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Nature of the taking the Pulse
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Radial Pulse taking first seen in the...?
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The CM Pulse

Qualities and diagnostics of the radial pulse in Chinese medicine

Nature of the taking the Pulse subjective, subject to sudden changes due to immediate experience
Radial Pulse taking first seen in the...? Classic of Difficulties aka the Nan Jing
The radial Pulse has 3 regions and 3 depths creating a total of 9 specific positions 3 regions: cun (distal) Upper Burner, chi (proximal) Lower Burner and guan Middle Burner (between them) 3 depths: superficial, moderate and deep
Correspondences between the regions and the ZangFu (organs) Left wrist: cun-Heart (HT), guan-Liver (LR), and chi-Kidney Yin (KD Yin) Right wrist: cun-Lungs (LU), guan-Spleen/Stomach (SP/ST), and chi-Kidney Yang (KD yang)
the 3 depths of the radial Pulse and their significance superficial = state of Qi and Yang organs; Wei level (external invasion) moderate = state of Blood and SP/ST organs deep = state of Yin and Yin organs
the most important aspect of taking the pulse not necessarily organ or channel correspondence, but rather how the Qi is flowing, the relationship between Yin and Yang, and the level at which the Qi is flowing, whether Qi is deficient, and if there is evidence of an external invasion.
the Mai Jing c. 280 (Pulse Classic), the Golden Mirror of Medical Traditions 1742 (Yi Zong Jin Jian) and Pulse Study of Bin Hu Lake 1564 (Bin Hu Mai Xue) most common sources for organ and pulse attributions
It is possible for the positions to reflect pathology of the Yin-Yang paired organ as well The LU position (Right wrist, cun) could indicate an issue with the LU or an [acute] issue with the LI
Taking the pulse in the early morning when Yin is calm and Yang has not yet come forth Best time to take the Pulse
Position of arm and body during Pulse taking patient: legs not crossed, arm not above chest, if sitting feet flat, if arms supine at sides practitioner: feet flat on ground, posture upright, breathing calm, use opposite hand from wrist - index finger in cun region using pads not tips of fingers
4 ways of moving [practitioner] fingers during pulse taking 1. lifting - SF (superficial) strength 2. pressing - Deep and Mod level strength 3. pushing - Shape (medial-lateral) qualities 4. rolling - proximal-distal length and qualities additional 5. searching - rate
3 aspects of normal pulse 1. has ST-Qi 2. has Spirit 3. has Root
ST-Qi in Pulse gentle, calm and slow (not too slow); 4 B/Br cycle; not rough gives body to Pulse (Sea of Food and origin of Qi and Blood) if rough or hard = impaired
Spirit in Pulse soft with strength - not big or small, regular should not change quality easily or frequently reflects HT-Qi and Blood
Root in Pulse deep level felt clearly and rear position felt clearly indicates strong healthy KD
When taking a 1 year old's pulse versus a 10 year old's pulse versus a relatively large person's pulse 10 years old: squeeze fingers together 1 year old: use index finger and roll large person: spread fingers
3 factors to consider when taking the Pulse season - deep winter vs high summer will have different effects on Pulse gender - normal for an average female may be different than normal for an average male occupation - physical labor may cause pulse to feel especially strong for example
Good state of Mind (Shen), Qi and Essence (Jing) should correspond to what qualities of the Pulse? Spirit, ST-Qi and Root all present in Pulse
How many Pulse qualities 28
Order of Pulse taking methodology 1. feel P as whole 2. feel for Spirit, ST-Qi, then Root 3. feel 3 levels and 3 positions 4. feel strength of p 5. feel overall quality of P (if present) 6. feel quality of individual positions
Fú or Floating Pulse quality felt w/ light pressure at the SF level, just resting like a butterfly search for EPF (external pathogenic factor/ external invasion) with slight pressure the state of Qi and Yang organs
Clinical significance of the Fú or Floating Pulse quality according to Maciocia in FCM 1. external condition i.e. Wind-Cold or Wind-Heat invasion (Tight = Cold and Rapid = Heat) 2. internal condition: Floating at the SF level w/ Empty* at the Deep level = Yin deficiency 3. RARE: anemia or cancer - Qi is deficient and floating to surface
Wang Shu He Mai Jing (Pulse Classic, c.280)
Li Shi Zhen Ming dynasty (around the 12 or 1300s) communication of Pulses 8 EV Pulses systematized locations and qualities
Li Dong Huang Earth School
Lu Huan Su School of Cooling and Cold
Zong Zi He School of Attacking and Purging
Zu Dan Shi School of Nourishing Yin
Su Wen on Diagnosis Pulse taking not as important, rather taking into account the appearance of person
Nan Jing Systematized Palpation and Pulse taking became more important and popular
Han Dynasty effect on Pulse Gender separation became very important and modest as well - Pulse taking became very important to avoid undressing
Remember to look for the strength and not just pathology to remember when diagnosing Pulses
Significance of SJ-4 in Pulse taking put your thumb here [on patient] when taking Pulses - awakens Pulse
Yang aspect of the Pulse Height, that is whether it is floating or deep
Yin aspect of the Pulse Width, that is whether it is thin or big
Rapid Pulse (above 4 B/Br cycle) indicates 1. rebellious Qi 2. Qi stagnation 3. Heat 4. Body type (not pathological) 5. Urgent type of person 6. Overworked To confirm Pulse Diagnosis look to the Tongue
To confirm Pulse Diagnoses should Look to the Tongue
The rate of the Pulse can be different at different positions the overall Pulse could be rapid and slow at specific positions and a variety of combination of that dynamic
Superficial Pulses 1. Floating 2. Flooding 3. Scattered 4. Leathery 5. Empty
Important to remember about the Fú or Floating Pulse quality It is not necessarily pathological - Floating Pulse upon slight pressure is a 'present' Pulse. If Floating higher than that could signify Pathology - or in combination with other qualities
With a Fever, a Cold or the Flu it is normal to have which Pulse quality present Fú or Floating Pulse quality
If I am sick am my Pulse is not Floating what can I do to activate my Wei Qi? Stimulate the Jing Wells
Flooding Pulse quality will be wider and higher than a typical floating Pulse
Clinical Significance of the Flooding Pulse extreme interior Heat - either Empty or Full could be from a Wind invasion bypassing LU directly to ST (would feel this at the Guan region at the SF level) This is considered an Excess Pulse [though the Heat may arise from an Empty condition]
Scattered Pulse quality consider it like holding a finger above a sparkler, that is hitting hte finger at various places usually found in Cun regions at the SF level
Clinical Significance of the Scattered Pulse lack of sleep and w/ tension in the shoulder blade can cause a scattered Pulse in the Right Cun SF position (HT). this is considered a Deficient Pulse KD Yang/SJ Pulse (Left Chi SF) = losing Jing Usually only found in one position at a time
Leathery Pulse quality long & wiry, long - consistent across all 3 SF regions and beyond wiry - hard like a wire and cannot be 'pushed through' unlikely [not impossible] to see other Pulse qualities simultaneously in other positions
Clinical Significance of the Leather Pulse common in the elderly very deficient Pulse Heat has been created due to Qi stagnation - the body trying to hold onto resources trauma can cause this Pulse loss of Blood or Essence, KD Yin, Body Fluids can cause this Pulse
Empty Pulse quality Will have SF Pulse, and possibly Mod Pulse [would be a deficient Pulse], but there will be NO Pulses found at the Deep positions This is considered a 'Rootless SF Pulse' Can occur in a single region or multiple
Clinical Significance of the Empty Pulse Qi deficiency Yang Qi is escaping Loss Leak or Blockage of Qi
Deep Level Pulses 1. Deep 2. Firm 3. Hidden 4. Weak
Deep Pulse quality similar to Floating Pulse, the Deep Pulse is a 'present Pulse', but in addition to other qualities can become pathological also similar to Floating Pulse, may need to press a little deeper to assess qualities
Firm Pulse quality This is a Long, Wiry and Deep Pulse (Deep version of Leathery Pulse) Long - consistent across and beyond all 3 Deep regions Wiry - hard, cannot be pushed through uncommon Pulse other Pulse qualities in other positions usually absent
Clinical Significance of the Firm Pulse deep struggle/ internalized trauma stubborn Phlegm, Heat accumulation and many other possibilities want to assess along with Rate and consider whether Blood Stasis is present by assessing the Tongue
Hidden Pulse quality below Deep Pulse, can be normal or pathological consistent "blip" @ bone level, maybe hard to find again, check many times, will rise and go away associated with Divergents charted at the Deep level w. other qualities can have anything charted above
Clinical Significance of Hidden Pulse Menopause, pregnancy divergent channel issues
Difference between the Empty and the Weak Pulse Weak is the inverse of Empty Empty is SF Weak is Deep
Weak Pulse Quality inverse of the Empty Pulse Deep level present, Moderate level deficient or absent, and SF level always absent
Clinical Significance of the Weak Pules Weakness of Yang Qi This IS a Deficient Pulse, but is not synonymous with a Deficient Pulse
Sizes of Pulses can be felt at any level along with other qualities 1. Big/ Wide 2. Thin 3. Minute 4. Short 5. Long
Big/Wide Pulse Size quality lateral-medial expression (rolling) covers large part of pad of finger can be at any level
Clinical Significance of the Big/Wide Size Pulse usually Excess, but can be Deficient Heat or Prolapse If Big and Forceless can be long-term Qi deficiency Force determines Excess or Deficiency
Thin Size Pulse quality lateral-medial expression (rolling) will cover small section of finger pad wil not be pushing back like Tight or Wiry Pulses can be at any level
Clinical Significance of the Thin Pulse Size Fluid deficiency Blood deficiency Dehydration common after menstruation generally very common
Minute Size Pulse quality seems to come and go "is it there?" covers small part of finger pad like a thread like a string coming up instead of a BB can be at any level
Clinical Significance of the Minute Pulse Size Qi, Blood or Fluid exhaustion
Short Size Pulse quality can be any amount of shorter than all 3 positions not position specific can be at any depth
Clinical Significance of Short Size Pulse ST-Qi stagnation among others
Long Size Pulse quality consistent across and beyond 3 positions at any level
Clinical Significance of the Long Size Pulse Heat Long-term stagnation Excess Transitions
Created by: Goldbellie
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