con una manta. | I covered the child with a blanket. |
Cuidar | To care for, look after | Debes cuidar la ortografía. | You must take care of your spelling. |
Culpar | To blame, accuse | La culparon del asesinato. | She was accused of the murder. |
Cultivar | To cultivate, grow | ||
Cumplir | To fullfil, carry out, reach | La satisfacción del deber cumplido. | The satisfaction of having done one's duty. |
Curar | To cure, treat, heal | ||
Dar | To give | Dale las llaves a Pedro. | Give the keys to Pedro. |
Deber | To must, ought to | Te debo las entradas de ayer. | I owe you for the tickets from yesterday. |
Decider | To decide, resolve | Decidí comprarlo. | I decided to buy it. |
Decidirse | To decide, make up your mind | Me decido que.. | I made up my mind that... |
Decir | To say | No digas estupideces. | Don't talk nonsense. |
Declarer | Declare | Le declaró su amor. | He declared his love to her. |
Decorar | To decorate | Esta empresa nos decoró la oficina en una semana. | This company decorated the office in a week. |
Dedicar | To dedicate | Dedicó su vida a la ciencia/ayudar a los pobres. | She dedicated her life to science/helping the poor. |
Dedicarse | Devote oneself, dedicate oneself, engage | ¿a qué se dedica tu padre? | What does your father do? |
Defender | Defend | Me defiendo bastante bien en francés. | I can get by well enough in French. |
Dejar | Leave, abandon; let, allow | Lo dejé en recepción. | I left it in reception. |
Demostrar | Demonstrate, show | Ha demostrado ser muy capaz. | He's shown himself to be very capable. |
Depender | Depend | Depende del humor que tenga. | It depends on the mood he is in. |
Depender | To depend, rely | Depende de sus padres. | He/she depends on his/her parents. |
Depositar | Deposit, put away | ||
Deprimir | Depress, flatten | ||
Derretir | Melt, liquify, thaw | Echaron sal para derretir la nieve. | They used salt to melt the snow. |
Desagradar | Displease, be displeasing | Me desagrada el calor/tener que decírselo. | I don't like the heat/having to tell her. |
Desagradecer | To be ungrateful, unthankful for | ||
Desaparecer | Disappear | Me ha desaparecido la cartera. | I can't find my wallet. |
Desayunar | Breakfast | ¿qué desayunaste? | What did you have for breakfast? |
Descansar | Rest, take a rest; support, lean | Descansó la cabeza en mi hombro. | He rested his head on my shoulder. |
Descender | To descend, come/go down | Desciende de los duques de Villamediana. | He's a descendant of the Dukes of Villamediana. |
Describer | Describe | ||
Descubrir | To discover | Descubrió que no era hija de su padre. | She discovered that she was not her fathers daughter. |
Desarrollar | To develop, expand; to unroll, unwind; to unfold | Han desarrollado un nuevo modelo de ordenador portátil. | They have developed a new type of portable computer. |
Desarrollarse | To develop, evolve; to unwind | ||
Desear | To wish | Te deseo un feliz viaje. | I hope you have a good trip. |
Deshacer | To undo, unmake, ruin, spoil, take apart | ||
Despedirse | To say goodbye to, show out | Vinieron a despedirme al aeropuerto. | They came to see me off at the airport. |
Despertar | To awaken [somebody], wake up [somebody] | ||
Despertarse | To wake up | ||
Destruir | To destroy | ||
Detener | Stop, hold up, arrest | ¡queda usted detenido | You're under arrest |
Detenerse | Stop, pause, linger | No nos detengamos demasiado en los detalles. | Let's not spend too much time discussing the details. |
Detester | To detest, hate | ||
Devolver | To return [something] | Devuélvelo a su lugar. | Put it back in it's place. |
Devorar | To devour | Fue devorado por las llamas. | It was consumed by the flames. |
Dibujar | Draw | Dibújame un boceto de tu casa de campo. | Sketch your country house for me. |
Dirigir | Lead, direct | La pregunta iba dirigida a usted. | The question was directed at you. |
Diseñar | Design | ||
Disgustar | Displease, (used much like gustar) | Me disgustó mucho que me mintiera. | I was very upset that he lied to me. |
Disminuir | To decrease, diminish | Esto disminuye sus probabilidades de entrar en la Universidad. | This lowers his chances of admission to the University. |
Distinguir | Distinguish, make out, recognize | No soy capaz de distinguir a Juan de su hermano gemelo. | I can't distinguish Juan from his twin brother. |
Distribuir | Distribute, hand out | ¿quién distribuye esta revista en España? | Who distributes this magazine in Spain? |
Diverter | To amuse, entertain | ¡que te diviertas | Have fun |
Divertirse | To have fun, have a good time, enjoy oneself | Nos divertimos mucho en la fiesta. | We had a really good time at the party. |
Divorciar | Divorce | ||
Divorciarse | Divorce | ||
Doblar | Turn, fold, bend | Dobló la barra de metal. | He bent/folded the metal bar. |
Doblar | Turn, fold, bend | La dobla en edad. | He's twice her age. |
Doler | Hurt, feel pain | No duele nada. | It doesn't hurt at all. |
Dormer | To sleep | No dormí nada. | I didn't sleep at all. |
Dormirse | To fall asleep | Casi me duermo en la clase. | I almost fell asleep in class. |
Duchar | To shower (something, someone) | Me has duchado con la manguera. | You have drenched me with the hose. |
Ducharse | To take a shower | Me duché. | I showered. |
Dudar | Doubt | Dudo que lo haya terminado. | I doubt he's finished it. |
Durar | To last, go on | ¿cuánto dura la película? | How long is the movie? |
Echar | Throw, deal (cards) | Lo eché a la basura. | I threw it away. |
Echarse | Hurl oneself | Échate un poco para allá. | Move over that way a bit. |
Educar | Educate | Debería educar el oído. | She should train her ear. |
Efectuar | To effect, bring about | El tren efectuará su salida a las tres. | The train will leave at three. |
Ejercer | Exercise, practice | Ejerce la medicina. | He/she practices medicine. |
Elegir | Choose, elect | Me dieron a elegir. | I was given the choice. |
Eliminar | To remove, eliminate | ||
Emborrachar | to get someone drunk, make drunk | ||
Emborracharse | Get drunk | ||
Emigrar | Emigrate, migrate | ||
Empezar | Begin | No sé por dónde empezar. | I don't know where to begin. |
Emplear | To employ, hire, use | Empleó varias horas en terminar el dibujo. | It took him a few hours to finish the picture. |
Enamorar | To make ... fall in love with, get ... to fall in love with | ||
Enamorarse | To fall in love | ||
Encantar | to charm, enchant (a love interest) | Me encantaría que me acompañaras. | I'd love for you to come with me. |
Encender | Burn, light, turn on | No dejes el televisor encendido | Don't leave the television on. |
Encontrar | Find | No encontré entradas para el teatro. | I couldn't get tickets for the theater. |
Enfadar | To anger, annoy | ||
Enfadarse | To get angry | ||
Enfermar | Make ill, cause sickness in | Enfermaron de tuberculosis. | They caught tuberculosis. |
Enfermarse | Become sick | ||
Enflaquecer | To make weak, thin | ||
Enflaquecerse | Grow weak, lose weight | ||
Engañar | To trick, fool, swindle | No me engañes, ese no es tu coche. | You can't fool me, this isn't your car. |
Enojar | To anger, annoy | ||
Enojarse | To become angry, annoyed | ||
Enriquecer | Enrich, make rich | ||
Enriquecerse | Get rich | ||
Enseñar | Teach | Enséñame a manejar la cámara. | Teach me how to use the camera. |
Ensuciar | To dirty | Lo vas a ensuciar todo de barro. | You'll get mud everywhere. |
Entender | Understand | Lo entendió todo al revés. | He got it all completely wrong. |
Enterarse | To find out about, learn of | Me enteré por tus padres. | I found out from your parents. |
Entrar | Enter | Entró corriendo. | He came running. |
Entregar | To hand over | Me entregó un cuestionario. | He/she handed me a questionnaire. |
Entretener | Entertain | Pintar me entretiene. | I enjoy painting. |
Entrevistar | Interview | ||
Entusiasmar | excite [someone/thing] | Lo entusiasma el fútbol. | He's crazy about footbal. |
Entusiasmarse | To get excited | ||
Envejecer | To age, make old | La felicidad del matrimonio esta en envejecer juntos. | The joy in marriage lies in growing old together. |
Envejecerse | To age (get old) | ||
Enviar | To send | Me envió por pan. | He/she sent me out for bread. |
Equivocar | To mistake | Me equivoqué con él. | I was wrong about him. |
Equivocarse | make a mistake | No te equivoques de fecha. | Don't get the date wrong. |
Errar | To make an error | Erró su vocación. | He/she chose the wrong career. |
Escoger | Choose | Escoge que quieras. | Choose what you want. |
Seconder | To hide | ||
Esconderse | To hide oneself | ||
Escribir | To write | Escríbelo aquí. | Write it down here. |
Escuchar | To listen | ¿Me estás escuchando? | Are you listening to me? |
Esperar | To hope; to wait | Le espera un futuro difícil. | A difficult future is waiting for him. |
Esquiar | To ski | ||
Establecer | To establish | Estableció su residencia en Mónaco. | He/she established residence in Monaco. |
Estar | To be | Está mal que no se lo perdones. | It's wrong of you not to forgive him. |
Estimar | Estimate, regard, respect | Estimo tu ayuda. | I appreciate your help. |
Estudiar | Study | ¿qué carrera estudió? | What subject did he study? |
Evacuar | To evacuate | ||
Evitar | To avoid, prevent | ||
Exhibir | To exhibit, display | Le gusta exhibir sus dotes de pianista. | He likes to show off his talent as a pianist. |
Exigir | To require, demand | Exigió que se retiraran. | He/she demanded that they leave. |
Explicar | Explain | No sé explicarlo. | I can't explain it. |
Explorer | Explore | Quisiera explorar la posibilidad de aumentar la plantilla. | I'd like to explore the possibility of increasing the number of staff. |
Explotar | To exploit, explode | ||
Exponer | To expose, display | Te expones a que te multen. | You expose yourself to the risk of a fine. |
Exporter | To export | Nos gustaría exportar este sentimiento solidario a otras comunidades. | We'd like our spirit of solidarity to spread to other communities. |
Expresar | Express, state | Expresó ciertas dudas acerca de su capacidad. | He expressed doubts regarding his abilities. |
Extender | To extend | Le extendió la mano. | He extended his hand to him/her. |
Extenderse | To stretch | Se extiende hasta el río. | It stretches to the river. |
Extinguir | To extinguish | Tardaron tres días en extinguir el fuego completamente. | It took them three days to extinguish the fire completely. |
Fabricar | To produce, manufacture | Fabricado en Perú. | Manufactured in Peru. |
Faltar | To lack | Te falta un botón. | You are missing a button. |
Fascinar | Fascinate | Me fascinó ese programa. | I found that program fascinating. |
Felicitar | To congratulate | Me felicitó por el premio. | He congratulated me for my win. |
Fijar | To fix, affix | Fijó la mirada en el horizonte. | He/she fixed his/her gaze on the horizon. |
Fingir | To pretend | Fingió no verme. | He/she pretended not to see me. |
Firmar | Sign | ||
Florecer | Bloom | ||
Formar | To form, shape | ¡formen parejas | Get into/form pairs |
Fortalecer | To strengthen | ||
Freír | To fry | ||
Fumar | To smoke | ||
Funcionar | To function, operate | ||
Ganar | To win, earn, gain | ¿qué ganas con eso? | What do you gain by doing that? |
Gastar | To spend, consume | Gasto el 37. | I wear a size 37. |
Generalizer | To generalize | No todos son así, no se puede generalizar. | They are not all like that, you can't generalize. |
Glorificar | To glorify | ||
Gobernar | To govern | ||
Graduar | To graduate | ||
Graduarse | To graduate | ||
Gritar | To shout | Me gritó desde la otra acera. | He shouted at me from the other side of the street. |
Gruñir | To growl | ||
Guarder | Guard | Ya guardé toda la ropa de invierno | I already put away all my winter clothing. |
Guiar | To guide | guiarse por el instinto | To follow your instincts. |
Gustar | To like | Me gusta su compañía. | I like her company. |
Hablar | To speak | Hablan muy bien de él. | People speak very highly of him. |
Hacer | to do, make | Me hizo un lugar en la mesa. | He made me a place at the table. |
Hallar | To find, locate | Halló la puerta abierta. | She found the door open. |
Hallarse | To find oneself | La responsabilidad educativa se halla en gran parte descentralizada. | Educational responsibility is to a great degree decentralized. Or, Educational responsibility finds itself to a great degree decentralized. |
Herir | To hurt | Hirió sus sentimientos. | He/she hurt his/her feelings. |
Hervir | To boil | Añade la sal cuando rompa a hervir. | Add the salt when it boils. |
Huir | To flee | Huyó de la cárcel. | He/she escaped from prison. |
Ilustrar | To illustrate | Ahora, escribe oraciones completas para ilustrar cada uso. | Now, write complete sentences to illustrate each use. |
Importer | To import | No importa quién lo haga. | It doesn't matter who does it. |
Imprimir | To print | Imprime su estilo a todo lo que hace. | He puts his mark on anything he does. |
Incluir | To include | Inclúyelo en la lista. | Include him on the list. |
Indicar | Indicate | Hay una flecha que indica el camino. | There is an arrow that indicates the way. |
Inducer | To induce | Lo indujo al crimen. | He/she led him/her into crime. |
Influir | To influence | ||
Informar | To inform | Te han informado mal. | You have been misinformed. |
Iniciar | To start, initate | Iniciar el proceso de paz. | To initiate the peace process. |
Inmigrar | To immigrate | ||
Insistir | To insist | Ya que insistes. | If you insist. |
Instalar | To install | ||
Insultar | To insult | ||
Intentar | To try, attempt | Intentaremos que regrese hoy mismo. | We will try to get him to come today. |
Interesar | To interest, be of interest | Esto a ti no te interesa. | This doesn't concern you. |
Interpreter | Interpret translate | Interpretó mal tus palabras. | He/she misinterpreted what you said. |
Introducer | To introduce | Su padre lo introdujo en la política. | His father introduced him to politics. |
Invader | To invade | Los trabajadores invadieron la calle. | The workers poured out into the street. |
Inventor | To invent | ||
Invertir | To invest | Voy a invertir todos mis esfuerzos en sacar este curso adelante. | I'm going to invest all of my efforts in successfully completing this course. |
Investigar | To investigate | ||
Inviter | To invite | Hoy invitas tú. | Today it's on you. |
Invocar | To invoke | ||
Ir | To go | Iban a caballo/a pie. | They went on horseback/on foot. |
Irse | To go away, leave | ¿por qué te vas tan temprano? | Why are you going so soon? |
Jactarse | To boast, brag | ||
Jugar | To play | Jugamos una partida de ajedrez. | We played a game of chess. |
Juntar | To join, put together | Juntaremos las sillas. | We will put the chairs together. |
Juntarse | To get together | Nos juntaremos en tu casa. | We'll meet at your house. |
Jurar | To swear, take an oath | Juró vengarse. | He swore to get his revenge. |
Ladrar | To bark (dog) | ||
Lamenter | To regret | Lamento molestarlo... | I'm sorry to bother you.... |
Lanzar | To throw, launch | Lanzó un grito de dolor. | He cried out in pain. |
Lastimar | To hurt emotionally | No lastimes sus sentimientos. | Don't hurt his/her feelings. |
Lavar | To wash | Hay que levantarlo en seco. | You must dy–clean it. |
Lavarse | To wash (hands, hair, etc) | ||
Leer | To read | Leer los labios. | To read lips. |
Legalizer | To leagalize, authenticate | ||
Levanter | To lift | Le levantó el castigo. | He let him off the hook. |
Levantarse | To get up | ¿me puedo levantar de la mesa? | May I leave the table? |
Limpiar | To clean | Lo limpió con un trapo. | He wiped it with a cloth. |
Llamar | To call | El sindicato los llamó a la huelga. | The union called them out on strike. |
Llamarse | To be called | Su padre se llama Pedro. | His father's name is Pedro. |
Llegar | To arrive, reach | No me llegó el telegrama. | I never received the telegram. |
Llenar | To fill | No me llenes el vaso. | Don't fill up my glass. |
Llevar | To take, carry | Le llevé unas flores. | I brought her some flowers. |
Llorar | To mourn | Estaba a punto de llorar. | She was on the verge of tears. |
Llover | To rain | ||
Lograr | To get, attain, achieve, accomplish | Logrará su propósito. | He'll achieve his goal. |
Luchar | To fight | ||
Madurar | To mature, ripen | ||
Mandar | To mandate, order | A mí nadie me manda. | Nobody tells me what to do. |
Manejar | To drive, run, operate | No sé manejar la grúa. | I don't know how to operate the crane. |
Mantener | To maintain, keep up | Mantener la calma. | To maintain calm. |
Maquillar | To put makeup on, disguise, make up, falsify | En su declaración maquilló un poco el asunto. | In his declaration he wasn't entirely truthful. |
Maquillarse | To put on makeup, a disguise | ||
Marcar | To mark, score, brand | El reloj marca las doce en punto. | The time was exactly 12. |
Masticar | To chew | ||
Matar | To kill | Lo mató un coche. | He was killed by a car. |
Matricular | To register, enroll | ||
Matricularse | To register oneself | ||
Medir | To measure | ¿cuánto mide de alto/largo? | How tall/long is it? |
Mentir | To lie | Me mintió. | He/she lied to me. |
Merecer | To deserve | Merece que le den el puesto. | She deserves to get the job. |
Merendar | To snack | Merendamos en el campo. | We had a picnic in the country. |
Meter | To put in, introduce | Logró meter todo en la maleta. | He managed to fit it all in the suitcase. |
Mezclar | To mix | No me gusta mezclar a los amigos. | I don't like to mix my friends. |
Mirar | To look | No me mires así. | Don't look at me that way. |
Modificar | To modify, alter | Han modificado el texto sustancialmente. | The text was altered substantially. |
Molestar | To bother, annoy | Perdone que lo moleste. | Sorry to bother you. |
Montar | To ride, mount | Montó al niño en el poni. | He lifted the boy onto the pony. |
Morir | To die | Murió asesinada. | He/she was murdered. |
Mostrar | To show (by example) | Muéstrame cómo funciona. | Show me how it works. |
Mover | To move | No muevas la cámara. | Don't move the camera. |
Moverse | To move | La lámpara se movía con el viento. | The lamp was swaying in the wind. |
Mudra | To molt, shed, change, move residence | Cuando mudó de voz.. | When his voice broke... |
Mudarse | To molt, shed, change, move residence | Se mudaron a una casa más grande. | They moved to a bigger house. |
Nacer | To be born | ¿Dónde naciste? | Where were you born. |
Nadir | To swim | ¿Sabes nadar? | Do you know how to swim? |
Navegar | To navigate, sail | ||
Necesitar | To need | Se necesita vendedora. | Saleswoman needed. |
Negar | To deny | No puedo negarlo. | I can't deny it. |
Negarse | To refuse to | Se negó a que llamáramos a un médico. | He refused to let us call a doctor. |
Negociar | To negotiate | Negociamos con él la compra de las acciones. | We negociated the purchase of the shares with him. |
Nevar | To snow | ||
Notar | To notice | No noté nada extraño. | I didn't notice anything strange. |
Obedecer | To obey | Obedece a tu madre. | Do as your mother tells you. |
Obligor | To obligate, bind, force | No lo obligues a comer. | Don't force him to eat. |
Obtener | To obtain, get | ||
Ocurrir | To occur, happen | Ocurra lo que ocurra. | Whatever happens, happens. |
Odiar | To hate | Odio la plancha. I hate ironing. | |
Offender | To offend | ||
Ofrecer | To offer | ¿qué se le ofrece, señora? | What would you like, madam? |
Oír | To hear | No oigo nada. | I can't hear anything. |
Oler | To smell | ¿no hueles a humo? | You don't smell smoke? |
Olvidar | To forget | Había olvidado que.. | I had fogotten that... |
Olvidarse | To forget | Se me olvidó decírtelo..... | I forgot to tell you... |
Oponer | To pit A against B | No opuso resistencia. | He put up no resistence. |
Oponerse | To put on, become (mental state) | Nuestros caracteres se oponen. | We are opposites. |
Organizer | To organize | Organizaron una fiesta de despedida. | They organized a farewell party. |
Padecer | To suffer | Padece del corazón. | He suffers from heart problems. |
Pagar | To pay | ¿cuánto pagas de alquiler? | How much do you pay in rent? |
Parar | To stop, halt | Para un momento. | Hang on a minute. |
Parecer | To seem, appear | Parece fácil. | It looks easy. |
Participar | To participate | ||
Pasar | To pass by, happen, spend (time) | No ha pasado ni un taxi. | Not one taxi has passed by. |
Patina | To skate, slide, skid | Patinar sobre ruedas/hielo. | To roller/ice skate. |
Pedir | To request, ask for | Pidieron un préstamo al banco. | They asked the bank for a loan. |
Pegar | To stick, glue, attach, pick up... | Le pegó una paliza terrible. | She gave him a terrible beating. |
Peinar | To comb, brush | ¿quién te peina? | Who does your hair? |
Pelear | To fight, brawl | Pelearon por una tontería. | They had fight over a silly little thing. |
Pensar | To think | Pensé para mí... | I thought to myself.... |
Perder | To lose (in all senses) | Perdí el pasaporte. | I lost my passport. |
Perdonar | To pardon, forgive | Te perdono. | I forgive you. |
Permanecer | To stay, remain | Permaneció en silencio. | He stayed silent. |
Permitir | To allow | No le permitieron verla. | He was not permitted to see her. |
Perseguir | To pursue, hunt | Me persigue la mala suerte. | I'm hounded by bad luck. |
Pertenecer | To pertain, belong | Este libro pertenece a tu biblioteca. | This book belongs to your library. |
Pesar | To weigh on (emotionally or physically) | Ahora me pesa mucho. | Now I deeply regret it. |
Pescar | To fish | Fuimos a pescar. | We went fishing. |
Picar | To prick puncture, sting, itch | Me picaron los mosquitos. | I got bitten by mosquitos. |
Pintar | To paint | Pintó la puerta de rojo. | She painted the door red. |
Platicar | To talk, chat (Mex and CA) | ||
Planchar | To iron, press | ||
Plantar | To plant, put; to ditch, dump (colloq) | Plantaremos todo el jardín de jazmines. | We'll plant the whole garden with jazmines. |
Poder | To be able to | No puedo pagar tanto. | I can't pay so much. |
Poner | To put | ¿cuántos le pongo? | How many would you like? (How many should I put to you?) |
Ponerse | To put on [clothing]; to put/place [oneself]; to turn/get/become [+ adjective of physical/mental state]) | Pongámonos ahí. | Let's stand here. |
Practicar | To practice | No practica ningún deporte. | He doesn't practice any sports. |
Predecir | To predict | ||
Preferir | To prefer | Prefiero que te quedes. | I would prefer if you stayed. |
Preguntar | To ask | Eso no se pregunta. | You shouldn't ask things like that. |
Preguntarse | To wonder, ask oneself | me pregunto... | I wonder... |
Preparer | To prepare | Preparar una fiesta. | Prepare a party. |
Prepararse | To prepare oneself | ||
Presenter | To submit, introduce | Te presento a mi hermana. | I would like you to meet my sister. |
Preserver | To preserve, protect | ||
Prever | To foresee, fortell | Se prevé un aumento de precios. | A rise in prices has been predicted. |
Probar | To test, try | No prueba el alcohol. | He never drinks alcohol. |
Producer | To produce | Las vacas producen leche. | Cows produce milk. |
Prohibir | To prohibit | Iba en dirección prohibida. | I was going the wrong direction. |
Prometer | To promise | Te lo prometo. | I promise you. |
Proponer | To propose | Nos propuso ir al campo. | She proposed we go to the countryside. |
Proseguir | To continue, proceed | ||
Proteger | To protect | ||
Protestar | To protest | Vamos a protestar contra la subida de impuestos. | We are going to protest against the rise in taxes. |
Provocar | To provoke | Su decisión fue provocada por.. | His decision was provoked by... |
Publicar | To publish | Publicó su primera novela... | She published her first novel. |
Purificar | To purify | ||
Quebrar | To snap, break; fail, go bankrupt | ||
Quebrarse | To snap, break; fail, go bankrupt | ||
Quedar | To stay, remain, be left; to be [indicating location] | ¿queda alguien adentro? | Is there anyone left inside? |
Quedarse | To stay [behind], remain [behind] | No me gusta quedarme sola en casa. | I don't like staying home alone. |
Quejarse | To complain | ||
Quemar | To burn, set on fire | ||
Quemarse | To burn down, be consumed by fire Realizer | To achieve, attain, realize | Realizó una magnífica labor. |
Rechazar | To reject | ||
Recibir | To receive | Recibió muchos regalos. | She recieved lots of gifts. |
Reciclar | To recycle | ||
Recoger | To pick up | Vino a recogernos a las tres. | He/she came to pick us up at three. |
Recomendar | To recommend | No te lo recomiendo. | I wouldnt recommend it. |
Reconocer | To recognize | Le reconocí por el modo de andar. | I recognized him by the way he walks. |
Recorder | To remember | Recuerdo que lo puse ahí. | I recall putting it here. |
Reducer | To reduce | Debería reducir el consumo de sal. | You should cut down on salt. |
Regular | To give a gift | Me regaló una pulsera. | He gave me bracelet. |
Regar | To irrigate, water, sprinkle | ||
Regatear | To bargain, haggle | ||
Regir | To be in force, valid; to govern | Ese horario ya no rige. | That timetable is no longer valid. |
Registrar | To register, record, search | ||
Registrarse | To register oneself | ||
Regresar | To return, go back | No sé cuándo va a regresar. | I don't know when he/she is going to return. |
Regular | To regulaate, control, adjust | ||
Rehusar | To refuse | Rehusó presidir la empresa. | He/she refused to accept the post. |
Reinar | To reign, rule | En la iglesia reinaba el silencio. | Silence reigned in the church. |
Reír | To laugh | Me hace reír. | He makes me laugh. |
Renacer | To be reborn | Sentí renacer la esperanza. | I felt renewed hope. |
Renovar | To renew | Tengo que renovar mi vestuario. | I must update my wardrobe. |
Renunciar | To renounce, surrender, resign | Renunciamos a la herencia. | We relinquished the inheritance. |
Reñir | To quarrel, argue, tell off | Mamá me riñó por romper el perchero. | Mom yelled at me for breaking the hatstand. |
Reparar | To repair | Nadie puede reparar la pérdida de un ser querido. | Nobody can make up for the loss of a loved one. |
Repasar | To review, revise | Repasaré el tema para que no queden dudas. | I will review the subject to remove any doubts. |
Repetir | To repeat | ¿me lo puedes repetir? | Could you repeat that, please? |
Replica | To reply, answer back | Nos replicó de un modo muy ingenioso. | She answered us with a witty remark. |
Reporter | To bring, carry; to obtain; to report, inform; to denounce, accuse | Solo me reportó disgustos. | It brought me nothing but troubles. |
Requerir | To require, need; to summon | Esta planta requiere muchos cuidados. | This plant needs a lot of care. |
Reservar | To reserve | Nos reservaba una sorpresa. | He/she had a surpise in store for us. |
Resolver | To resolve, clear up | Tiene resuelto su futuro. | His future is sorted out. |
Respetar | To respect | Se hizo respetar por todos. | He gained everyones respect. |
Respirar | To breathe | Respire hondo. | Take a deep breath. |
Responder | To reply | Respondió con una evasiva. | He/she responded with an evasive reply. |
Resultar | To turn out to be, prove to be | Resulta más barato así. | It works out to be cheapest this way. |
Reveler | To reveal, disclose | Eso revela que no tiene interés. | That shows that he is not interested. |
Rezar | To pray | Reza por que todo salga bien. | Pray that everything turns out alright. |
Robar | To steal | Le robó dinero a su jefe. | He stole some money from his boss. |
Rogar | To beg | Te lo ruego... | I beg you... |
Romper | To break | Rompió el contrato en pedazos. | He tore the contract into pieces. |
Saber | To know | No sabe lo que dice. | He doesn't know whe he's talking about. |
Sacar | To take out, draw out, extract | Sácalo aquí al sol. | Bring it out here into the sun. |
Sacrificar | To sacrifice | He de sacrificar mis estudios a causa del trabajo. | I've got to give up my studies because of my work. |
Sacudir | To shake, beat, flap | Sacudió la arena de la toalla. | He shook the sand out of the towel. |
Salir | To leave | ¿a qué hora sale el tren? | What time does the train leave? |
Saltar | To jump, jump over, leave out | Saltaba de una idea a otra. | She kept jumping from one idea to the next. |
Saludar | To salute | Saluda a tu hermano de mi parte. | Give my regards to your brother. |
Salvar | To save, rescue, except | No salvaron nada de la tormenta. | They didn't save anything from the storm. |
Satisfacer | To satisfy | Su respuesta no me satisfacer. | Your reply does not satisfy me. |
Satisfacerse | To be satisfied | ||
Satirizer | To satirize | ||
Secar | To dry, wipe | El sol secó la pintura. | The sun dried the paint. |
Secarse | To dry off | Se me seca mucho la piel. | My skin gets very dry. |
Seguir | To follow | Siga esta carretera hasta llegar al puente. | Follow this road up to the bridge. |
Sentar | To sit | Ese vestido le sienta de maravilla. | That dress really suits her. |
Sentarse | To sit down | Nos sentaron en la mesa del fondo. | We sat at the back table. |
Sentir | To feel, regret | Sentimos una gran alegría. | We are overjoyed. |
Sentirse | To feel, regret | No me siento con ánimos. | I don't feel up to it. |
Señalar | To point out, indicate, signal, note | Me señaló con el dedo. | He pointed at me. |
Server | To serve | Ya no me sirve. | It's of no use to me anymore. |
Significar | To mean | ¿qué significa sextante? | What does "sextante" mean? |
Simbolizar | To symbolize, represent | La calavera simboliza la muerte. | The skull is a symbol of death. |
Situar | To place, put | Con esta victoria se sitúan en primer lugar. | This victory puts them in first place. |
Sobrevivir | To survive | ||
Soler | To be accustomed to | Suele venir una vez a la semana. | She usually comes once a week. |
Sonar | To sound, ring | El despertador sonó a las cinco. | The alarm went off at five o'clock. |
Sonar | To dream | Soñé que vivía en una isla desierta. | I dreamt that I was living on a desert island. |
Sonreír | To smile | Le sonreía. | She was smiling at him. |
Soportar | To support, hold up, bear tolerate | No soporto este calor/la gente así. | I can't stand this heat/people like that. |
Sorprender | To surprise | Me sorprende que no lo sepas. | I'm surprised you don't know. |
Subir | To go, climb up; to get on (plane) | Hay que subir a pie. | You have to walk up on foot. |
Suceder | To happen; succeed, follow | Le expliqué lo sucedido. | I explained to him what happened. |
Sufrir | To suffer | Sufre lesiones de gravedad. | He has serious injuries. |
Sugerir | To suggest | Me sugirió que lo probara. | He suggested that I try it. |
Suponer | To suppose | Suponiendo que todo salga bien. | Let's assume everything goes well. |
Surgir | To arise, come up | Surgió un imprevisto. | Something came up. |
Suspirar | To sigh; to yearn for | Suspira por ella. | He's madly in love with her. |
Sustituir | To replace, substitute | Sustituyeron el azúcar por miel. | They replaced the sugar with honey. |
Tañer | To strum; to toll, peal | ||
Tapar | To cover, put a lid on | Tapó el agujero con cemento. | They filled the hole with cement. |
Tardar | To delay, take a long time to do something | Tardó un mes en contestar. | It took a month for him to reply. |
Temer | To fear | Temo ofenderlo. | I'm afraid of offending him. |
Terminar | To end | Terminé muy cansada. | I ended up feeling very tired. |
Tirar | To throw | Tiró la pelota al aire. | He threw the ball in the air. |
Tocar | To touch, play instrument | La planta ya toca el techo. | The plant is already touching the cieling. |
Tomar | To take, drink | La tomé de la mano. | I took her by the hand. |
Torcer | To twist, bend | Me torció el brazo. | She twisted my arm. |
Toser | To cough | ||
Trabajar | To work | ¿en qué trabajas? | What do you do for a living? |
Traducer | To translate | ||
Traer | To bring | ¿qué te trae por aquí? | What bring you here? |
Tragar | To swallow, choke down, put up with | No lo trago. | I can't stand him. |
Tartar | To try; to treat, handle | En mi trabajo trato con gente de todo tipo. | At my job I deal with all kinds of people. |
Triunfar | To succeed, be triumphant | Triunfó en el concurso. | She won the competition. |
Tropezar | To stumble | Tropezó con la caja. | He/she tripped over the box. |
Ubicar | To locate, place, to be located, situated | Me ubicaron a su lado. | They put me at his side. |
Unir | To unite, join | Se unió a nuestra causa. | He joined our cause. |
Untar | To smear, rub | Se unta el molde con mantequilla. | Spread butter on the cake pan. |
Usar | To use | ¿qué champú usas? | What shampoo do you use? |
Utilizer | To use, utilize | ||
Vaciar | To empty, evacuate | Vaciamos la piscina. | We emptied the pool. |
Valer | To be worth | ¿cuánto valen? | How much are they/how much do they cost? |
Variar | To vary | Las temperaturas varían entre 20°C y 25°C. | Temperature vary between 20 and 25 C. |
Vencer | To overcome, conquer | Me venció el sueño. | I was overcome by sleep. |
Vender | To sell | Le vendí el reloj. | I sold him the watch. |
Venir | To come | La vinó a buscar su madre. | Her mother came to pick her up. |
Ver | To view | No se ve nada aquí. | You can't see anything here. |
Verificar | To verify | ||
Vestir | To dress, clothe | Vestía un traje gris. | He was wearing a gray suit. |
Vestirse | To dress oneself | Se viste a la última moda. | He/she wears the latest styles. |
Viajar | To travel | Odia viajar. | He/she hates to travel. |
Violar | To violate, rape | ||
Visitor | To visit | ||
Vivir | To live | El sueldo no le alcanza para vivir. | His salary is not enough for him to live on. |
Volar | To fly | ¡cómo vuela el tiempo | How time flies |
Volver | To return | Mañana volvemos a clases. | Tomorrow we return to classes. |
Vomitar | To vomit | Tengo ganas de vomitar. | I think I'm going to be sick. |
Votar | To vote | Votó al partido X. | He voted for party X. |
Yacer | To lie (down) | Aquí yacen sus restos. | Here lies his remains. |
Zambullirse | To dive, plunge into | ||
Arder | To burn, be boiling | La cosa está que arde. | Things have reached/are reaching a boiling point. |