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Music History Midterm Terms

Dynamics how soft or loud the melody is and the variations of this – variations of loudness in music.
Crescendo increasing in force
Diminuendo decreasing in force/loud
Melodic ostinato short melodic phrase repeated throughout a composition, sometimes slightly varied or transposed to a different pitch. [in inglese
Call-and-response West African technique for vocals; the first player sings or plays something and a second player or group responds or repeats it.
Melody succession of sounds forming a musical idea; gives the piece its character.
Pitch how high or low the note sounds.
Register the “height” or range of a note, set of pitches, melody, instrument, etc.
Conduct melody when the notes are next to each other in the same melody
Disjunct notes in the melody are not next to each other
Glissando sweep sound; slide between pitches (like a trombone)
Pitch bending same as glissando, but for vocals.
Range the span of pitches the instrument or voice can produce.
Hocket melody put together by many people pitching in a single note.
Falsetto comes from the Italian word “Falso” which means false. A high pitched male voice that sounds fake; false. (used in merengue)
Ornamentation when a melody repeats and it has minor variations or musical flourishes over the melody.
Scales groups of pitches at different sounds, essentially. Any set of musical notes ordered by fundamental frequency or pitch.
Major vs minor major is happy, minor is sad --> western scales
Harmony melody has a blend of three or more pitches sounding simultaneously
Chords units of three notes or more, used in harmonizing. (think piano chords).
Dissonant harmony sounds like it clashes
Consonant harmony sounds good together
Improvisation when the melodies of the piece start to deviate from the original and sound spontaneous.
Medium what produces the sounds (instruments and voices and more)
Timbre what the medium sounds like (ex; harsh, strained, smoothe, raspy, brassy, soothing, bright, dark, etc.)
Chordophone string instruments
Aerophones wind instruments
Membranophone or idiophones percussion instruments
Electrophones electric instruments
Homogeneous vs heterogeneous same family of instruments played in the song versus mostly different families.
Texture ***BIG CHEESE -- quality of the sound
Monophonic one melody ( chants)
Homophonic two or more melodies in sync (guitar and singer)
Polyphonic two or more melodies out of sync (2 or more independent melodies so it sounds chaotic, like Eleanor Rigby apparently, merengue)
Polyrhythmic two or more rhythms overlapping (merengue; WA music)
Text setting vocal settings
Syllabic when there are words and only one pitch per syllable is sung
Melismatic one syllable lingers for several notes
Vibrato singer makes their voice vibrate on a single pitch
Rhythm music's pattern in time; organization of the duration of musical sounds; some are longer than others)
Beat if you can clap to it. (dance music) -- pulse of the music
Free rhythm no beat; you can’t clap to it.
Accelerando music speeds up
Ritardando music slows down’
Meter the grouping of a specific number of beats. (duple, triple,etc.)
Tempo speed!
Verse-chorus or verse-refrain traditional verses and chorus played, usually with a bridge
Strophic if each verse is set to the same music and no refrain is present.
Hook part of the song that repeats over and over
Bridge transition part between the verse and chorus.
Created by: ecorallo
Popular Music sets




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