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AP - Identidades

AP - Las identidades públicas y personales

disfrutar to enjoy
concentrarse en to concentrate/focus on
unirse a / hacerse miembro de to join (ie. group/team)
intentar to try to
relajarse to relax
animarse a to bring/drive yourself (to do something)
regodearse en to take delight/pleasure (in)
crecerse to grow/mature (person)
elegir (e-i) to choose, select
el reto the challenge
el afán eagerness, desire
el carácter character (personality)
el placer pleasure, enjoyment
el éxito success
el fracaso failure
el fervor zeal, enthusiasm
la tertulia gathering, get-together
ambicioso/a ambitious, hard-working
materialista materialistic
comprometerse to commit oneself to
razonar to reason
influir en to influence
pretender (que) to hope/expect, to claim (that)
abogar por to stand/advocate for
indeciso/a undecided
las normas norms
los modales manners
los principios principles
el/la hipócrita hypocrite
la creencia belief
la conciencia conscience
la virtud virtue
el entorno surroundings, environment
complacer to please
juzgar(se) to judge (oneself)
percibir to perceive
dejar de (+ inf) to stop/give up (doing...)
desenvolverse to manage, cope
exponerse a to run the risk of
asumir to take over; to accept/come to terms with
arriesgarse to take a risk/chance
afrontar to confront, face
la autoestima self-esteem
la ansiedad anxiety
la inseguridad insecurity
la culpa guilt; blame
la confianza en sí mismo self-confidence
inseguro/a insecure; unsure
realista realistic
heredar to inherit
proceder to originate, come from
convivir to coexist
autóctono/a, indígena, nativo/a indigenous, native
la etnia ethnic group
la etnicidad ethnicity
la herencia heritage
los rasgos features, traits
las costumbres customs
la patria homeland
el colectivismo collectivism
el individualismo individualism
la conformidad conformity / approval, consent
la compenetración mutual understanding
la homogeneidad homogeneity
el prejuicio prejudice
liderar to lead
potenciar to strengthen, boost
renunciar to resign, renounce
rememorar to remember (formal)
arriesgar to risk
involucrarse to take part, get involved
regir (e-i) to govern, rule
fomentar to promote, incite
tender (e-ie) a to be inclined to
ser propenso/a a to be prone to
el valor value; courage
la valentía bravery
la honradez, la honestidad integrity/ honesty
la hazaña feat, accomplishment
el liderazgo leadership
el/la visionario/a visionary
la trayectoria trajectory, path
la incertidumbre uncertainty, doubt
sabio/a wise
asimilar to assimilate
inmigrar to immigrate
emigrar to emigrate
huir de to flee from
acostumbrarse a to become accustomed to
ajeno/a foreign
la asimilación assimilation
la inimigración immigration (entering)
la emigración emigration (leaving)
la enajenación isolation
la convivencia coexistence
el asilo refuge, asylum, shelter
la barrera barrier, impediment
Created by: ProfePeck
Popular Spanish sets




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