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Contar To count on
criar to raise
escoger to choose
empoderar to empower
llevar a cabo to complete, carry out
malcriar to raise badly
oponerse a to oppose
perjudicar to damage
la abnegación self-denial
el acoso sexual sexual harassment
la baja por maternidad maternity leave
la baja por paternidad paternity leave
la capacidad ability
la competencia competition
el comportamiento behavior
el descanso (period of ) rest
La (des)igualdad (in)equality
la discriminación discrimination
el embarazo pregnancy
la empresa company, firm
la excedencia sabbatical
la fábrica factory
el femicidio femicide
la hembra female
la jerarquía hierarchy
el machismo sexism
el/la machista sexist
el macho male
la mano de obra workforce
el marido husband
el mito myth
la mujer wife/women
el/la obrero/a worker
el papel role
el parto birth
la pauta pattern/model
el permiso sin sueldo unpaid leave
el/la pionera pioneer
el puesto job/position
la semejanza similarity
la tarea task
el techo de cristal glass ceiling
el valor value
el varón male
el/la viudo/a widower/widow
abnegado self-denying/sacrificing
agresivo agressive
capaz able
competitivo competitive
distinto different
empoderado empowered
fuerte strong
luchador determined
reducido lessened
revolucionario revolutionary
semejante similar
sumiso submissive
trabajador hard working
valiente brave
Created by: helen_p_13
Popular Spanish sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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