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Micro Lab Part 1

Lab 1 Microscopy

This objective lens provides the highest magnification Oil immersion
This objective lens provides the second highest magnification High-dry
This objective lens provides the lowest magnification Low Power
This objectivie lens has the shortest working distance oil immersion
The coarse focus knob should be adjusted only when using this objective lens low power
This lens collects and focuses light from the lamp onto the specimen on the slide condenser
This lens, als known as the eyepiece, often comes in pairs ocular
Diopter adjustments can be made to this lens ocular
A diaphragm is used to regulate light passing through this lens condenser
Acetone is the safest solvent for cleaning an objective lens, T or F? False
Only lint-free, optically safe tissue should be used to wipe off microscope lenses True
The total magnification capability of a light microscope is only limited by the magnifying power of the lens system FALSE
The coarse focus knob can be used to adjust the focus when using any of the objective lenses. False
Once focus is achieved at one magnification, a higher-power objective lens can be rotated into position without fear of striking the slide. True
The resolving power of a microscope is a function of;a)the magnifying power of the lensesb)the numerical aperture of the lensesc)the wavelength of light. d)Both (a) and (b) are correct.e)Both (a) and (c) are correct. E
The coarse and fine focus knobs adjust the distance between;a)the objective and ocular lensesb)the ocular lensc)the ocular lenses and your eyesd) the stage and the condenser lense) the stage and the objective lens E
A microscope that maintains focus when the objective magnifcation is increased is called; parafocal
The total magnification achieved when using a 100x oil immersion lens with 10X binocular eyepeice is; 1000X
The most useful adjustment for increasing image contrast in low-power magnification is; Closing down the diaphram
Before the oil immersion lens is rated into place you should; Center the object of interest in the preceding lens and place a drop of oil on the slide
At 10X, 100X total magnification, what is the size of one unit? 10 um
At 40X, 400X total magnification, what is the size of one unit? 2.5 um
At 100X, 1000X total magnification, what is the size of one unit? 1 um
The ability to make larger is magnification
The ability of the lenses to distinguish two points is; resolution
What type of microscope is used to view bacteria? A compound microscope
Total magnification = Objective lens x ocular lens
The light bending ability of a medium is the refractive index
What is used to keep light from bending? Immersion oil
What are the two steps of Specimen preparation? 1. Thin film of a solution of microbes on a slide is a smear.2.) A smear is usually fixed to attach the microbes to the slide and to kill the microbes.
In a basic dye, the chromophore is a cation
In an acidic dye, the chromophore is a anion
Staining the backround instead of the cell is called; negative staining
Simple stain Use of a single basic dye such as methyleneblue, carbolfuscin, crystal violet
Differential Stains Use two or more stains and categorize cells into groups; Gram Stain and Acid-Fast Stain
Created by: 1624980995



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