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la belleza The beauty
los concursos de belleza beauty contest
la pasarela the catwalk, the runway
concursos de talentos talent shows
Desfile de moda fashion show
diseñadores designers
armonía harmony
el balance balance
los rasgos traits
la autoestima self-esteem
la delicadeza delicacy
la vanidad vanity
la arrogancia arrogance
el narcisismo narcissism
la sencillez simplicity
la proporción proportion
la humildad humility
pendiente de los demás hanging on the opinion of others
encantador charming
gracioso funny, cute, clever
sensible sensitive
afectuoso affectionate
auténtico authentic
la sabiduria The wisdom
sentido de humor sense of humor
el punto de vista point of view
menospreciar to underestimate
acoso escolar bullying
la fealdad ugliness
la apariencia appearance
la cirugía plástica plastic surgery
percibir to perceive
las canas gray hair
las arrugas wrinkles
la vejez old age
el espíritu spirit
el alma soul
el desorden alimentario eating disorder
la madurez maturity
la crítica criticism
el encanto charm
sabio/a wise
sencillo/a simple
exitoso/a successful
coqueto/a flirty
polémico/a controversial
al azar randomly; at random
cotidiano/a daily
juzgar to judge
asumir to assume
envejecer to grow old
madurar to mature
fijarse en fixate on; to focus
plasmar to express; capture
atreverse a to dare to
echar la culpa a alguien/algo to blame someone/something
agradecer to thank
gozar to enjoy
encantar to charm
heredar to inherit
burlarse to make fun of
odiar to hate
engañar to cheat/trick
perdonar to forgive
difundir to spread
tener en cuenta to take into account
tener confianza to be confident
tener vergüenza to be ashamed
tener envidia to envy
darse cuenta de to realize
hacerle falta to be lacking; to need
a fin de cuentas when all's said and done
engordar to gain weight
adelgazar to lose weight
estándar standard
Created by: ldukes24
Popular Spanish sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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