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SP Qi Deficiency
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SP Qi Deficiency clinical manifestations
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D&D SP Patterns

D&D Signs Symptoms of SP disharmony patterns

SP Qi Deficiency SP fails to transform and transport and lifting function is weak caused by poor diet, overworry, stress, hereditary weakness, old age abdominal distention, poor appetite, tiredness, loose stools T: Pale maybe WC, scalloped edges P:Weak or Empty
SP Qi Deficiency clinical manifestations bloating after meal, weak muscles, low voice doesn't want to speak, obese or emaciated, edema (obese and edema will have accompanying Da signs)
SP Qi Deficiency Treatment principle tonify SP Qi
SP Qi Deficiency leads to what? SP Yang Deficiency SP Qi Sinking SP not holding Blood SP Blood Deficiency Also, Da or Phl, Bl deficiency, HT Qi deficiency, KD Yang deficiency
what can lead to SP Qi Deficiency? LU Qi Deficiency
SP Yang Deficiency SP Yang fails to warm and transport and transform fluids interior cold (deeper Qi deficiency pattern plus Cold)
Qi Deficiency and Sinking patter ncan turn into a Cold pattern OR can be from living where? in a cold damp encironement
KD Yang might be deficient and can't warm or support SP Yang leading to what? failure of transformation and transportation of fluids, qi stagnation and cold congealing
What are the key symptoms of SP Yang Deficiency loose stools, feeling cold, cold limbs, fatigue T: Pale, Swollen wet in general and may have scallops or White Slippery coat P: Deep, Slow, Weak
What are the clinical manifestations of SP Yang Deficiency? poor appetite, abdominal pain that is better w/ warmth and pressure, cold limbs, wanting to curl up, physically weak, loose stools, possibly general edema, scanty urine
Treatment Principles for SP Yang Deficiency? tonify and warm SP Yang
SP QI Sinking failure of SP lifting function - can't raise the Qi
SP Qi sinking is a further level of SP-Qi deficiency due to chronic symptoms such as? diarrhea, excessive childbearing, overstrain consuming Qi, old age, sinking of clear Qi get mixed w/ turbid and goes to UB - clear Yang fails to rise
Created by: Goldbellie
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