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French Verbs - B

all the french verbs that start with B (i am going to die)

bachoter to cram
badiner to joke
bagarrer to fight
baigner to bathe
bâiler to yawn
baisser to lower
balancer to swing
balayer to sweep
balbutier to stammer
bannir to banish
basculer to fall
batailler to battle
bâtir to build
battre to beat
bavarder to chat
baver to drool
bégayer to stammer
bénéficier to benefit
bénir to bless
bercer to rock
berner to fool
beurrer to butter
bichonner to pamper
blâmer to blame
blanchir to bleach
blesser to hurt
bloquer to stop, to block
blottir (se) to curl
boire to drink
boiter to limp
bondir to jump
border to hem
boucler to buckle
bouger to move
bouillir to boil
bouleverser to shock
bourrer to fill
bousculer to jostle
boutonner to button up
brancher to plug in
branel to be shaky
sraquer to point
brasser to mix
braver to stand up to
briller to shine
briser to break
bronzer to tan
brosser to brush
broyer to grind
bruiner to drizzle
brûler to burn
brunir to darken
buriner to engrave
buter to stumble
Created by: snifferwhiffer
Popular French sets




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