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PHT 201 Test 1

Review Questions

What are the two main parts of the Central Nervous System? CNS & PNS
Which area of the Nervous System controls all other areas of the NS? CNS
Which division of the Nervous System controls voluntary movement of the muscles PNS - Somatic
Which division of the Nervous System controls involuntary movement and regulates all of the bodies internal organs? PNS, Visceral (ANS)
What do the following lobes of the brain control? Occiptal, Frontal, Temporal, Parietal Occiptal - vision, located in back, Frontal - reasoning, located in front; Temporal - auditory (hearing), located on side; Parietal - pressure, touch, temperature, pain (perception of stimuli) - located behind central sulcus
Which part of the brain maintains equilibrium and balance? Cerebullum
Which part of the brain consists of grey and white matter? Cerebrum
Which part of the brain is a network of nerve fibers that affect the degree of alertness? Reticular formation
Which part of the brain contains motor and sensory centers? Cerebrum
List the mort important facts regarding the BBB (Blood-Brain-Barrier) 1) Protects the brain from foreign invaders, 2) Large molecules do not easily pass through, 3)HTN can open it up (BAD)
Which part of the brain is the second largest Cerebellum
What are some risk factors associated with anxiety? genetics, brain chemistry, life events and personality
Be familiar with SSRI (Selective Serotonin reuptake Inhibitors) Anti-depressants: Zoloft (sertraline), Paxel (paroxetine), Prozac (fluoxetine)
Define generalized Anxiety disorder Unrealistic focus on daily living
Define bipolar disorder and list medications used in tx Cycle of mania (up) and depression (down). Medications include Lithium (D.O.C)- mood stablizer, Depakote or Tegretol (anti-convulsants)
Benzodiazepines are used in low doses as _________ anxiolytics
Many Benzodiazepines end in which three letters lam or pam
What is a Grand Mal seizure? Major form of epilepsy characterized by full body convulsions
What are Simple Partial seizures? Petit Mal epilepsy (minor) characterized by staring and rapid blinking lasting 10 sec to two minutes (ages 6 to 11 or 12)
What disease occurs when the Brain is no longer producing enough Dopamine? Parkinson's
Name some of the medications used to treat Parkinson's. Sinemet, Artane, Parlodel (do not need to know generics)
Name some of the medications used to treat migrains. Naratriptan, almotriptan - all generics and all end in "triptan"
Name some contraindications for the use of stimulant medications. HTN, Cardiac problems, glaucoma
**What is the other term for antianxiety medication? **FILL IN ANXIALYTICS
**Name the main function of the excitatory fibers in the reticular formation. **FILL INALERTNESS
Define Psychosis Out of touch with reality
What are some of the symptoms of schizphrenia? Illogical thoughts or paranoia, Knowledge of being followed all of the time, hearing someone else's thoughts, hearing disembodied voices, hallucinations, belief that one is someone of extreme importance like a celebrity
Name five uses for Benzodizepines Sedatives/Hypnotics, anti-convulsants, anti-anxiety, muscle relaxants, alcohol withdrawal (chlordiazepoxide)
Define insomnia and what are some of the characteristics? Inadequate/poor quality sleep characterized by difficulty falling asleep or returning to sleep,waking up frequently or too early, poor energy as if no sleep
Be familiar with the generic names and classifications for Paxeil, Seconal, Valium, Halcion, Thorazine, Haldol Paxil, paroxetine, SSRI; Seconal, secobarbital, Barbituates; Valium, diazepam, Anti-anxiety; Halcion, triazolam, Benzodiazepine; Thorazine, chlorpromazine, Anti-psychotic; Haldol, haloperidol, Anti-psychotic
Name some of the traditonal or typical medications used as antipsychotics thiothioxene, haloperidal, fluphenizine
What is the difference between sedatives and hypnotics sedatives induce relaxation, calm; hypnotics induce sleep
Created by: lk32381
Popular Pharmacology sets




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