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Sp 202 chp 6 part 2

el/la alumno/a pupil, student
la autoridad authority
el/la chaval(a) kid, youngster
la confianza trust; confidence
la diversidad diversity
la doble moral double standard
la hipocresía hypocrisy
el instituto high school
el pañuelo headscarf/handkerchief
el rato a while
la regla rule
ceder to give up
confiar to trust
disentir to dissent, disagree
pegar to hit
laico/a secular, lay
musulmán, musulmana, musulmanes, musulmanas Muslim
raro/a weird
la ejecución execution
el fracaso failure
la fuerza force, strength
el golpe de estado coup d'etat
la huelga strike
el informe report
el juicio the judgment /// the court case, proceedings
la ley law
el orgullo pride
el secuestro kidnapping
la trampa trap (cheating, tricking)
derrocar to overthrow
derrotar to defeat, to beat
ejercer (el poder) to exercise/exert (power)
encabezar to lead (head up, take charge)
fortalecer to strengthen
promulgar to enact (a law)
tener derecho a to have the right to
rescatado/a rescued
el alma soul
la astilla splinter
la cárcel jail, prison
el castigo punishment
la celda (prison, jail) cell
la censura censorship
el/la preso/a prisoner
la rebeldía rebelliousness
la reja iron bar
la sangre blood
la tinta ink
ahogar to stifle; to drown
callar to silence
hundir to sink
resistir to resist
vigilar to keep watch on
Created by: mamos7
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