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Stack #3792765

Common cause of infection in implanted catheters and heart valves Coagulase (-) Antibiotic: vancomycin S. epidermidis
E. faecium & E. fecalis can be a,B or y hemolytic Part of normal fecal flora Cause of nosocomial infections (with antibiotic resistance) Antibiotic: ampicillin Enterococci
Common cause of infection in implanted catheters and heart valves Coagulase (-) Antibiotic: vancomycin S. epidermidis
Apart of normal flora Most virulent Catalase (+) Coagulase (+) Local & deep skin infections Sepcticemia Toxic shock syndrome Antibiotic: MRSA-vancomycin, MSSA-oxacillin S. aureus
Group A beta-hemolytic Catalase (-) Acute pharyngitis (strep) GAS (w or w/o necrosis) streptococcal shock syndrome Antibiotic: penicillin (strep) S. pyogenes
Group B beta-hemolytic Commonly found in vaginal tract Can be transmitted during birth Leadinf cause of neonatal septicemia and meningitis Prophylactic antibiotic treatment Antibiotic: prophylaxis ampicillin S. agalactiae
Capsule Pili Pneumolysins Most common cause of CA pnuemonia (also otitis media, sepsis & meningitis Antibiotic: amoxicillin S. pneumoniae
Pleomorphic (club shaped) Found in poorer areas grown on media containing tellurite Produces AB toxin inhibiting EF-2 -> cell death Upper respiratory tract infection -> psuedomembrane dTap vaccination Corynebacterium diptheriae
Can form endospores (highly resistant) Infections through skin abrasions ( on occasion inhalation anthrax) Used in bioterrotism (Category A) Exotoxins (edema and lethal toxin) Cutaneous and pulmonary anthrax Antibiotic: ciprofloxacin Bacillus anthracis
Intracellular pathogen Found in ice cream, cheese, ground meat & poultry Commonly infects pregnant, fetuses, newborns, immunocompromised Control of actin filaments Causes meningitis & septicemia Antibiotic: ampicillin or penicillin Listeria monocytogenes
Oxidase (+) Opacity proteins Grown on Thayer-Martin chocalate agar Only uses glucose as carbon source Sexually transmitted Opthalmia neonatorum Antibiotic: ceftriaxone Neisseria gonorrhea
Oxidase (+) Gonococcal lipopolysaccharides Serogroups and serotypes (B and C) Utilizes glucose and maltose Trasmitted through respiratory droplets Children <1 at most risk Meningitis (with rash) Septicemia 3rd gen cephalosporin Neisseria menigitidis
Oxidase (-) Strain types based on structural antigens (O, H, K) Most common casue of urinary tract infections (UPEC) Antibiotic: nitrofurantoin Escherichia coli
Common cause of travelers diarrhea Transmitted through fecal-oral route Release heat stable and heat labile (heat stable increase cAMP similar to cholera toxin E. coli (ETEC)
Cause of diarrhea in infants (dirty areas) Pedestal development Watery diarrhea Non-invasive infection E. coli (EPEC)
Shiga-like toxins 1 or 2 Bloody diarrhea O157:H7 most common serotype Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) Antibitotics not recommended E. coli (EHEC)
Produce H2S Associated with eggs, poultry & turtles Serotypes associated with Typhi and Typhimurium Invasion of M cells, intracellular pathogen Spread through fecal-oral route Gastroenteritis Enteric or Typhoid fever Antibiotic: ceftriaxone Salmonella
Cause of shigellosis Spread by fecal-oral route Humans only natural host Low #s needed for infection Shiga toxin Invasion & destruction of LI Bloody diarrhea HUS Antibiotic: ceftriaxone Shigella
Other GI Gram (-) Rods Curved, spiral or S-shaped Darting motility Fecal-oral contamination Cytotoxin & enterotoxin Acute enteritis Antibiotic: azithromycin Campylobacter Jejuni
Other GI Gram (-) Rods Curved, single polar flagella Growth media has NaCl O antigens from LPS Aquatic environments (seafood and cuts) Cholera, Soft tissue infection (necrosis) Antibiotic: doxycycline+ceftazadime Vibrio
Other GI Gram (-) Rods Cholera disease Consumption of raw or undercooked seafood Contaminated water Cholera toxin Rice water stool Antibiotic: doxycycline Vibrio cholerae
Other GI Gram (-) Rods Curved or spiral Produce urease (neutralizes stomach acid) Cytotoxin Acute gastritis Duodenal and gastric ulcers Gastric carcinoma & B-cell lymphoma Antibiotic: metronidazole+tetracycline Helicobacter pylori
Other Enterobacteriaceae UTI & Bacteremia in hospital patients (drug resistant) Antibiotic: 3rd or 4th gen cephalosporins Klebsiella
Other Enterobacteriaceae UTIs in hosptial patients and can be multi-drug resistant Serratia
Gram (-) plemorphic rod Requires factor x and V for growth Humans only natural host Capsule Leading cause of meninigitis in children Vaccine available Haemophiluis influenzae
Gram (-) coccobacilli Can be transmitted to children not vaccinated AB toxin Catarrhal/Paroxysmal phase Whooping cough Vaccine /azithromycin Bordetella pertussis
Gram (-) rod Atypical cause of CAP Prevents phagolysomal fusion Legionnaires disease, Pontiac fever Antibiotic: azithromycin Legionella pneumophila
Gram (-) nonfermenting rod Oxidase (+) Produces pyocyanin Legionnaires disease, Pontiac fever Several virulence factors/biofilm multi-drug resistance Localized/Systemic infections Antibiotic: pipercillin/tazobactam Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Gram (-) coccobacilllus Respiratory system, middle ear, eye, CNS & joint infections Moraxella catarrhalis
Gram (-) coccbacillus Important cause of nosocomial infections (HA pneumonia) Acineotobacter baumanii
Gram (-) corkscrew/helical shape No LPS Lyme disease Antibiotic: doxycycline Borrelia burgdorferi
Gram (-) corkscrew/helical shape No LPS Antigenic variation of surface proteins Syphalis, Congenital syphalis CNS degeneration Antibiotic: Penicillin IV Treponema pallidum
Gram (-) obligate intracellular parasites Serotypes- trachoma, neonatal conjunctivitis Antibiotic: doxycycline C. trachomatis
Gram (-) obligate intracellular parasites Atypical cause of CAP Antibiotic: azithromycin C. pnuemoniae
Slender rods, acid fast Mycolic acids Cell wall suflolipids Antibiotic resistance Tubercle formation (Granuloma) Reactivation can cause immunosuppression 6-12 month treatment Antibiotic: RIPE therapy Mycobacteria tuberculosis
No cell wall CARDS toxin - AB toxin Atypical cause of CAP Antibiotic: azithromycin Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Gram (+) large rods, anaerobic Enterotoxin A and B Antibiotic associated diarrheas Pseudomembranous colitis Antibiotic: vancomycin Clostridium difficile
Gram (+) large rods, anaerobic Vegetative form apart of normal flora alpha toxin, enterotoxin Myonecrosis (gas gangrene) foodborne illness Antibiotic: penicillin+clindamycin Clostridium perfringens
Gram (+) large rods, anaerobic Most potent toxin known AB toxin category A bioterrorism agent Flaccid paralysis Classical, Infant botulism Antitoxin available Clostridium botulinum
Gram (+) rods with terminal spores Infection after puncture wound Tetanus toxin - AB toxin Cause of tetanus - spastic paralysis Vaccine available Antibiotic: metronidazole Clostridium tetani
Created by: jadavid2026



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