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Management Ch 12

Diversity a variety of demographic, cultural, and personal difference among an organization's employees and customers
Affirmative action purposeful steps taken by a organization to create employment opportunities for minorities and women
Diversity's focus broader-demographic, cultural, & personal differences
Surfae-Level Diversity such as age, sex, race/ethnicity, and physical disabilities that are observable, typically unchangeable,a dn easy to measure
Deep-level diversity differences such as personality and attitudes that are communicated through verbal and nonverbal behaviors and are learned only though extended interaction with others
Social integration the degree to which group members are psychologically attracted to working with each other to accomplish a common objective
Age discrimination treating people differently (for example hiring and firing, promotion, and compensation decisions) becuase of their age
Higher costs the older people are expensive and the longer they stay with a company, the more the company pays for salaries, pension plans, and vacation time
Lower costs older workers show better judgment, care more about the quality of their work, and are leass likely to quit, show up late, or be absent, the costs of which can be substantial
Sex discrimination treating people differently because of their sex
Glass ceiling the invisible barrier that prevents women and minorities from advancing to the top jobs in organizations
Sexual Orientation an individual's attraction to people of the same and /or different sex
Sexual orientation discrimination treating people differently because of their sexual orientation
Transgender person someone whose personal and gender identity differ the person's birth sex
Gender identity discrimination treating people differently because of their gender identity
Racial and ethnic discrimination treating people differently because of their race or ethnicity
Disability a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities
Disability discrimination treating people differently because of hteir disabilites
Strategies to make sure that people with disabilities have the same opportunities 1. Committing to reasonable workplace accommodations 2. Providing workers with assistive technology 3. Actively recruiting qualified workers with disabilites
Strategies to make sure that people of all racial and ethnic backgrounds have the same opportunities 1. Comparing the hiring rates of whites with the hiring rates for racial and ethinic applicants 2. Surveying employees to compare white and nonwhite employees job satisfication 3. Considering employing a private firm to test the hiring system
Deep Level Diversity Represent differences that can be learned only through extended interaction with others
Disposition the tendency to respond to situations and events in a predetermined manner
Personality the relatively stable set of behaviors, attitudes, and emoitions displayed over time that makes people different from each other
5 basic dimensions of personality 1. Openness 2. Conscientiousness 3. Extraversion 4. Agreeableness 5. Neuroticism
Extraversion the degree to which someone is active, assertive, gregarious, sociable, talkative, and energized by others
Neuroticism the degree to which someone is no t angry, depressed, and anxious, emotional, insecure, and excitable
Agreeableness the degree to which somone is cooperative, polite, flexible, forgiving, good-natured, tolerant, adn trusting
Conscientiousness the degree to which someone is organized, hardworking, responisble, presevering, thorough, and achievement oriented
Openness to experience the degree to which somone is curious, broad-minded, and open to new ideas, things and experiences; is spontaneous; and has a high tolerance for ambiguity
Discrimination and fairness paradigm - most common method of approaching diversity - Focuses on equal opportunity, fair treatment, recruitment of minorities, and strict compliance with the equal employment opportunity laws
Benefit ( Discrimination and fairness paradigm) generally brings about fairer treatment of employees and increases demographic diversity
Limitation ( Discrimination and fairness paradigm) the focus of diversity remains on the surface-level diversity dimensions of sex, race, and ethnicity
Access and legitimacy paradigm Focuses on the acceptance and celebration of differences to ensure that the diversity within the company matches the diversity found among primary stakeholders
Benefit( Access and legitimacy paradigm) Establishes a clear business reason for diversity
Limitation ( Access and legitmacy paradigm) the focus is only on the surface-level diversity dimensions of sex, race, and ethnicity
Learning and effectiveness paradigm Focuses on intergration of deep-level diversity differnces, such as personality, attitudes , beliefs, and values, into the actual work of the organization
Benefits ( Learning and effectiveness paradigm) - Common ground is valued _Distinction is made between individual and group diffferences - Conflict, backlash, and divisiveness assoiciated with diversity programs are less likely to be encountered Different talents and perspectives
Orghanizational Plurality - All members are empowered to contribute in a way that maximizes the benefits to the organization, customers, and themselves - Individuality of each member is respected by not segmenting or polarizing people on the basis of their membership in a group
Skills-based diversity training training that teaches employees the practical skills they need for managing a diverse workforce
Awareness training training that is designed to raise employees' awareness of diveristy issues and to challenge the underlying assumptions or sterotypes
Created by: JackyThrows
Popular Management sets




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