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Inter Span 2: V3

Punto y Aparte 6e: Vocabulary 3

abrazar to hug
atraer to attract
besar to kiss
casarse (con) to marry; to get married (to)
coquetear to flirt
dejar a alguien to leave someone
dejar plantado/a to stand (someone) up
discutir to argue
divorciarse (de) to get a divorce (from)
enamorarse (de) to fall in love (with)
mercer to deserve
meterse en líos to get into trouble
odiar to hate
piropear; echar piropos to compliment (romancially)
ponerse to become; to get (an emotion)
querer to love
romper con to break up with
salir con to date
ser fiel to be faithful
soñar con to dream about
aconsejar to advise
recomendar to recommend
rogar to beg
sugerir to suggest
dañino/a harmful
duradero/a lasting
exitoso/a successful
genial wonderful
inolvidable unforgettable
íntimo/a close; intimate
pasajero/a fleeting
tempestuoso/a stormy
alucinado/a amazed
apasionado/a passionate
apenado/a pained; sad
asustado/a frightened
avergonzado/a embarrassed
cauteloso/a cautious (used with ser)
celoso/a jealous
deprimido/a depressed
emocionado/a excited
enojado/a angry
halagado/a flattered
harto/a (de) fed up (with); sick (of)
nostálgico/a nostalgic; homseick
rabioso/a furious
satisfecho/a satisfied
el alma gemela soulmate
la amistad friendship
el compromiso commitment
el equilibrio balance
el fracaso failure
la media naranja other half
el/la soltero/a single person
el trato treatment
Created by: Dovahkiin24601
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