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Ortho Special Tests

What for and how to do it

Vertebral Artery test Purpose: Circulation deficiency of the vertebral artery.
Spurlings Purpose: To assess for facet jt. irritation/ dysfunction of nerve root compression
Cervical Compression Test To assess for facet jt. dysfunction or nerve root compression
Cervical Distraction Test To decrease pressure on a cervical nerve root
Valsalva's Maneuver To assess for space occypying lesion or disc herniation
Scalene Cramp Test To assess for Trigger points in scalene muscles
Scalene relief Test To assess for trigger Points in scalene muscles
Swallowing Test To determine Pain present during swallowing or due to Scalene Muscle Trigger point
3 Knuckle test To assess active free range of motion of the mandible TMJ
TMJ AF To assess the motion of the mandible at the TMJ Joint.
Arbicularis Oculi Strength test (facial nn VII) To assess for Bell's Palsy
Chivostek's To assess for CN VII (facial nerve)
Jaw Reflex Test To assess Cranial Nerve V (trigeminal nerve)
Sinus Transillumination To assess for infection or congestion of the maxillary or frontal sinus
Atlanto - Occipital Articulation PR -ROM To assess movement (flexion and extension) and lateral flexion of atlanto-occipital jt.
Atlanto - Axial Articulation PR- ROM To evaluate the movement (amount of rotation) present at the atlanto- acial articuation
Adson's Test To assess for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) with anterior scalenes as possible cause
Travell's Variation of Adson's To assess for TOS with middle scalenes as possible cause
Wright's hyperabduction To assess for TOS with pectoralis minor as possible cause
Costoclavicular Syndrome Test To assess for TOS caused by compression of the neurovascular bundle between the clavicle and 1st rib.
Eden's Test (Active) Military Stance To further assess for TOS caused by compression of neurovascular bundle between the clavicle and 1st rib.
Neer Impingement Test To assess for overuse of supraspinatous tendon
Upper Limb Tension Test #1 To assess for C5,C6, C7 nerve roots
Upper Limb Tension Test #2 To assess median musculcutaneous and axillary nerves as source of arm and shoulder Pain
Upper Limb Tension Test #3 Assess radial nerve as possible source of clients arm and shoulder pain
Upper Limb Tension Test #4 To assess C8 and T1 nerve roots and the radial nerve
Hawkin's Kennedy Impingement Test Variation of Neer Impingement Test
Painful Arc Test Assess for subacromial impingement of supraspinatus tendon and subacromial bursa
Apley's Scratch Test Assess for combined AF ROM of the shoulder
Shoulder Apprehension Test To assess for previous dislocation of the shoulder jt in the chronic stage
Acromioclavicular Shear Test To assess the integrity of the AC Jt.
Drop Arm Test To assess for a tear in the rotator cuff (especially supraspinatus)
Speed's Test To assess for biceps tendonitis
Yergason's Test To assess the stability of the biceps tenson in the bicipital groove; also assesses for biceps tendonitis
Pectoralis Minor Length test To assess the length of the pec minor mm
Pectorailis Major Length Test To assess the length of pec major mm
Shoulder Adductor Length Test To assess length of latissimus dorsi and teres major mm's
Serratus Anterior Strength Test To assess the strength of serratus anterior mm
Mill's test To assess for tendonitis of the common extensor tendon
Reverse Mill's test To assess for tendonosis of the common flexor tendon
Extensor Tendinosis Test (Cozen's) To assess for lateral epicondylitis (aka tennis elbow)
Flexor Tendinosis test To assess for medial epicondylitis (aka golfer's elbow)
Valgus Test To assess the integrity of the medial collateral ligament of the elbow ( aka ulnar CL)
Varus Test To assess the integrity and stability of the lateral collateral lig of the elbow (aka radial CL)
ligamentous Instability Test Assess the stability of the LCL and MCL of the humerus
Phalen's To assess for carpal tunnel sundrome or median nerve compression
Reverse Phalen's To assess for carpal tunnel syndrome or median nerve compression
Cyriax's Variation of Phalen's To assess for carpal tunnell syndrome or median nerve compression
Finklestein's To assess for DeQuervain's tenosynovitis
Froment's Sign To assess for ulnar nerve paralysis or weakness
Wrist Ligamentous Test To determine the integrity of the radial/ulnar collateral ligaments and dorsal/palmar ligaments of the wrist
Allen's test To assess blood flow to the hand via the radial and ulnar arteries
Tinel's Sign To assess for carpal tunnel syndrome or median nerve compression
Murphy's Sign To assess for the presence of lunate dislocation
SI Gap or Transverse Anterior Stress Test To assess the mobility of the anterior Si ligament
Gillett's aka SI Motion Palpation To assess mobility of the SI Joint
SI Squish or Transverse Posterior Ligament Test To assess the mobility of the posterior Si ligament
Gaenslin's To assess for dysfunction or tight iliopsoas muscles
Faber's (Figure4) To assess for short adductor muscles, Si dysfunction or general hip pathology
Thomas Test To assess for short rectus femoris and iliopsoas muscles
Ely's Test To assess for rectus femoris shortness
Ober's Test To assess for It Band & TFL shortness
Noble's Test To assess for ITB friction syndrome (tight ITB)
Trendelenburg's Sign To assess for weakness of the gluteus medius muscle
Piriformis Length Test To assess the length of the piriformis muscle
Piriformis Strength Test To assess for the strength of the piriformis muscle
Iliopsoas Strength test To assess the strength of the iliopsoas muscle
Gluteus Maximus Strength test To assess the strength of the gluteus maximus muscle
Hamstring Strength Test To assess strength of the hamstring muscles
Abductor & Adductor Strength Test To assess the strength of the hip abductors & adductors
Vocal Fvemitus To assess for lung congestion due to emphysema or chronic bronchitis
Mediate Percussion To assess for lung congestion due to emphysema or chronic bronchitis
Rebound Tenderness Test To assess for possible appendicitis
Functional & Structural scoliosis Test To determine if scoliotic curves are functional or structural
Scoliosis Hemipelvis Test To assess for short hemipelvis as possible cause of sciliotic curves
Scoliosis Short leg Test To assess if a leg length discrepency is the cause of scoliotic curves
Kemp's To assess for lumbar facet joint irritation
Kernig's / Brudzinski's To assess for meningeal dural irritation
Slump Test To assess for meningeal / dural irritation
Soto / Hall Test To assess for meningeal / dural irritation
Well Leg Test To assess for cause of sciatica
Straight Leg Raise To assess for sciatica & SI dysfunction
Braggard's Test To assess for sciatica
Bowstring To assess for sciatica
Baer's To assess for sprain in SI ligament & illiacus spasm
Beevor's Sign To assess for pathology of abdominal muscles
Milgram's test To assess for lumbar joint dysfunction
Hoover's test To assess for malingering of sciatica
Burn's Test To assess for malingering of back pain.
Shoulder Tests for MDI/MDL Sulcus sign @ 0 and 90 degrees
Shoulder Tests for instability Anterior and Posterior load and shift
Tests for SLAP tear Compression rotation, anterior and posterior glide, Speed's Test, O-Brien's, and Crank test
Tests for LHB Speed's Test, Yergason's, Neer's, Coracoid impingement test, and cross over test
Tests for AC joint AC anterior-posterior shear test, O-Brien's, Speed's test, Crossover test,
Created by: annette.rmt
Popular Physical Therapy sets




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