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Pharmacy abb

a before
a artery
aa of each
a.c. before meals
ad up to
a.d. right ear
ad lib as desired, at pleasure, freely
ADL activities of daily living
admov apply
ad sat to saturation
A-FIB aterial fibrillation
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
ALF assisted-living facility
alt. dieb. every other day
alt. hor. every other hour
alt. noc. every other night
a.m. morning
amb ambulate
amp ampule
amt amount
ant anterior
app applicatorful
APAP tylenol
aq water
aq. dist. distilled water
aq. frig. cold water
a.s. left ear
ASA aspirin
ASAP as soon as possible
ATC around the clock
a.u. each ear
av avoirdupois
AV atrioventricular
APR apply to rash
ax axillary
B&B bowel and bladder training
BBB blood brain barrier
bib drink
b.i.d. twice a day
b.i.n. twice a night
BM bowel movement
BP blood pressure
BR bed rest
BRP bathroom privileges
BS blood sugar
BSA body surface area
BSC bedside commode
Bx biopsy
c with
cc cubic centimeter
CC chief complaint
cal calorie
cap capsule
cath catheter
CBC complete blood count
CHF congestive heart failure
cl liq clear liquids
cm centimeter
c/o complains of
comp compound
C&S culture and sensitivity
d day
DA dopamine
DAT diet as tolerated
DAW dispense as written
d/c DC disc. discontinue
det give
dil dilute
dim cut in half
disp dispense
div divide
DNR do not resuscitate
dr dram
d.t.d. give of such dose
dur. dolor. for pain
DW distilled water
D5W 5% dextrose in water
D10W 10 5 dextrose in water
D5LR 5% dextrose in lactated Ringer's solution
D5NS 5% dextrose in normal saline
Dx diagnosis
DCN darvocet
DIW dissolve tablets in water
ea each
EBL estimated blood loss
EC enteric coated
ED erectile dysfunction
ECF extracellular fluid
ECG EKG electrocardiogram
el elix elixir
e.m.p. as directed
et and
EtOH alcohol, ethyl alcohol
ex aq in water
F female
FF force fluids or frequent fluids
fl fluid
fl dr fluid dram
fl oz fluid ounce
Fr Fx fracture
Ft foot
FUO fever of unknown origin
Gm g gram
gal gallon
GI gastrointestinal
gr grain
grad gradually
gtt drops
gttat drop by drop
H hypodermic
HA headache
HBP high blood pressure
HC hydrocortisone
HgB hemoglobin
HOB head of bed
HOH hard of hearing
H&P history and physical
hor. decub. at bedtime
hr hour
h.s. hour of sleep (bedtime)
HT hypertension
ht height
Hx history
I&D incision and drainage
I&O intake and output
IBD inflammatory bowel disease
IBS irritable bowel syndrome
ID intradermal
IM intramuscular
in inch
inj. injection
INR international normalized ratio
instill instillation
IOP intraocular pressure
IU international unit
IV intravenous
IVP intravenous push
IVBP intravenous piggy back
INH isoniazid
kg kilogram
l liter
lb pound
LCD coal tar solution
LH luteinizing hormone
liq liquid
lot lotion
LTC long term care
lg large
LOC level of consciousness
mixt mixture
mist a mixture
mEq milliequivalent
MS morphine sulfate
m2 square meter
mcg microgram
mg milligram
min minute
mL milliliter
mm millimeter
MN midnight
Mod moderate
mOsm milliosmol
m mix
n/a not applicable
n/c no complaints
neg negative
NG nasogastric tube
NPO nothing by mouth
NMT not more than
noct night
non rep do not repeat
NPO nothing by mouth
NS normal saline
NTE no to exceed
NTG nitroglycerin
N&V nausea and vomiting
1/2 NS half strength normal saline
O pint
o2 both eyes
O2 oxygen
o.d. right eye
oint ointment
o.s. left eye
OOB out of bed
o.u. each eye
ovu ovule
oz ounce
p after
p.c. after meals
PE physical exams
p.m. afternoon evenings
p.o. by mouth
prn as needed
pulv. pwd powder
pr as needed for
PRA as needed for anxiety
Pt patient name
q every
qam every morning
qd everyday daily
qh every hour
qhs at bedtime every night
qid four times a day
qod every other day
qpm every evening
qs a sufficient quantity
qs ad sufficient quantity to make
q.v. as much as you wish
q2h every two hours
q4h every four hours
q6h every six hours
R rectal
RA Rheumatoid arthritis
Rep repeat
R/L ringers lactate
Rx take recipe prescription
Rt right
R/O rule out
ROM range of motion
s without
sc sq subcutaneous
sm small
SOB shortness of breath
sol solution
S&S signs and symptoms
stat immediately
supp suppository
ss 1/2
syr. syrup
susp suspension
SL under the tongue
Sig label
tab tablet
tbsp tablespoon
t.i.d. three times a day
t.i.w. three times a week
top topical
TPN total peripheral nutrition
tr tincture
tsp teaspoonful
T temp temperature
tol tolerated
tx traction treatment
TPR temperature pulse and respiration
u unit
UA urinalysis
ud ut dict as directed
uf until finished
ug until gone
UI urinary incontinence
ung ointment
URI upper respiratory infection
UTI urinary tract infection
Vag vaginally
Vol volume
VS vital signs
w.a. while awake
wk week
w/c wheelchair
WNL within normal limits
wt weight
x times
y.o. years old
yr year
Created by: Urnash
Popular Pharmacology sets




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