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Antique points are also known as what?
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Where is the 'Well' of the Antique points located on the body?
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Antique Points

Point Energetics Overview

Antique points are also known as what? 5 Shu Points
Where is the 'Well' of the Antique points located on the body? where the keratin extends outward at the corner of the nail flesh is becoming bony; energy is pooling and somewhat scattered
The Jing Wells are where Wei Qi is most what? Unstable
All Antique points are located at or _____ to the elbow and knee joints. distal
The progression through the 5 shu points corresponds to the what cycle of the 5 elements? generating cycle
What Antique Points deal with Wei Qi and resemble the energy of Wind (external Qi)? Jing Wells
How do you prep a Jing Well before needling? Pump it by squeezing the finger[toe]tip
All Yin and Yang Jing Wells share what? qualities and actions
Jing Wells powerfully clear what from opposite ends of the channel? Heat
Jing Wells assist in rescue from what? collapse
Jing Wells treat Fullness below which Zang? Heart
The Jing Well is where Qi starts to what? surface
What is the element for Yang Jing Wells? metal
What is the element for Yin Jing Wells? wood
Which set of channels always begin at the Jing Wells? Sinews
When do you needle Jing Wells to treat Spring diseases according to the Ling Shu? winter
Which Antique Points clear Heat, restore consciousness and rescue collapse? Jing Wells
Which Antique Points treat Fullness below the HT, stifling sensation in the chest, and chest pain? Jing Wells
As the most distal points on the channel, Jing Wells are strongest for clearing Heat and Excess from where? opposite end of the channel
Which Antique Points treat disorders of the spirit, i.e. mania and sleep problems? Jing Wells
Which Antique Point is where Qi is bubbling up out of the ground like a small spring? Ying Spring
Which Antique Point is located on the meta-carpal or meta-tarsal area, in the web margins, or where the flesh begins to spread, or on the border of the red and white skin? Ying Spring
According to the Ling Shu when do you use Ying Spring points to treat summer diseases? Spring
On Yang channels, what element corresponds to the Ying Spring? water
On Yin channels, what element corresponds to the Yin Spring? fire
What is the needling technique of the Jing Wells? prick to bleed
What is the needling technique for the Ying Springs? spread flesh to needle
Which Antique Points treat Heat and febrile conditions? Ying Spring
When treating Heat with the Ying Spring points why should choose hands or over feet? hands treat mild heat and feet treat high heat
Which Antique Point clears Heat along the entire course of the channel? Ying Spring
True or False? Ying Springs treat inflammation. True
The Ying Springs on the Yin Channels is a place where pathogens can do what? move from interior to exterior
What other Antique Point can the Ying Spring be combined with to treat Zang disorders? Shu Stream
Where are Shu Stream points located? ankles and wrists
True or False? The Shu Streams is where Qi flourishes and flows rapidly. True
At which Antique Point do the Wei and Ying Qi communicate? Shu Streams
Because the Shu Streams are a place where Ying and Wei communicate what can happen with pathogens? pathogen can go internal
On Yin meridians, the Shu Stream points are also what type of point? Yuan Source points
On Yang channels the Shu Stream is what element? wood
On Yin channels the Shu Stream is what element? earth
According to the Ling Shu needle in the summer to treat what type of disease? late summer
The Shu Stream of the Yang channels has different functions than what? Shu Stream on the Yin channels
What is the needling technique for the Shu Stream points? may want to angle needle distally to promote outward movement of disease
Shu Stream points treat heavy body sensation and joint pain due to what? painful Bi obstruction
Damp-Heat intermittent diseases are treated by which Antique Points? Shu Stream (8 of them treat malaria)
Yin Shu Streams are used primarily for what? tonifying and harmonizing the Zang when pathogen is moving from exterior to interior by bringing Yuan Qi to exterior to clear out a pathogen
Yin Shu Stream points can bring a PF into the Yuan level to be what? stored
Yang Shu Points have little action on ZF disorders, and rather treat disorders of the what? channels
When an EPF is acute use _______ points, when it is chronic use _________. jing wells; shu stream
Jing River Antique Points are located where? forearm and lower leg proximal to wrist or ankle joints
The Qi is more abundant in the Jing River points, why? as it gains distance from the source it increases volume like rivers
Ling Shu states that should needle Jing River points in the late summer for what season disease? autumn
The Nan Jing says to needle _________ points in Spring, as Qi is rising, and _______ points in autumn as Qi is sinking. jing well; jing river
On the Yin channels the Jing River is what element? metal
On the Yang channels the Jing River is what element? fire
What might you have to do to the skin to needle a Jing River point? pinch it
Which Antique Points treat alternating cold and hot symptoms? Jing River
True or False? Jing River points treat cough and SOB. True
Throat problems, voice issues and changes, i.e. throat congestion, laryngitis, plum pit qi are treated by which Antique Points? Jing River
Jing River points treat sinews and what? bones
Which Antique Points are located where the Qi enters inwards, converges and is stabilized? He Sea
Which Antique Point is located where Qi flows deep and unites with the organ of its home channel? He Sea
He Sea points are located close to what parts of the body? elbow or knee
Which 3 arm channels have a lower He Sea point also on the legs? LI SI and SJ; arm yang channels
Ling Shu says the He Sea points should be treated in Autumn for diseases of what season? winter
On the Yin channels the He Sea point is what element? water
On the Yang channels the He Sea point is what element? earth
What is the needling technique for the He Sea points? needle deeply, lifting and thrusting according to the effect you want to have
Which Antique Point treats rebellious Qi? He Sea
The He Sea points treat diarrhea, ST disorders, Fu diseases in addition to what specifically via the Yang He Sea points? skin disorders
According to Jeffrey Yuen the He Sea points treat what? liquid pathology and edema in the LU
What are the Lower He Sea points? SI: ST-39 LI: ST-37 SJ: UB-39
Jing Wells are either the first or what point on their respective channels? last except KD-1
Qi emanates from which Antique Point? Jing Wells
Qi "glides" through which Antique Point? Ying Spring
Which points treat acute disorders of the other end of the channel, fullness below the HT and disorders of the spirit? Jing Wells
Heat in the body, changes in color of complexion, and diseases of the Zang (along w/ Shu Stream points) are treated by which Antique Points? Ying Spring
Where does Qi enter inward? He Sea
What do He Sea points treat? counterflow Qi and diarrhea, also diseases of the ST and problems due to irregular eating, as well as diseases of the Fu and Skin?
Jing River points treat what? cough, dyspnes, chills, FV, voice change, bone and sinew diseases
Which Shu Stream points are located at the flexure of the wrist? Yin Shu Stream points
Where are the Yang Shu Stream points located? proximal to metacarpophalangeal joint - except KD-3
What do Shu Stream points treat? disorders of Zang (w/ Ying Spring points), Yang channel disorders (also with Ying Spring points), heaviness/ body-pain and joints, and diseases which "attack intermittently" like autoimmune?
Which Antique points open sensory orifices? Jing Well
Which Antique points treat inflammation and fevers? Ying Spring
Which Antique points treat Wei Qi deficiency? Shu Stream
According to the Ling Shu the Jing Wells treat diseases of the Zang. True or False? True
According to the Nan Jing the Jing Wells treat fullness below the HT, LR and Wind. True or False? True
According to the Nan Jing which antique point deals with body H, and F maybe of the HT? Ying Spring
Which antique point deals with bi syndrome? shu stream
Which antique point according to the Nan Jing deals with the SP and and Dampness? shu stream
The antique points functions are associated mostly w/ the element of the Yin channels. True or False? True: Jing Well (Yin) = Wood - LR Wind (fullness below HT wei qi) Ying Spring = Fire - HT Heat (body heat) Shu Stream = Earth - SP Damp (heaviness and joint pain) Jing River = Metal - LU Dry (Dyspnea, cough) He Sea = Water - KD Cold (diarrhea)
The Ling Shu treats diseases from a channel perspective, focused on what? where they will progress, so next season
Nan Jing focuses on treating disease for current issue and uses what? 5 element theory w/ corresponding organ to diagnose and treat
Created by: Goldbellie
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