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Las Rutinas
Las Rutinas y Los Verbos Reflexivos
Question | Answer |
Las rutinas diarias | daily routine |
acostarse (o → ue) | to lie down; to go to sleep |
bañarse | to take a bath |
cepillarse (los dientes, el pelo) | to brush your teeth, hair |
despertarse (e →ie) | to wake up |
ducharse | to take a shower |
lavarse (la cara, las manos) | to wash your hands, your face |
levantarse | to get up |
maquillarse | to put on makeup |
ponerse (me pongo) | to put on clothes, make up |
secarse (las manos, el pelo) | to dry your hair and hands |
vestirse (e →i) | to dress yourself |
quitarse | to take off (clothing) |
mirarse en el espejo | to look at oneself in the mirror |
arreglarse | to get ready |
dormirse (o-ue) | to go to sleep; to fall asleep |
afeitarse | to shave |
peinarse | to do your hair/ to comb your hair |
cambiarse | to change clothes |
probarse (o-ue) | to try on clothes |
temprano | early, ahead of time |
tarde | late |
entre semana | during the week/on weekdays |
los fines de semana | on weekends, weekends |
desayunar | to eat breakfast |
cenar | to eat dinner |
almorzar | to eat lunch |
ir a la escuela | go to school |