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Second World War 6
Term | Definition |
l'effondrement | collapse |
le regime de Vichy | Vichy regime |
assurer le government | to govern |
siéger | to have its headquaters |
le légitimité | legitimacy |
la politique de collaboration | policy of collaboration |
le territoire métropolitain | mainland France |
la Milice | militia (rebels) |
former un governement | to form a governement |
la devise | motto |
vaincu | defeated |
le Conseil national | national council |
fasciste | fascist |
l'église catholique | catholic church |
faire confiance á Petain | to trust Pétain |
le statut | status |
des concessions (f) | concessions |
la politique de donnant-donnant | policy of "you scratch my back..." |
un chantier de jeunesse | youth work camp under Vichy |
Un Vichyste | partisan (supporter) of the Vichy regime |
se battre contre | to fight against |
la reddition | surrender |
la persecution | persecution |
la solution finale | final solution |
le maréchal | marshall |
gouverner | to govern |
le siège | headquarters |
l'autorité (f) | authority |
le Chef de l'état | Head of State |
au moyen de | by means of |
le milicien | members of the militia (rebels) |
la souveraineté | sovereignty (supreme power) |
Travail, Famille, Patrie | Work, Family, Homeland (motto) |
rédiger | to draw up (laws and policies) |
collaborer | to collaborate |
le fascisme | fascism |
le clergé | clergy (religious leader e.g. priest) |
le vainqueur de Verdun | victor of the battle of Verdun (WW1) |
l'armistice (m) | armistice of 1918 |
le rapatriement de prisonniers | repatriation of prisoners |
les rangs (m) | ranks |
le gouvernement fantoche | puppet government |
la division en deux | dividing into two |
épargner | to spare |
la menace | threat |
un accord | agreement |
le travail forcé | enforced labour |
peine à | struggling |
intégrer | to integrate |
adhèrent | member |
pleinement | fully |
y parvient | is often |
sens unique | one way |
la persistance | persistance |
un tiers | a third |
ont tendance | tend to |
eux-même | themselves |
l'inverse | the opposite |
se trouver | find themselves |
désavantagée | disadvantaged |
le marché du travail | workplace |
avancer | offering |
les chercheurs | researches |
s'interrogent | they wonder |
de ceux qui | of those who |
personne | no one |
caractérisent | charachetrise |
prétendre | claim |
indigène | native |
une zone multiculturelle | a multicultural zone |
l'emprunt | borrow |
l'échange | exchange |
en raison | as well as |
itinéraires | journey |
au fil du temps | over time |
sans cesse renouvelée | continually changing |
manière | way |
la mise en commun | sharing |
la négociation | negotiation |
la solidarité | solidarity |
le dialogu | dialogue |
tout un cake | a whole story |
si ça se trouve | perhaps |
supprimés | suppressed |
surveillée | watched over |
maisons d'édition | publishing house |
d'ouvrages | work |
une arme | a weapon |
redoutable | formidable |
raconter | report |
s'opposer | to oppose |
apparaissent | appear |
cahier | notebook |
griffonnées | scribbled |
les tracts | leaflets |
écrits à la main | written by hand |
presses d'imprimerie | printing press |