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international marketing a company starts doing business outside their home countries
multinational corporation a company that does business in other countries
globalization market theory a company should be able to sell the same item, the same way, all over the world
5 methods of entering the global marketplace export, licensing, contract manufacturing, strategic alliance, joint venture, direct investment
export sell domestically produced products to buyers in other countries (lowest risk & return)
licensing (franchising) legal process allowing use of manufacturing/patents/knowledge
contract manufacturing a company that has been domestically producing, goes offshore (outsourcing)
strategic alliance collaborative relationship between independent firms that do not invest in each other (airline partners between country companies)
joint venture a domestic firm buys/joins a foreign company to create a new entity (sum is greater than the total of its parts)
direct investment active ownership of a foreign company/manufacturing facility
market research legit gathering of information so that marketer researchers are better able to help people solve their problems & meet their goals
market research process define problem, create research vehicle, collect data, analyze data, prepare report, develop & implement plan
define the problem why are we undertaking this project
create the research vehicle what kind of research
primary data information collected for the first time
secondary data data previously collected for any purpose other than the one at hand
analyze the data looking for trends, patterns, commonalities
prepare/present the report what we were asked to do, what we did, how we did it, what we found, what we think you should do with what we found
develop & implement the action plan company that asked for the report acts out the plan (follow up)
types of surveys in-home/executive interviews, mail surveys, mall intercept interviews, scanner/panel, telephone interviews, focus groups
observations people watching people, machines watching people, machines watching phenomena
product something you get in an exchange whether tangible or intangible
*consumer product classification convenience, shopping, specialty, unsought
*convenience goods easily accessible (staples, impulse items, emergency)
*shopping goods take time to compare (more expensive, not bought often)
*specialty goods accept no substitutes (only buy one kind of something)
*unsought goods consumer is not actively looking, new & unknown to consumer (not something they want to think about - ex: life insurance)
product item individual unit (smallest)
product line collection of closely related product items
product mix all of the companies lines (largest)
depth how many product items are in a product line
width how many product lines are in the company's total product mix
branding a name, term, symbol, design, or combo that identifies a seller's products & differentiates them from competitor's products
co-branding 2 brands together (ex: intel chip in a windows computer)
types of brands manufacturer, private label
manufacturer carries the name of the companies that make them
private label/house carries the name of the store where it's sold
branding decisions individual, family, line extension, brand extension
individual every item in the product line & mix has it's own name
family every item carries the name of the company
line extension a company builds on their current line
brand extension a company adds new brands
functions of packaging contain & protect, promote, facilitate storage, use & convenience, facilitate recycling
product life cycle introduction, growth, maturity, decline
area before introduction sunk costs
growth profits peak & start to decline (get in when the getting is good)
maturity sales peak & start to decline (getting is not so good - market shakeout)
extended maturity sells consistently
decline product has alternatives
*new product development process idea generation, concept testing, product development, market testing, product launch
adopter categories innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, laggards
innovators more highly educated, higher income (wants latest & greatest)
early adopters don't need the cutting edge, waits for the kinks to be worked out (opinion leaders)
early majority buys once opinion leaders say it's good (50% adoption)
late majority more skeptical, lower income
laggards don't want/don't care to have
service any intangible offering that involves a deed, performance, or error that cannot be psychically possessed
*characteristics of services intangible, inseparable, heterogeneous, perishable
*intangible services that cannot be touched, seen, tasted, heard, or felt in the same manner as goods
*inseparable allows services to be produced & consumed immediately
*heterogeneous less standardized & uniform than goods (can differ from human error)
*perishable prevents them from being stored, warehoused, or inventoried (variable pricing)
channel direct, indirect 1 & 2
distribution (place) getting final goods into the hands of the user
supply chain management managing all aspects of the supply chain: ordering, receiving, inventory management, transportation
channel intermediaries retailers, merchant wholesalers, agents & brokers
retailers owns the goods (business to consumer)
merchant wholesalers take title to the goods (business to business)
agents & brokers do not take title to the goods: match sellers to buyers or buyers to sellers (never physically handle the goods)
direct channel manufacturer to customer
indirect channel: 1 intermediary manufacturer to retailer to customer
indirect channel: 2 intermediaries manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer to customer
*channel strategy decisions factors affecting channel choice: market, product, producer
*market factors the who, what, when, where, how of target market (segmentation variables)
*product factors what type of product & what is the buying behavior involved
*producer factors who's bringing the product to the market, how much money & power do they have (captains)
retailing distribution channel that gets goods into the hands of consumers for personal/household use
types of retailers food, general merchandise, service
food retailers supermarkets, supercenters, warehouse clubs, convenience stores
general merchandise retailers department stores, full-line discount, specialty, drugstores, category killers, extreme value, off-price
services retailers firms that primarily sell services rather than merchandise are large & growing part of the retail industry
Created by: krmgipson
Popular Marketing sets




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