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Holidays info
holidays, tourist info and directions pg.46
Term | Definition |
bleiben | to stay |
Blick (auf) | view (of) |
Broschuere | brochure |
buchen | to book |
Camcorder | camcorder |
Campingplatz | campsite |
Doppelbett | double bed |
Dusche | shower |
einpacken | to wrap, pack |
einschliesslich | including, inclusive |
Empfang | receptoin |
Ferien | holidays |
Formular | form |
Fotoapparat | camera |
frei | free, vacant, unoccpied |
Gebuehr | charge, fee |
Halbpension | half-board |
im voraus | in advance |
inklusive | inclusive |
Jugendherberge | youth hostel |
Kamera | camera |
kennen lernen | to get to know, to meet |
Klimatisierung, Klimaanlage | air conditioning |
Koffer | suitcase |
kosten | to cost |
Kueste | coast, seaside |
Land | country, sountry side, land |
Miete | rent |
mieten | to rent, to hire |
sich sonnen | to sunbathe |
Sommer | summer |
Sonnenbrille | sunglasses |
Sonnencreme | sun cream |
Stadtplan | street map |
Strand | beach |
Taschenlampe | torch |
Tourist/in | tourist |
treffen | to meet |
(un)trinkbar | (not)drinkable |
uebernachten | to spend the night, stay |
Unterkunft | accommodation |
Urlaub | holiday |
verbringen | to spend (time) |
vergessen | to forget |
Verkersamt | tourist office |
verlassen | to leave (a place) |
Vollpension | full board |
Wasserski | waterskiing |
Wechsel | change |
wechseln, umtauschen | to change (money) |
wilkommen heissen | to welcome |
Windsurfbrett | windsurfing board |
Zeitraum | period (of time) |
Zelt | tent |
zwei Wochen | a fortnight |