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Constitution information and vocab

Definition or QuestionWord or Answer
the group of Presidential advisers made up of the heads of the executive departments cabinet
the President of the U.S. in his role as head of the military commander-in-chief
a formal agreement between nations treaty
a legal release from punishment pardon
a President's indirect veto of a bill, exercised by failing to act on it pocket veto
the annual message delivered before Congress in which the President outlines legislative priorities for the session to com State of the Union Address
a rule or regulation issued by the President or another executive official to help enforce a treaty, law, or court ruling executive order
the people elected by the voters to represent them in the Electoral College electors
the order in which the office of President is to be filled if it became vacant before an election presidential succession
to reject a proposal made by a law-making body veto
income that specifically comes from taxes revenue
use one’s authority to reject or cancel override
one more than half of the members majority
betrayal of one’s country treason
someone who lives in a particular electoral district constituent
the Senate’s unlimited debate filibuster
a national legislative body composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives Congress
the lower house of Congress (closer to the people) House of Representatives
the upper house of Congress Senate
the name given for the House of Representatives having the power to decide how money is spent power of the purse
a section of the Constitution Article
Senate gives advice and consent for a Presidential appointment confim
a formal change made to the Constitution amendment
to accuse of wrongdoing impeach
proposed law bill
a joint committee of the Senate and the House of Representatives to solve disagreements on a bill conference committee
the part of the government that enforces or carries out the laws executive
powers not stated in the Constitution that allow govt to take actions which are needed to perform duties (foreign affairs) inherent powers
powers granted to Congress that aren't stated in the Constitution implied powers
Elastic clause - gives congress the power to make all laws necessary for carrying out their powers necessary and proper clause
expressed powers given to Congress by the Constitution (collect taxes, coin money, borrow money, establish post offices, regulate commerce, declare war) enumerated powers
Another name for the French & Indian War Seven Years War
Primary players of French & Indian War? France & England
What was the disputed territory during the French & Indian War? Ohio River Valley
What treaty ended the French & Indian War? Treat of Paris 1763
Boundary created by the British King that prohibited settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains? Proclamation Line of 1763
Why did the Proclamation line upset colonists? Settlers had already moved west had to move back & many of those settlers had fought for the British in the war
Britian's law-making assembly Parliament
take back or cancel a law repeal
the act that taxed sugar, molasses & indigo Sugar Act
cruel and oppressive government tyranny
act that taxed printed materials such as newspaper, legal documents, and playing cards Stamp Act
act that required the colonists to provide housing for British soldiers Quartering Act
act that taxed paper, paint, lead, glass & tea Townshend Act
act that declared that Parliament's taxing authority was the same in the colonies as it was in Britain Declaratory Act
a colonist that wanted independence from Britain Patriot
colonist who stayed loyal to the King Loyalist
patriots who protested the unfair taxes Sons of Liberty
a meeting of the colonies with the exception o f Georgia to discuss the troubles with Britain First Continental Congress
key leaders in the start of the United Sates founders
the people and institutions with authority to make and enforce laws and manage disputes about laws government
a meeting of delegates from the 13 colonies that united in support of the American Revolutionary War and issued the Declaration of Independence Second Continental Congress
letter sent by the Second Continental Congress to King George III in an attempt to avoid war Olive Branch Petition
army formed by the Second Continental Congress and led by General George Washington Continental Army
document declaring the 13 colonies independent from Britain Declaration of Independence
writer of the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson
military battle that marked the start of the Revolutionary War Lexington and Concord
the first written form of government for the United States Articles of Confederation
were the Articles of Confederation weak or strong? weak
What replaced the Articles of Confederation? the Constitution
approve ratify
how many states had to approve the Constitution 9
where was the Constitution written? Philadelphia
what's the name of the building where the Constitution was written? Independence Hall
courts can decide if a legislative or executive act agrees with the Constitution judicial review
judicial review was established by what court case? Marbury vs Madison
what article describes the legislative branch? Article 1
what article describes the executive branch? Article 2
what article describes the judicial branch? Article 3
the Supreme Court is the... most important court; the highest court of the US
number of judges (justices) on the Supreme Court 9
term for a justice (judge on the Supreme Court) for life or until they quit
Who appoints judges to the Supreme Court? Who approves it? the President appoints members the Senate approves
Which state did not send delegates to the Constitutional Convention? Rhode Island
Which state was the last to ratify the Constitution? Rhode Island
Father of the Constitution James Madison
President of the Convention George Washington
Which plan wanted to create 3 branches of government, bicameral (2 houses) legislature with representation based on population? Virginia Plan
Which plan wanted unicameral (1 house) legislation with equal representation? New Jersey Plan
What compromise made slaves count as 3/5 for representation? 3/5 compromise
Which branch makes the laws? Legislative Branch
Which branch enforces the laws? Executive Branch
Which branch interprets the laws? Judicial Branch
age to run for President 35
Do you have to be a natural born US citizen to run for President? yes
To run for President you have to live in the US for how many years? 14
Presidential term (how long does a President serve for?) 4 years
number of terms a President can serve 2 terms (4 years each x 2 terms = 8 years)
this person takes over if President Biden passes away in office Vice-President Kamala Harris
this person takes over if President Biden & Vice President Kamala Harris both pass away while in office Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy
this person takes over if something happens to the President, Vice President, and Speaker of the House President Pro Tempore Patty Murry
age to be a representative in the House of Representatives 25
to be a representative you have to be a citizen for __ years 7 years
to be a representative you have to live where in the state you're wanting to represent
term for a representative 2 years
our current representative from district 17 Eric Sorenson
number of representatives for a state is determined by ___ population
total members in the House of Representatives is 435
age to be a senator 30
to be a senator you have to be a citizen for __years 9 years
to be a senator you have to live where in the state you're wanting to represent
term for a senator 6 years
Current Illinois senators are ___ and ___ Tammy Duckworth Richard Durbin
number of senators is based on __ equality
each state gets ___ senators 2
number of senators in the Senate 100 (2 from each state)
this person is the leader of the Senate Vice-President (Kamala Harris)
this person is the leader of the House of Representatives Speaker of the House (Kevin McCarthy)
the first 10 amendments to the Constitution Bill of Rights
word meaning one house unicameral
word meaning two houses bicameral
a form of government that means "rule by the people" democracy
group (Congress) that makes laws legislature
Created by: racheloehlert
Popular American Government sets




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