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Relationships Vocab

to admit to a mistake admitir un error
to kiss besar
to make a mistake cometer un error
to buy someone a gift comprarle un regalo
communication la comunicación
to communicate comunicarse
advice el consejo
to give someone a hug darle un abrazo
give yourself time to think it over date tiempo para pensarlo
to stop speaking to one another dejar de hablarse
detail el detalle
apology la disculpa
to apologize disculparse
to argue/discuss discutir
to be resentful estar resentido/a
to make up hacer las paces
Have you thought about..? Has pensado en..?
to hurt (someone) Herir (ie, i)
to insult insultar
to mistreat maltratar
It's not good for you... no te conviene...
don't forget to... no te olvides de...
to offend ofender
to forget olvidar
to ask for forgiveness pedir perón
to fight pelearse
to forgive perdonar
reconciliation la reconcilicación
to reconcile reconciliarse
to be (un)faithful ser (in)fiel...
It would be a good/bad idea to breakup with... sería una buena/mala idea romper con...
if I were you... yo que tú...
apologizing Pidiendo perdón
Believe me, I didn't mean to do it. Créeme que fue sin querer.
I didn't do it on purpose. No lo hice a propósito
I didn't mean to hurt/offend you. No quise hacerte daño/ofenderte
Forgive me. I don't know what I was thinking. Perdóname. No sé en qué estaba pensando.
I swear I'll never do it again. Te juro que no lo volveré a hacer.
rumors los rumores
should deber
Created by: williscallip
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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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