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1.1 Food & Drink
1.1 Food & Drink Cooking
Term | Definition |
el aditivo | additive |
el apetito | appetite |
apetitoso | appetizing |
al horno | baked |
la barbacoa | barbecue |
batido | beaten/whipped |
amargo | bitter |
hervido | boiled |
el hueso | bone |
braseado | braised |
empanado | breaded |
la pechuga | breast |
la caloría | calorie |
el condimento | condiment |
al pastor | cooked outside |
al carbón | cooked over wood/charcoal |
crujiente | crispy/crunchy |
desmenuzado | crumbled/shredded |
sin espinas | boneless (fish) |
carne deshuesada | deboned meat |
sabroso | tasty |
delicioso | delicious |
la dieta | diet |
la masa | dough |
seco | dry, dried |
el huevo | egg |
graso | fatty |
el sabor | flavor |
la harina | flour |
la preparación de alimentos | food preparation |
fresco | fresh |
frito | fried |
rallado | grated |
la salsa | sauce/gravy |
la grasa | fat/grease |
grasiento | greasy |
la parrilla | grill |
sano | healthy |
caliente | hot |
el hambre | hunger |
el ingrediente | ingredient |
el/la carnívoro/a | meat eater |
a punto medio/término medio | medium (cooked) |
suave | mild |
mezclado | mixed |
mohoso | moldy |
aceitoso | oily |
el aceite de oliva | olive oil |
la pasta | pastry |
pelado | peeled |
el trozo (de) | piece |
la porción | portion |
al ajillo | prepared in garlic |
rancio | rancid |
poco hecho | rare |
crudo | raw |
la receta | recipe |
el asado | roast |
la sal y la pimienta | salt and pepper |
salado | salty |
la ración | serving/helping |
ácido | sharp taste/acidic |
tamizado/cernido | sifted |
la tajada/la rebanada | slice |
en rodajas | sliced |
ahumado | smoked |
blando | soft |
picante | spicy |
duro | stale/tough |
cocido al vapor | steamed |
estofado | stewed |
fuerte | strong |
rellenado | stuffed |
el relleno | stuffing |
el aceite de girasol | sunflower oil |
la sed | thirst |
al gusto | to taste |
tostado | toasted |
descosido | uncooked |
el/la vegetariano/a | vegan/vegetarian |
bien cocido/bien hecho | well done |
batido con batidora | whisked |