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Capítulo 3 (Trad)


ascendencia ancestry
cilindro cylinder
cojera having a limp, difficulty walking
culto/a worship
desarrollar to develop, evolve, grow
geometría geometry
joroba hump
pipa pipe (for tobacco)
prisionero/a prisoner
acorde chord
aliento inspiration, motivation
arañar to scratch, scrape, claw
barro mud
destacado/a outstanding
ira ire, anger, wrath, rage
llanto crying, weeping
mestizo/a someone of European and indigenous descent
seno breast
tejido weave, fabric, tissue
ternura delicate, docile
ala wing
sefardí Sephardic (Jewish people of Spanish origen)
ahogarse to drown
al fin y al cabo after everything
apoyarse to lean on
apretado/a tight
asombroso/a marvelous
aspereza roughness
atreverse to do something risky
bofetada slap
bulto bump
carencia lack of something
cera wax
cicatrizante healing
cochecito little car to carry kids
cuna cradle (as in baby cradle)
de corrido without interuptions
derritirse to melt
sedalado/a without wings
despacho office
desplegar to extend
emprender to start
enfrentamiento fight
envuelto/a wrapped
inadvertido/a unnoticed, inadvertent, unseen
malhumorado/a in a bad mood
moldear to mold
morder to bite
polvo dust
porquería filth, dirt
rasgar to break
vendaje bandage
volcarse to dedicate oneself completely
acaricar to caress
acongojado/a sad
alma soul
anhelo longing, yearning, desire, craving, eagerness
apestar to stink
biberón baby bottle
calladito/a quiet, reserved
colonia cologne
contemplar to watch with interest
deferencia respect, courtesy
latido heartbeat
oler (huelo) to smell
partir to divide into partes
placidez tranquility, peace
plenitud fullness, abundance
rebosante overflowing, brimming
receptividad receptivity
relámpago lightning flash
vertiginoso/a causing vertigo, dizziness
Created by: kwilker
Popular Spanish sets




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